Lecture-Concert Series
Displaying 1 - 50 of 660 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI hosts painter Josh Smith for Meryl Norton Hearst Lecture Series Public Relations News Release 2009:386, p.1 |
Josh Smith's best-known work is centered on the use of his own name as a motif for exploring abstraction in painting. Along with his paintings, Smith produces many artist books. | |
2 | Major curriculum changes A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.193 |
President Maucker attempts to include a greater exposure to international views into the curriculum with conferences and expanded foreign language and culture courses; photo. | |
3 | New Artists Series lists '64-'65 events College Eye 58:24, p.8 |
A look at the new season's programs; Professor Jones explains that the series formerly known as the Lecture-Concert Series will be known as the Artists Series. | |
4 | L-C Series schedules two '64-'65 events College Eye 58:22, p.3 |
Schedules Houston Symphony and Reduga Dancers. | |
5 | SCI audience is aware, warm says Met soprano College Eye 58:20, p.1 |
Review of performance of Phyllis Curtin; photo. | |
6 | U. S. Dancing Ambassadors on SCI Lecture Concert stage College Eye 58:20, p.1 |
Profile of the San Francisco Ballet Company; photo. | |
7 | Met soprano Phyllis Curtin to sing in 4th L-C program College Eye 58:19, p.1 |
Profile of Phyllis Curtin; photo. | |
8 | Budapest String Quartet's 2nd performance tonight College Eye 58:18, p.1 |
9 | Budapest String Quartet to present two programs College Eye 58:17, p.1 |
Profile of the group; photo. | |
10 | Fletcher reads poetry, prose in Lecture-Concert program College Eye 58:15, p.1 |
A look at Bramwell Fletcher's program of readings; photo. | |
11 | Ballet theater show cancelled College Eye 58:8, p.3 |
12 | Reduced rates at L-C season ticket sales College Eye 58:7, p.5 |
13 | Wanted--Culture mongers College Eye 58:4, p.2 |
Announces ticket sales are slow for Lecture-Concert series. | |
14 | Pianists Vronsky and Babin open Lecture Concert Series College Eye 58:4, p.1 |
Profile of the pianists; photo. | |
15 | Choice seats available for L-C program College Eye 58:3, p.6 |
16 | Season ticket sale begins for L-C series College Eye 58:1, p.5 |
Brief look at season ahead. | |
17 | Season tickets now available for Lecture-Concert Series College Eye 57:39, p.1 |
Brief look at the season ahead. | |
18 | Dance Quartet oppose accidental art; cite subject matter most important College Eye 57:36, p.1 |
Profile of the First Chamber Dance Quartet; photo. | |
19 | First Chamber Dance Quartet in L-C program Tuesday College Eye 57:35, p.1 |
Profile of the group; photo. | |
20 | Folksinger and guitarist Kay Britten here Tuesday College Eye 57:34, p.1 |
Profile of the performer; photo. | |
21 | Two programs in Summer Concert series College Eye 57:33, p.3 |
Kay Britten and First Chamber Dance Quartet will perform. | |
22 | Two events scheduled for summer session L-C series College Eye 57:31, p.3 |
Kay Britten and First Chamber Dance Quartet will perform. | |
23 | American Ballet heads 1963-64 L-C Series College Eye 57:26, p.3 |
A look at the next season. | |
24 | New L-C Series parallels this year's College Eye 57:26, p.2 |
25 | Orchestra to end 1963 L-C Series College Eye 57:25, p.1 |
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra will perform; photo. | |
26 | Illinois Company performs experimental ballet today College Eye 57:24, p.1 |
Description of the performance; photo. | |
27 | Illinois Ballet tickets are still available College Eye 57:23, p.6 |
28 | Illinois dancer to present psychological ballet College Eye 57:22, p.4 |
Illinois Ballet will present "The Metamorphosis of the Owls". | |
29 | Turini relaxes by playing table tennis and cards College Eye 57:22, p.1 |
Interview with Ronald Turini; photo. | |
30 | Pianist Ronald Turini performs Monday, Tuesday in LC Series College Eye 57:21, p.1 |
Profile of the performer; photo. | |
31 | Line formers deserve an apology College Eye 57:21, p.2 |
First come, first served does not seem to be the idea when selling tickets. | |
32 | Carl Sandburg sits relaxed, leafing through his poetry College Eye 57:20, p.1 |
A look at Carl Sandburg's performance and later informal comments; stays at home of James Hearst; photo. | |
33 | Sandburg appears tonight in concert College Eye 57:19, p.1 |
Profile of Carl Sandburg; photo. | |
34 | Tickets sold out for Carl Sandburg concert College Eye 57:18, p.3 |
35 | Roger Wagner Chorale in LC program Monday, Tuesday College Eye 57:18, p.1 |
Profile of the group; photo. | |
36 | Carl Sandburg in L-C Series Feb. 22 College Eye 57:17, p.1 |
Profile of Carl Sandburg. | |
37 | Hayes and Evans: students from SCI are more receptive College Eye 56:10, p.1 |
Interview with Helen Hayes and Maurice Evans; photo. |
38 | Helen Hayes, Maurice Evans in L-C Series Monday, Tuesday College Eye 56:9, p.1 |
Profiles of performers; photo. |
39 | Lecture-Concert ticket sale Wednesday at Crossroads College Eye 56:8, p.1 |
Largest student sale in history. |
40 | Lecture-Concert season ticket sales over 1,500 College Eye 56:6, p.1 |
Quick look at upcoming season. |
41 | Lecture-Concert orders will be filled Monday College Eye 56:2, p.1 |
Quick look at upcoming season. |
42 | Lecture-Concert Series to feature Laurence College Eye 53:40, p.1 |
William L. Laurence will speak; photo. |
43 | Lecture-Concert Series will feature drama, music College Eye 53:40, p.3 |
Preview of the 1962-1963 season. |
44 | 1961-62 notable for expansion at SCI College Eye 53:33, p.1 |
Review of the year's events and activities. |
45 | Hines to return May 9, 10 at 8:15 College Eye 53:29, p.3 |
Jerome Hines performance re-scheduled. |
46 | Helen Hayes here with '62-'63 L-C Series College Eye 53:26, p.1 |
A look ahead at next year's schedule. |
47 | Ceylon dancers perform tonight in L-C series College Eye 53:25, p.1 |
48 | National Dancers of Ceylon to appear Thursday, Friday College Eye 53:24, p.1 |
Performance preview; photo. |
49 | Ceylonese national dancers seek Cedar Falls hospitality College Eye 53:23, p.10 |
Profile of the group. |
50 | Hines concert canceled due to throat infection College Eye 53:21, p.1 |