Leeland--Albert L. (Laboratory School Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Leeland, Hall take jobs in Oregon
College Eye 45:32, p.3
Jack Hall and Albert Leeland will leave Campus School.
2 11 new members named for fall instructional staff
College Eye 42:40, p.1
List of new members, brief profiles, and the faculty members whom they are replacing.
3 The appointments of five new instructors in the teaching department have been announced by Dr. M. J. Nelson, dean of the faculty
Public Relations News Release 1951:6, p.1
They are Wayne O. Aurand, music; Walter J. Gohman, science; Albert Leeland, fourth grade; Melvin F. Salo, rural supervisor, and Marguerite M. Vodicka, third grade.
4 This summer's campus elementary school enrollment will exceed the school's normal enrollment, Principal Tom D. Horn announced today
Public Relations News Release 1950:376, p.1
About 380 pupils, in nursery school through seventh grade, have already registered for the eight-week session which starts Monday, June 18. Present campus elementary school supervisors are listed.