Lehmann--Lisa A. (Class of 1986)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 67 UNI students initiated into Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society; Scholarship winner announced
Public Relations News Release 1986:370, p.1

Membership in the group is limited to junior and senior education majors; Keenan won a $300 education scholarship.

2 UNI student teachers serving in Iowa communities
Public Relations News Release 1986:341, p.1

One hundred and eighty-eight students have begun their nine-week student teaching experience in student teaching centers throughout the state; participants are usually UNI seniors; students listed.

3 UNI student teachers completing their service in Iowa communities
Public Relations News Release 1986:254, p.1
Student teachers are usually UNI seniors and they observe and teach for nine weeks, receiving eight credit hours for their work.
4 RHA--Those involved speak the truth
Northern Iowan 81:46, p.9

RHA candidates state their views on the issues.

5 Panelists question UNISA presidential candidates
Northern Iowan 81:37, p.1
Candidates make short presentations and take questions; photo
6 Graduates respond to letter "To the Editor"
Northern Iowan 81:31, p.3
Former students speak out against Wrede's views on abortion.
7 Students ignore alarm
Northern Iowan 81:30, p.2
Cautions people not to ignore fire alarms.
8 On the stump
Northern Iowan 80:38, p.2
The Residence Hall Association gives their support to Dody Olson and the ACTION party.
9 RWFY to represent concerns
Northern Iowan 79:45, p.2
Residents will help out with residence hall politics.