Lerda--Emiliano (Class of 2004)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 92 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 2012-2013 UNI alumni board
Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.26
Justin Bierman urges alumni to stay connected to UNI; photo.
2 2011-12 UNI Alumni Association Board
Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.18
Roster of board members; photo.
3 Emiliano Lerda
Northern Iowa Today 91:1, p.19
Emiliano Lerda is the student relations officer in the office of the Board of Regents.
4 UNI Alumni Association elects officers and board of directors
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
The officers and board of directors were elected for the Alumni Association. List of members.
5 University of Northern Iowa to host commencements May 8
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Student addresses will be given by Emiliano Lerda and Robert P. Drewelow.
6 Moe, Murphy take office
Northern Iowan 100:53, p.1
Brendon Moe and Joe Murphy sworn in as NISG President and Vice President, respectively; photo.
7 NISG reserves lab money
Northern Iowan 100:49, p.3
NISG votes to set aside $10,000 for use in reopening the Towers computer lab after renovations.
8 Omnibus Bill proposes level funding, renovation bonds
Northern Iowan 100:47, p.1
Description of the Republican state legislative plan for the 2005 budget.
9 CME dedication stirs mixed emotions in UNI Seven
Northern Iowan 100:46, p.1
The new Center for Multicultural Education addition to Maucker Union is dedicated; photo.
10 UNI to dedicate new Center for Multicultural Education
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Dedication will be held Friday, March 26; speakers include President Koob and author Nicolas Vaca.
11 Library budget proposal looks to student activity fee
Northern Iowan 100:44, p.1
Rod Library seeks to address budget problems by requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee Committee; photo.
12 Moe/Murphy take presidency with 60 percent vote
Northern Iowan 100:40, p.1
Brendon Moe and Joe Murphy win race for NISG President and Vice-President, respectively; photo.
13 BOR to extend tuition deadline
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.1
Due to inconsistencies in tuition hikes and state funding, the Board of Regents supports efforts to alter the policy in order to make more informed decisions.
14 Contribute to class gift
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.10
Asks graduating seniors to contribute funds for a Rose Garden or Stage to add to the Union.
15 It's time to vote
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.9
Urges students to vote in the NISG general election.
16 NISG President looks back at year's progress
Northern Iowan 100:39, p.4
NISG President Emiliano Lerda's February activities are given; photo.
17 Presidents plan visit
Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1
President Koob and NISG President Lerda to meet with student body at "Visit with the Presidents" event in the Maucker Union Coffeehouse.
18 Students have 'capital' time in Des Moines
Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1
Students from Iowa Regents universities lobby at the Capitol for relief from budget cuts and tuition hikes.
19 NISG plans lobby date
Northern Iowan 100:36, p.1
Students from all three Regents universities to visit the Capitol and lobby state legislators; photo.
20 Rip-off 101
Northern Iowan 100:34, p.1
The Iowa Public Interest Research Group presents a report outlining price gouging practices in the publishing industry; photo.
21 NISG seeks new leadership
Northern Iowan 100:32, p.3
NISG is holding upcoming general election for senators and student body president and vice president.
22 Iowa's core values in jeopardy
Northern Iowan 100:30, p.6
Questions the actions of state lawmakers regarding taxes and social programs.
23 MSA kicks off Islam Awareness week Monday
Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1
The Muslim Student Association's goal is to inform people about their religion.
24 Lack of state funding: 'substantial concern' with recent cut
Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1
State funding decreased; Board of Regents voted to raise tuition 8.3 percent for the 2004-2005 school year.
25 Board of Regents to meet at the University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Board to discuss several items pertaining to UNI.
26 UNI panel discussion to address issues affecting Latino youth
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Discussion to follow presentation given by Francisco Villarruel.
27 Board of Regents approves 8.3 percent tuition increase
Northern Iowan 100:15, p.1
Tuition increase could have been between thirteen and fifteen percent.
28 Proposal has tuition climbing the ladder
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.1
Tuition and fees are increasing by $471 for the 2004-2005 school year.
29 Government unifies voice of student body
Northern Iowan 100:13, p.6
Profile of the Northern Iowa Student Government and its branches.
30 Biweekly paychecks start in January
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1
Students who work on campus will be paid every two weeks instead of once a month; photo.
31 Town hall meeting addresses budget
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1
The meeting discussed how budget cuts and fewer students also affect Cedar Falls; photo.
32 New building fee will pay bonds for Union, UNI-Dome
Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1
Building fees are no longer included in tuition; students are charged $90 per semester.
33 Shuttle gets new wheels
Northern Iowan 100:10, p.1
Met Transit provided a brand new bus for the Panther Shuttle; photo.
34 Final vote removes Pick-a-Prof funding
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.5
NISG Senate voted to reverse the allocation of $5000 originally intended for an online professor rating system.
35 Iowa universities discuss possible tuition differentiation among majors
Northern Iowan 100:8, p.1
Some students may have to pay more tuition than other students, depending what their major is at UNI.
36 Board of Regents discusses future tuition options
Northern Iowan 100:6, p.1
No tuition increases have been proposed for next year yet; must be proposed by October meeting. The Board of Regents is asking that the tuition increase deadline be open for future discussion since appropriations are not determined until later.
37 FYI: Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 100:5, p.1
Explains who the Regents are; first in a five part series of informational articles.
38 NISG questions $5,000 service over free options
Northern Iowan 100:4, p.6
Senator Andrew Lietzow encouraged the endorsement of a free Internet service to rate professors, but President Lerda believes a free service does not need NISG backing and offered the idea of receiving the same type of service through the university.
39 Evening library hours restored
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1
NISG president Lerda worked with Provost Podolefsky and Dean of Library Services Mercado to keep the library open longer during the academic year; photo.
40 A thanks to students from NISG officials
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.11
NISG President Lerda and Vice President Green are pleased that students voiced their opinions about reduced library hours.
41 Budget cuts affect more than library
Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1
In addition to the library, the Union, WRC, Student Service Center, and Health Center have all lost funding and staff.
42 UBS introduces new price matching policy
Northern Iowan 100:1, p.1
If students find a book priced lower online than at University Book & Supply, UBS will match the price; not valid when book prices found at half.com, ebay, or amazon auction; photo.
43 Students sound off against reduced library hours
Northern Iowan 100:1, p.8
Encourages students to contact NISG with concerns about reduced library hours.
44 NI year in review
Northern Iowan 99:55, p.1

Highlights from the year's big news stories; photo.

45 Lerda, Green sworn in; NISG prepares for 2003-2004 term
Northern Iowan 99:51, p.1
Student participants in next year's NISG speculate about what the future holds for them.
46 Year's final NISG meeting rewards rugby, Pick-a-Prof
Northern Iowan 99:47, p.1
Other items dealt with at the meeting included a discussion on the impeachment process, review of salaries for executive officers, the purchase of computers, and allocation of funds for special events for two campus organizations.
47 Clinton chats with Carver crowd
Northern Iowan 99:45, p.1
Former U. S. President Bill Clinton spoke in Iowa City on "Embracing Our Humanity: Global Security in the 21st Century."
48 Lobbying effort will continue, Wed. considered success
Northern Iowan 99:42, p.1
Several UNI students participated in lobbying effort in Des Moines to press for student issues; photo.
49 New execs seek students' support
Northern Iowan 99:41, p.9
President-elect and vice-president-elect consider the upcoming year; photo.
50 NISG statewide lobbying day set for March 5
Northern Iowan 99:40, p.1
NISG hopes to take at least fifty-five students to Des Moines to lobby for student issues, including rising tuition; photo.