Lerda--Emiliano (Class of 2004)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 92 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | 2012-2013 UNI alumni board Northern Iowa Today 95:1, p.26 |
Justin Bierman urges alumni to stay connected to UNI; photo. | |
2 | 2011-12 UNI Alumni Association Board Northern Iowa Today 94:4, p.18 |
Roster of board members; photo. | |
3 | Emiliano Lerda Northern Iowa Today 91:1, p.19 |
Emiliano Lerda is the student relations officer in the office of the Board of Regents. | |
4 | UNI Alumni Association elects officers and board of directors Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1 |
The officers and board of directors were elected for the Alumni Association. List of members. | |
5 | University of Northern Iowa to host commencements May 8 Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Student addresses will be given by Emiliano Lerda and Robert P. Drewelow. | |
6 | Moe, Murphy take office Northern Iowan 100:53, p.1 |
Brendon Moe and Joe Murphy sworn in as NISG President and Vice President, respectively; photo. | |
7 | NISG reserves lab money Northern Iowan 100:49, p.3 |
NISG votes to set aside $10,000 for use in reopening the Towers computer lab after renovations. | |
8 | Omnibus Bill proposes level funding, renovation bonds Northern Iowan 100:47, p.1 |
Description of the Republican state legislative plan for the 2005 budget. | |
9 | CME dedication stirs mixed emotions in UNI Seven Northern Iowan 100:46, p.1 |
The new Center for Multicultural Education addition to Maucker Union is dedicated; photo. | |
10 | UNI to dedicate new Center for Multicultural Education Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Dedication will be held Friday, March 26; speakers include President Koob and author Nicolas Vaca. | |
11 | Library budget proposal looks to student activity fee Northern Iowan 100:44, p.1 |
Rod Library seeks to address budget problems by requesting funds from the Student Activity Fee Committee; photo. | |
12 | Moe/Murphy take presidency with 60 percent vote Northern Iowan 100:40, p.1 |
Brendon Moe and Joe Murphy win race for NISG President and Vice-President, respectively; photo. | |
13 | BOR to extend tuition deadline Northern Iowan 100:39, p.1 |
Due to inconsistencies in tuition hikes and state funding, the Board of Regents supports efforts to alter the policy in order to make more informed decisions. | |
14 | Contribute to class gift Northern Iowan 100:39, p.10 |
Asks graduating seniors to contribute funds for a Rose Garden or Stage to add to the Union. | |
15 | It's time to vote Northern Iowan 100:39, p.9 |
Urges students to vote in the NISG general election. | |
16 | NISG President looks back at year's progress Northern Iowan 100:39, p.4 |
NISG President Emiliano Lerda's February activities are given; photo. | |
17 | Presidents plan visit Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1 |
President Koob and NISG President Lerda to meet with student body at "Visit with the Presidents" event in the Maucker Union Coffeehouse. | |
18 | Students have 'capital' time in Des Moines Northern Iowan 100:38, p.1 |
Students from Iowa Regents universities lobby at the Capitol for relief from budget cuts and tuition hikes. | |
19 | NISG plans lobby date Northern Iowan 100:36, p.1 |
Students from all three Regents universities to visit the Capitol and lobby state legislators; photo. | |
20 | Rip-off 101 Northern Iowan 100:34, p.1 |
The Iowa Public Interest Research Group presents a report outlining price gouging practices in the publishing industry; photo. | |
21 | NISG seeks new leadership Northern Iowan 100:32, p.3 |
NISG is holding upcoming general election for senators and student body president and vice president. | |
22 | Iowa's core values in jeopardy Northern Iowan 100:30, p.6 |
Questions the actions of state lawmakers regarding taxes and social programs. | |
23 | MSA kicks off Islam Awareness week Monday Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1 |
The Muslim Student Association's goal is to inform people about their religion. | |
24 | Lack of state funding: 'substantial concern' with recent cut Northern Iowan 100:22, p.1 |
State funding decreased; Board of Regents voted to raise tuition 8.3 percent for the 2004-2005 school year. | |
25 | Board of Regents to meet at the University of Northern Iowa Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Board to discuss several items pertaining to UNI. | |
26 | UNI panel discussion to address issues affecting Latino youth Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1 |
Discussion to follow presentation given by Francisco Villarruel. | |
27 | Board of Regents approves 8.3 percent tuition increase Northern Iowan 100:15, p.1 |
Tuition increase could have been between thirteen and fifteen percent. | |
28 | Proposal has tuition climbing the ladder Northern Iowan 100:13, p.1 |
Tuition and fees are increasing by $471 for the 2004-2005 school year. | |
29 | Government unifies voice of student body Northern Iowan 100:13, p.6 |
Profile of the Northern Iowa Student Government and its branches. | |
30 | Biweekly paychecks start in January Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1 |
Students who work on campus will be paid every two weeks instead of once a month; photo. | |
31 | Town hall meeting addresses budget Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1 |
The meeting discussed how budget cuts and fewer students also affect Cedar Falls; photo. | |
32 | New building fee will pay bonds for Union, UNI-Dome Northern Iowan 100:11, p.1 |
Building fees are no longer included in tuition; students are charged $90 per semester. | |
33 | Shuttle gets new wheels Northern Iowan 100:10, p.1 |
Met Transit provided a brand new bus for the Panther Shuttle; photo. | |
34 | Final vote removes Pick-a-Prof funding Northern Iowan 100:8, p.5 |
NISG Senate voted to reverse the allocation of $5000 originally intended for an online professor rating system. | |
35 | Iowa universities discuss possible tuition differentiation among majors Northern Iowan 100:8, p.1 |
Some students may have to pay more tuition than other students, depending what their major is at UNI. | |
36 | Board of Regents discusses future tuition options Northern Iowan 100:6, p.1 |
No tuition increases have been proposed for next year yet; must be proposed by October meeting. The Board of Regents is asking that the tuition increase deadline be open for future discussion since appropriations are not determined until later. | |
37 | FYI: Board of Regents Northern Iowan 100:5, p.1 |
Explains who the Regents are; first in a five part series of informational articles. | |
38 | NISG questions $5,000 service over free options Northern Iowan 100:4, p.6 |
Senator Andrew Lietzow encouraged the endorsement of a free Internet service to rate professors, but President Lerda believes a free service does not need NISG backing and offered the idea of receiving the same type of service through the university. | |
39 | Evening library hours restored Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1 |
NISG president Lerda worked with Provost Podolefsky and Dean of Library Services Mercado to keep the library open longer during the academic year; photo. | |
40 | A thanks to students from NISG officials Northern Iowan 100:2, p.11 |
NISG President Lerda and Vice President Green are pleased that students voiced their opinions about reduced library hours. | |
41 | Budget cuts affect more than library Northern Iowan 100:2, p.1 |
In addition to the library, the Union, WRC, Student Service Center, and Health Center have all lost funding and staff. | |
42 | UBS introduces new price matching policy Northern Iowan 100:1, p.1 |
If students find a book priced lower online than at University Book & Supply, UBS will match the price; not valid when book prices found at half.com, ebay, or amazon auction; photo. | |
43 | Students sound off against reduced library hours Northern Iowan 100:1, p.8 |
Encourages students to contact NISG with concerns about reduced library hours. | |
44 | NI year in review Northern Iowan 99:55, p.1 |
Highlights from the year's big news stories; photo. |
45 | Lerda, Green sworn in; NISG prepares for 2003-2004 term Northern Iowan 99:51, p.1 |
Student participants in next year's NISG speculate about what the future holds for them. | |
46 | Year's final NISG meeting rewards rugby, Pick-a-Prof Northern Iowan 99:47, p.1 |
Other items dealt with at the meeting included a discussion on the impeachment process, review of salaries for executive officers, the purchase of computers, and allocation of funds for special events for two campus organizations. | |
47 | Clinton chats with Carver crowd Northern Iowan 99:45, p.1 |
Former U. S. President Bill Clinton spoke in Iowa City on "Embracing Our Humanity: Global Security in the 21st Century." | |
48 | Lobbying effort will continue, Wed. considered success Northern Iowan 99:42, p.1 |
Several UNI students participated in lobbying effort in Des Moines to press for student issues; photo. | |
49 | New execs seek students' support Northern Iowan 99:41, p.9 |
President-elect and vice-president-elect consider the upcoming year; photo. | |
50 | NISG statewide lobbying day set for March 5 Northern Iowan 99:40, p.1 |
NISG hopes to take at least fifty-five students to Des Moines to lobby for student issues, including rising tuition; photo. |