Lewis--Marilyn (Class of 1955)

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Kappas Stress Social Awareness
Old Gold 0:0, p.243
Description of the Kappa Theta Psi Sorority and a list of the events that the sisters took part in over the year, including Mardi Gras and Homecoming; photos.
2 BAE's Gain Perspective on Junior High Level
Old Gold 0:0, p.202
Description of Beta Alpha Epsilon; photos.
3 Senior Women's Honorary Organization
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Description of Torch and Tassel; photos.
4 SLB Names 25 to Purple Key
Old Gold 0:0, p.118
Brief description of the Purple Key and a photo with information about each student selected; photos.
5 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.218
Brief description of the group; photo.
6 Inter-sorority and fraternity councils
Old Gold 0:0, p.214
Brief description of the group; photo.
7 Kappa Phi, Methodist
Old Gold 0:0, p.211

List of members; photo.

8 Wesley Foundation Council, Methodist
Old Gold 0:0, p.210
List of members; photo.
9 Senior Counselors
Old Gold 0:0, p.95
Brief description of the group; photo.
10 Chimes
Old Gold 0:0, p.165
Brief description of the group; photo.
11 Beta Alpha Epsilon
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Brief description of the group; photo.
12 Display contemporary art Sunday; panel will discuss original works
College Eye 45:25, p.3
Works by 38 modern artists will be on display; photo.
13 Chimes picks new officers
College Eye 45:7, p.1
List of new officers.
14 College chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.134

College chorus members; photo.

15 Purple arrow
Old Gold 0:0, p.159
Sue Piper, Shirley Mahannah, Phyllis Fairchild, Pat Von Sprecken, Lois Lister, and Jo Pogemiller serve as officers in the Purple Arrow; photo.
16 Marlins
Old Gold 0:0, p.182

Ruth Kenyon, Patricia Alexander, and Pat Granau serve as officers in the Marlins; photo.

17 Wesley Foundation Council, Methodist
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
List of members; photo.
18 Kappa Phi, Methodist
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
List of members; photo.
19 Kappa Theta Psi
Old Gold 0:0, p.205
Sorority roster; photo.
20 Bartlett Hall
Old Gold 0:0, p.90
Photo of the elected officers of Bartlett Hall and of the building. A discription of the hall is also featured; photo.
21 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:760, p.1
Bonita Berka, Sheila Flinn, Lanelle Harvey, Betty Holder, Marilyn Lewis, Paula Masters, Roberta Orvis, Susan Ritz, Jenise Schnur, Marjorie Shadle and Marilyn Sheeley have been selected for membership in Purple Arrow at ISTC.
22 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:665, p.1
Marilyn Lewis, Waterloo, has been named an assistant to the editors of "You at TC", freshman orientation booklet for women at Iowa State Teachers college.
23 Special To: Waterloo Courier
Public Relations News Release 1951:592, p.1
Two Waterloo girls have been formally initiated into social sororities. Marily Lewis was initiated into Kappa Theta Psi and Donnabelle Stehrns became a member of Pi Theta Pi.
24 Special To: Waterloo Courier
Public Relations News Release 1952:592, p.1
Two Waterloo girls have been formally initiated into social sororities. Marily Lewis was initiated into Kappa Theta Psi, and Donnabelle Stearns became a member of Pi Theta Pi. Lewis is a freshman elementary major, and Stearns is also a freshman.
25 Special To: Waterloo Daily Courier
Public Relations News Release 1952:465, p.1
Nancy Burk, Waterloo, has been elected president of Kappa Theta Psi, a local social sorority. Also elected were Marilyn Lewis, corresponding secretary, and Jackie Heald, social chairman. Both girls are from Waterloo.
26 Special To: Waterloo Courier and Cedar Falls Record
Public Relations News Release 1952:437, p.1
Twenty-seven students from Waterloo and twenty-three students from Cedar falls were listed on the fall honor roll, which included a total of 221 students, according to M. J. Nelson, dean of faculty. Students listed.