Lewis--Pearl E. (Class of 1933)
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | The Reverend Milton L. Dowden Alumnus 33:3, p.15 |
Pastorate of the First Baptist Church in Mentone, Ind. | |
2 | Rev. and Mrs. Milton Dowden, (Pearl E. Lewis) Alumnus 25:4, p.31 |
Of Merton, Wisconsin, visited in Cedar Falls during the summer. While in Cedar Falls, the Rev. Mr. Dowden was guest preacher at the Walnut Street Baptist Church in Waterloo. | |
3 | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dowden Alumnus 20:3, p.31 |
The former Pearl Lewis and her husband are the parents of Lois Ann, who was born on February 10, 1936. | |
4 | Pearl E. Lewis Alumnus 18:4, p.31 |
Married Milton Dowden on July 10, 1934. | |
5 | Dowden, Steele feted by Kappa Theta Psi's College Eye 26:6, p.3 |
Pearl Lewis married Milton Steele; Gladys Clark married Hugh Steele. | |
6 | Dowden-Lewis rites performed July 10 in Waterloo church College Eye 26:6, p.3 |
Pearl Lewis married Milton Dowden. | |
7 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.239 |
Officers, history, members, and pledges; campus Beta chapter organized in 1906; photos. | |
8 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.147 |
Description and officers of group organized in about 1921 by Professor Doris White; photos. | |
9 | Graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Graduate photos. | |
10 | American Red Cross Life Saving corps will present its annual swimming carnival. Public Relations News Release 1932:204, p.1 |
Annual swimming carnival presented in the men's pool at the college on January 11. | |
11 | Women receive sports awards Alumnus 17:1, p.21 |
Roster of women who won intramural sports awards. | |
12 | Sports awards for women are made at dinner College Eye 24:12, p.1 |
Women's awards presented for intramural sports. | |
13 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
Names of members and photo. | |
14 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.161 |
Photo and names of members. | |
15 | Orchesis Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
Names of members; photo. |
16 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.255 |
Names of officers and members; photos. | |
17 | Kappa Theta Psi Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
Honorary members, sorores on faculty, sorores in college, and pledges; photo. | |
18 | Delphian Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.218 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
19 | Life Saving Corps Old Gold 0:0, p.168 |
Officers and roll; photos. |
20 | Women's Athletic Association Old Gold 0:0, p.164 |
A look at the purposes of the WAA; photos of the executive council. | |
21 | Delphian Literary Society Old Gold 0:0, p.240 |
Officers and members; photos. | |
22 | W. A. A. College Eye 21:31, p.3 |
Roster of officers. |