Liebbe--James (Jim) (Class of 1966)

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Praise for 'exposure'
College Eye 63:63, p.2
Hopes the administration noticed the Exposure UNI exhibit.
2 Review stresses diversity, controversy
College Eye 63:63, p.2
Jim Liebbe created a display of what he felt was diverse and controversial on campus.
3 A look at campus life
College Eye 63:62, p.1
Will display material relating to recent campus events.
4 Celebrated alligator gets larger living quarters
College Eye 63:62, p.1
Students and others contribute to alligator home improvement.
5 Let's discuss architectural plans--Liebbe
College Eye 63:60, p.2
Comments on the $90 raised for new housing for Allie the Alligator and wonders when construction will begin.
6 Organization meeting for Eye staff
College Eye 63:57, p.1
List of staff members for the summer.
7 Student-Faculty Senates discuss, grades, evaluation
College Eye 63:56, p.5
8 Open forum to meet Thursday
College Eye 63:53, p.8
Men's Union will hold forum.
9 University Free Press, new paper to form at SCI
College Eye 63:51, p.1
Will offer news and analysis.
10 Smith resigns and legislators are rejoicing
College Eye 63:48, p.2
Comments on the recent resignation of the ISU student body president over a marijuana incident.
11 Liebbe clarifies his 'corn' stand
College Eye 63:48, p.2
Lets his feelings about corn show through.
12 'Corn age has passed'
College Eye 63:46, p.3
"Outraged" at actions against ISU's student body president recently found to be a marijuana user.
13 New left student group organizes
College Eye 63:45, p.4
Jim Liebbe talks about Students for Radicalism.
14 Radicals: We'll be around
College Eye 63:43, p.3
Promises that the SCI radicals have not left the premises.
15 'Gator' bottle drive ends today
College Eye 63:41, p.8
Collecting bottles to buy alligator a larger tank.
16 Starts alligator fund
College Eye 63:40, p.3
Announces fund raising to better the living quarters of the greenhouse alligator.
17 Why vote against
College Eye 63:40, p.3
Questions candidates about their voting against the speaking engagement of the ISU student body president.
18 How do you headline this?
College Eye 63:33, p.2
An open letter to Miss Field: Hell no!; refers to a letter from 2-14-67.
19 Success spoil Liebbe?
College Eye 63:32, p.2
Asks if success will spoil Jim Liebbe.
20 Student Senate considers hiring lawyer as adviser
College Eye 63:31, p.1
Also considers grading of student teachers, telephone system, entertainment series, Union director, and column on homosexuality in Courier.
21 Student senator asks vote on Mrs. E. Winier
College Eye 63:31, p.1
Asks for vote of confidence on acting director of student union.
22 Viet Nam float brings reality for a moment
College Eye 63:12, p.1
Describes the process used to build a float depicting the war in Viet Nam; photo.
23 Approximately 300 hours a week: Twice a week, out of clashes and chaos, comes your EYE
College Eye 60:38, p.4
Lengthy description of the process involved in putting out the College Eye; photo.