Lietzow--Andrew Calvin (Class of 2007)
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Untitled Northern Iowan 102:52, p.8 |
Response to Drew Lietzow's column on the reported attack on a woman by members of the lacrosse team at Duke University. | |
2 | Student government defeats teacher pay resolution Northern Iowan 102:35, p.1 |
General idea of increased funding for teacher pay accepted, but wording discouraged some from supporting resolution; photo. | |
3 | First NISG meeting of 2006 brings hot topics to the table; personal wellness lecture complaints discussed Northern Iowan 102:31, p.1 |
Topics at the meeting included choosing a new president for UNI, student elections, and forming committees to meet student needs; photo. | |
4 | Fall 2005 University of Northern Iowa STARs announced Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1 |
Student Telecounseling Admissions Representatives are announced; these students make calls and communicate with prospective students and keeps them informed. |
5 | NISG supports cigarette tax Northern Iowan 101:53, p.1 |
A 16-12 resolution was passed in favor of the proposed cigarette tax increase in the Iowa legislature. | |
6 | Senators elected for 2005-06 school year Northern Iowan 101:41, p.2 |
Senate roster. | |
7 | Free taxi bill failed by NISG Northern Iowan 101:10, p.3 |
A bill authorizing the hiring of a taxi service for UNI students on Homecoming weekend fails in the Senate by one vote. | |
8 | Disrespect when defacing buildings Northern Iowan 101:10, p.6 |
Speaks out against defacing campus property in order to convey a message. | |
9 | Examine candidates' platforms Northern Iowan 100:39, p.10 |
Urges students to examine NISG presidential candidates' platforms thoroughly to find one that fits their needs; advocates taking action rather than restating previous issues that hold weight with students. | |
10 | Government unifies voice of student body Northern Iowan 100:13, p.6 |
Profile of the Northern Iowa Student Government and its branches. | |
11 | NISG questions $5,000 service over free options Northern Iowan 100:4, p.6 |
Senator Andrew Lietzow encouraged the endorsement of a free Internet service to rate professors, but President Lerda believes a free service does not need NISG backing and offered the idea of receiving the same type of service through the university. | |
12 | Koob out of touch with the needs of student Northern Iowan 100:3, p.10 |
Concerned about tuition hikes. |