Literary Magazines

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Magazine changes name
Northern Iowan 83:23, p.7
Inner Weather will become Dead Letter.
2 Student publications undergo expansion
Northern Iowan 80:53, p.1
Establish graduate assistantship; considering scholarships and establishing "Draftings in . . . " series; considering future of Old Gold.
3 Magazine deadline near
Northern Iowan 80:30, p.13
Seeking submissions.
4 Student writers and artists to reveal their "inner weather"
Northern Iowan 79:33, p.17
Brief history of literary magazines on campus; Anita Hoffman talks about putting Inner Weather together.
5 Student magazine
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.16
Magazine planned.
6 Club starts literary magazine
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.14
English Club hopes to start literary magazine.
7 Phone-a-thon doing well
Northern Iowan 78:49, p.6
English Club has raised over $1200 for new literary magazine.
8 English Club supports student-run magazine
Northern Iowan 78:47, p.13
Attempting to raise money for literary magazine.
9 English Club: not just for majors anymore
Northern Iowan 78:21, p.16
Good look at English Club activities.
10 Avante Garde
Northern Iowan 77:53, p.7
Collection of poetry and art by UNI students.
11 Submit writing, art to NI
Northern Iowan 77:44, p.15
NI accepting material for literary supplement.
12 'Black and White' is back
Northern Iowan 77:26, p.16
Preview of the magazine.
13 Watch for second issue of 'BW'
Northern Iowan 77:23, p.11
Editors talk about next issue of Black and White.
14 Literary supplement
Northern Iowan 76:49, p.4
Northern Iowan looking for student works for upcoming issue.
15 Literary supplement
Northern Iowan 76:48, p.11
Northern Iowan looking for student works for an upcoming issue.
16 Literary supplement
Northern Iowan 76:47, p.3
Northern Iowan looking for student work for upcoming issue.
17 NI seeks more talent
Northern Iowan 76:47, p.5
Newspaper is seeking student works for an upcoming issue.
18 Pumping Lead
Northern Iowan 75:54, p.6
Featured student works of fiction, poetry, and art.
19 Literary supplement planned for May 8 issue
Northern Iowan 75:52, p.3
A literary supplement will be added to the May 8 issue of the Northern Iowan.
20 Literary publication planned for spring
Northern Iowan 75:37, p.6
English Department and NI plan publication.
21 UNI students ask: 'Why no literary magazine?'
Northern Iowan 75:11, p.3
Very unhappy that university will not support a literary magazine.
22 Art, poetry special section
Northern Iowan 74:54, p.9
23 Notice!
Northern Iowan 74:52, p.2
Looking for contributions for creative writing special section.
24 Fine Arts supplement
Northern Iowan 74:50, p.1
Seeking contributions for supplement to Northern Iowan.
25 Haring: literary magazine essential
Northern Iowan 71:55, p.1
Cynthia Haring talks about the plight and possibilities of a literary magazine on campus.
26 Spring issue of 'Midwest' will go on sale Monday
College Eye 51:28, p.3
Preview of the magazine.
27 'Midwest' dedicated to Ruth Suckow
College Eye 51:27, p.1
Ruth Suckow died January 22, 1960; magazine will follow Ruth Suckow's style; will include short story by Suckow; new cover designed.
28 'Midwest' magazine sold Mon.; presents students' creations
College Eye 51:12, p.4
Lengthy description of the literary magazine; photo.
29 Midwest . . . .
College Eye 50:14, p.6
Will be on sale after Christmas.
30 'Midwest' debuts Monday, Tuesday
College Eye 49:12, p.6
Preview of the literary magazine; literary supplement will no longer be published in the College Eye.
31 Literary writings being received
College Eye 47:7, p.1
For Literary Supplement to College Eye.
32 Literary supplement
College Eye 46:30, p.
Poetry and creative writing submitted by students.
33 Literary page board ready for Eye manuscripts
College Eye 46:24, p.1
Guidelines for manuscript submissions.
34 A new opportunity
College Eye 46:23, p.2
New radio station KYTC and new creative literary insert in College Eye will begin soon.
35 Rejuvenated 'Purple Pen' to be released March 11
College Eye 33:20, p.1
New board formed to try to include wider selection of material; will be called "Pen".
36 Color and punch in Purple Pen
College Eye 32:10, p.1
Preview of thirteenth year of Purple Pen.
37 Fall Purple Pen on sale November 19
College Eye 32:2, p.5
Tau Sigma Delta and Miss Terry are putting the magazine together.
38 Literary
College Eye 19:38, p.5
Urges summer students to submit work to the paper.
39 Inquiring Reporter; do you think T. C. should have a literary magazine published by the students?
College Eye 19:33, p.7
Many students favor the idea.
40 The Wolff's Howl
College Eye 19:26, p.4
Encourages starting a literary magazine on campus; outlines value of student newspaper.
41 The Pop-off
College Eye 19:22, p.8
Advocates making a literary magazine of students' work.