Local Businesses
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | UNI students compete on 'American Ninja Warrior' Northern Iowan 119:13, p.1 |
Jon Klippenstein and Ella Sankey, both UNI students, competed on NBC's tv show American Ninja Warrior. Klippenstein moved on to the second round of the competition before being eliminated; photo. |
2 | Local businesses offer autumn festive fun Northern Iowan 118:15, p.1 |
Local main street businesses promote their new seasonal items; photo. |
3 | Hurts Donuts opens in Cedar Falls Northern Iowan 116:21, p.1 |
Janelle and Scott Wilks co-own and operate Hurts Donuts, which had its grand opening in Cedar Falls on October 6. They handed out 1,200 donuts to those passing by in exchange for hugs; photo. |
4 | Student to compete on 'Ninja Warrior' Northern Iowan 115:54, p.1 |
Student Jackson Twait will be competing on the television program American Ninja Warrior in Cincinnati over Memorial Day weekend; it will air on NBC July 3, 2019; photos. | |
5 | College Hill adds 'Finishing Touch' Northern Iowan 115:46, p.1 |
A new combination barber shop and tattoo parlor, The Finishing Touch, opens on College Hill; photos. | |
6 | Insomnia Cookies actually cause insomnia Northern Iowan 115:45, p.7 |
Satire piece for Abril Fool's Day about the local business Insomnia Cookies actually causing insomnia; photo. | |
7 | Dick's Pizza won't go down without a fight Northern Iowan 115:45, p.6 |
Satire piece for April Fool's Day about the owner of a former College Hill restaurant Dick's Pizza selling pizza on the street; photo. | |
8 | EatStreet launches in Cedar Valley Northern Iowan 115:44, p.1 |
EatStreet, a Midwest-based online food delivery service, is launching in the Cedar Falls-Waterloo area; photo. | |
9 | Local Food and Film Fest held at Hearst Center Northern Iowan 115:40, p.8 |
The fifth annual Local Food and Film Festival took place at the Hearst Center for the Arts on March 2; photos. | |
10 | Oh My Grill coming to College Hill Northern Iowan 115:38, p.4 |
The restaurant Oh My Grill will be opening on College Hill; photo. | |
11 | Elizabeth Moen performs at Octo Northern Iowan 115:37, p.5 |
Katie Sin and Elizabeth Moen, both Iowa natives, performed at College Hill's Octopus Bar on February 17; photos. | |
12 | "MLKegs" tradition is embarrassing for community Northern Iowan 115:29, p.3 |
In the author's opinion, the UNI "MLKegs" drinking tradition is a disrespectful appropriate of Martin Luther King Jr's name and legacy; photo. | |
13 | Icon Donuts & Sweetery opens on Hill Northern Iowan 115:28, p.1 |
Icon Donuts and Sweetery, owned by Kyle Dehmlow, opened on College Hill; photos. | |
14 | Panther Portrait: LowRay Northern Iowan 115:22, p.4 |
The Twin Cities band LowRay performed at the Octopus bar on November 1; photos. | |
15 | Ninja gym opens in Cedar Falls Northern Iowan 115:19, p.2 |
UNI alumni Scott Behrend and Jacob Pauli opened Ninja U, an American Ninja Warrior training facility. It is the first of its kind in Iowa; photo. | |
16 | 2016 Student Guide Northern Iowan 112:54, p. |
The summer 2016 student guide, including letters of welcome, information about higher education, and features of Cedar Falls; photos. |
17 | CVDIY: Art, music and more Northern Iowan 112:54, p.1 |
The music and art festival Cedar Valley Do It Yourself Fest III will take place at the Cedar Falls restored Boat House on June 3; photos. |
18 | Chalk controversy on College St. Northern Iowan 112:53, p.1 |
Businesses on College Hill and Main Street were chalked with anti-sexual assault messages on April 8; photo. |
19 | Bourbon Street to be replaced Northern Iowan 112:51, p.1 |
The Cedar Falls downtown restaurant Bourbon Street will close and re-open as the Noble Oak; photo. |
20 | Talking science and religion over beer Northern Iowan 112:45, p.5 |
UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) held Pint with a Prof on March 24, featuring professors Steve O'Kane and Jerry Soneson discussing "Religion and Science: Friends or Enemies," photo. |
21 | Ninth year of beer benefit Northern Iowan 112:39, p.1 |
The ninth annual Beers to You and Gourmet Too, a fundraiser for the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC), will take place at the Five Sullivan Brothers Center in Waterloo on February 27; photos. |
22 | TED talker talks Darwin Northern Iowan 112:36, p.5 |
Michael Shermer gave the lecture "Why Darwin Matters: Evolution, Creationism, and Intelligent Design" on February 11 in the Center for Multicultural Education (CME). He was hosted by UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) for Darwin Week. |
23 | V-day plans that won't break the bank Northern Iowan 112:35, p.4 |
There are many low-cost ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day both on and off campus; photo. |
24 | Improv group caters to a younger audience Northern Iowan 112:32, p.4 |
Mattox reviews the Half-Masted improv group show at the Lamppost on January 29, giving it a mixed but overall favorable review. |
25 | Beck's or bust Northern Iowan 112:30, p.1 |
A man head-butted and broke a window at Beck's Sports Grill on College Hill on January 23; photos. |
26 | Students share 'Pint with a Prof' Northern Iowan 112:23, p.1 |
UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI) hosted Pint with a Prof at College Hill's Octopus bar on November 11, featuring Fernando Calderón's talk "Subservsion Comes in the Form of a Student." |
27 | CrossFit: Growing opportunity to get moving Northern Iowan 112:20, p.8 |
Herring discusses the growing popularity of CrossFit, an exercise regimen; photo. |
28 | CAB-toberfest Northern Iowan 112:19, p.1 |
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) and Veterans Association hosted CABtoberfest, a night of Halloween-themed fun, in Maucker Union on October 29; photo. |
29 | Students to 'shred for Bernie' at Octopus on the Hill Northern Iowan 112:17, p.2 |
UNI Students for Bernie Sanders will host "Shred for Bernie," a live music and political event, at the Octopus on College Hill on November 7. |
30 | Variety of talent at Sidecar Northern Iowan 112:9, p.4 |
Sidecar Coffee also hosts a variety of events like open mic shows. |
31 | Fabulous Fashions comes to The Hill Northern Edition 2:20, p.6 |
New clothing store opens. |