Loonan--Mae B. (Class of 1893)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 50 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mrs. T. U. McManus
Alumnus 33:2, p.27
The former Mae Loonan died on January 21 in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
2 Thomas U. McManus, Jr.
Alumnus 28:4, p.24
A Major in the Army; son of Dr. and Mrs. McManus.
3 Dr. Thomas McManus dies
Alumnus 23:1, p.30
Noted Waterloo physician and Teachers College alumnus died November 5 of lobar pneumonia at age 66. On August 23, 1898, he married Mae B. Loonan. Other survivors are a sister, Alice (Stephen P. Hicks), Minneapolis, and a brother, George.
4 Mrs. T. U. McManus
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.5
Mrs. T. U. McManus achieves membership of the Young Women's Christian Association War Service Council.
5 Young Women's Christian Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.213

Roster of the organization's former presidents.

6 Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 9:23, p.546
Now Mrs. T. U. McManus of Waterloo.
7 T. U. McManus
Normal Eyte 9:21, p.495
Obtained master's degree; married Mae Loonan; practices medicine in Davenport.
8 It gives us great pleasure to announce
Normal Eyte 8:34, p.484
T. U. McManus and Mae Loonan McManus have new son.
9 The marriage of T. U. McManus
Normal Eyte 8:1, p.11
Married Mae B. Loonan.
10 The following is a partial list
Normal Eyte 7:27, p.11
Many Normalites visit campus.
11 In the Black Hawk County institute
Normal Eyte 7:27, p.11
Mae Loonan and H. B. Lizer taking part.
12 May Loonan
Normal Eyte 6:5, p.58
Visiting campus.
13 Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 5:35, p.351
May return to Mitchellville in the fall.
14 No one is more welcome
Normal Eyte 5:34, p.341
Mae Loonan visited campus.
15 The Normal School
Normal Eyte 5:12, p.103
Three alumni teaching at Mitchellville.
16 Our friends, Misses Loonan and Mintier
Normal Eyte 4:14, p.217
Doing well at Mitchelville.
17 Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 4:8, p.120
Teaching at reform school in Mitchellville.
18 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 3:35, p.278
Hopes to be able to return to work in Mitchelville.
19 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 3:33, p.261
Gives up work because of health.
20 Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 3:26, p.203
Teaching at Industrial School for Girls.
21 May Loonan
Normal Eyte 3:8, p.62
Teaching in Mitchelville.
22 We trust the friends of Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 3:6, p.47
Visits Etta Shaffner.
23 Misses May Loonan and Bertha Berry
Normal Eyte 2:35, p.271
Visit Waterloo.
24 Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:33, p.256
Has had whooping cough.
25 Misses Mae Loonan and Bertha Berry
Normal Eyte 2:32, p.249
Visit Hudson.
26 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:31, p.240
Back after illness.
27 Mr. Frank Wilson
Normal Eyte 2:30, p.233
Call on Misses Loonan and Berry.
28 Since our last issue
Normal Eyte 2:30, p.227
Jessie Orr died; had been teaching in Danbury.
29 School Directory
Normal Eyte 2:28, p.217
Roster of student organizations and officers.
30 Coasting is getting to be rather serious fun
Normal Eyte 2:22, p.177
A number of students, including several women, have been injured in sledding accidents.
31 School Directory
Normal Eyte 2:15, p.121
Roster of school organizations and their officers.
32 Misses Mae Loonan and Josie Bedford
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.94
Spend Thanksgiving at Hudson.
33 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:12, p.94
Edith Curtiss visits.
34 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:11, p.87
Spends weekend in Hudson.
35 In justice to our Y. W. C. A. editor
Normal Eyte 2:10, p.77
Notes names omitted from previous article on state convention.
36 Miss May Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:8, p.63
Will lead Sunday meeting.
37 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:7, p.56
Visits parents near Hudson.
38 School Directory
Normal Eyte 2:7, p.56
Roster of student organizations and their officers.
39 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 2:6, p.48
345 enrolled in Bible study classes; YMCA elects state convention delegation.
40 Y. M. & Y. W. C. A.
Normal Eyte 2:5, p.41
Professor Bartlett will address meeting; meeting leaders announced; handbook committee makes $7.25.
41 Miss Mae Loonan
Normal Eyte 2:3, p.23
Visited friends in Waterloo.
42 The Third Year Class of 1892
Normal Eyte 2:2, p.15
Whereabouts and occupations of class members.
43 The term reception
Normal Eyte 2:1, p.4
Detailed description of the term reception in the Chapel which included music, brief addresses, and socializing.
44 The program of the Shakespearean Circle
Normal Eyte 1:16, p.127
Meeting emphasizes French history and literature.
45 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:15, p.118
Roster of officers of student organizations and military companies.
46 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:13, p.101
Roster of officers of student organizations.
47 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:10, p.77
List of student organizations and their officers.
48 The Shakespearean Society
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.39
Highlights of recent meeting.
49 School Directory
Normal Eyte 1:5, p.37
Roster of officers of student organizations.
50 Prayer meeting
Normal Eyte 1:3, p.21
Cora Spargur will lead Wednesday; Mae Loonan will lead Sunday.