Lynch--Eugene Baker (Class of 1921)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 55 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Alumni Quiz Kids have fun at Des Moines reunion Alumnus 29:1, p.4 |
Quiz show format allows officials to give facts about the college; presentation is recorded for later broadcast; photo. | |
2 | Hake, alumni quiz kids entertain at reunion College Eye 36:9, p.1 |
Will hold annual dinner and reunion in Des Moines; will be recorded and broadcast on radio. | |
3 | Students put finishing touches on decorations in honor of alumni returning for Homecoming Public Relations News Release 1934:683, p.2 |
Schedule of Homecoming events. | |
4 | Iowa teachers and high school coaches will be "on vacation" this weekend when the Iowa State Teachers College hosts the Grinnell College football team Public Relations News Release 1934:680, p.2 |
Schedule of Homecoming activities. | |
5 | Student, faculty, and alumni officials are rushing to prepare Homecoming entertainment Public Relations News Release 1934:665, p. |
Schedule of Homecoming activities. | |
6 | Fraternity, sorority, and rooming house groups plan for house decorations Public Relations News Release 1934:664, p.1 |
Schedule of Homecoming activities. | |
7 | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Lynch Alumnus 16:3, p.31 |
Parents of Harriet Jean, who was born on March 18, 1932. | |
8 | Eugene B. Lynch Alumnus 15:3, p.26 |
Superintendent of schools at Sigourney, Iowa, was elected First Vice President of the Southeastern Iowa State Teachers Association at a meeting held at Muscatine, Iowa. Lynch is the son of S. A. Lynch, head of the English Department at the College | |
9 | Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lynch College Eye 16:14, p.8 |
Returned home after visiting Professor and Mrs. Samuel Lynch. | |
10 | Theta Alpha Phi College Eye 16:8, p.5 |
Entertained at Professor Samuel Lynch's home; roster of alumni members who attended. | |
11 | Mr. Eugene Lynch College Eye 15:31, p.8 |
Visited here with his parents. | |
12 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 15:4, p.7 |
Is superintendent at Farson Consolidated School. | |
13 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 14:13, p.8 |
Teaching in Sigourney, Iowa. | |
14 | Eugene Lynch Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.5 |
Eugene Lynch is reelected to the position of conductor for the Sigourney Concert Band. He is to attend the Teachers College in the fall. | |
15 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 13:27, p.8 |
Teaching in Sigourney; visited parents. | |
16 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 13:17, p.8 |
Visited during Christmas. | |
17 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 13:14, p.8 |
Teaching in Sigourney. | |
18 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 13:10, p.12 |
Visited campus last weekend. | |
19 | Eugene Lynch College Eye 13:3, p.8 |
Teaches in Sigourney, Iowa. | |
20 | Basketball Old Gold 0:0, p.222 |
Review of the season; summary of games; scores by players; photo. | |
21 | Photographs of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.38 |
Photo. | |
22 | Commercial Class Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Roster of officers and students; photo. | |
23 | Shakespeareans Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Roster of members for the Shakespeareans and the Aristotelians; brief overview of the year; photo. | |
24 | T. C. Club Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Lettermen's Club roster of officers and membership roll; photo. | |
25 | Delta Sigma Rho banquet College Eye 13:1, p.2 |
Roster of initiates and officers. | |
26 | Senior B. A. College Eye 12:8, p.8 |
News notes about members of the class. |
27 | Senior B. A.s College Eye 12:4, p.3 |
Select class officers and Old Gold staff. | |
28 | Shake-Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.165 |
Membership and presidents of the Shakespeare Literary Society and Aristotelian Literary Society. Class and candid photos, poems, songs, and chants; photo. | |
29 | Triangular debating team Old Gold 0:0, p.150 |
Members of the debate teams; Fred Kaltenbach won the local oratorical contest and represented ISTC at the interstate contest; photo. | |
30 | Junior B.A. Old Gold 0:0, p.90 |
Members of the junior class, class predictions, and did you know section. | |
31 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:27, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
32 | Debaters receive medals College Eye 11:25, p.5 |
President Seerley awarded medals to members of the intercollegiate debate team. | |
33 | Teachers defeat Simpson in debate; Morningside wins over T. C.; Simpson lost to Morningside College Eye 11:24, p.1 |
Results of triangular debate are announced. | |
34 | Aristos win trophy; Sage honor changes halls College Eye 11:24, p.1 |
Aristotelian Literary Society won the Sage trophy by qualifying four out of six men for the intercollegiate debate. | |
35 | Triangular debate Friday; T. C. vs. Simpson here; T. C. vs. Morningside at Sioux City; Cummins bill discussed College Eye 11:23, p.1 |
Professor Barnes will judge Simpson-Morningside portion. | |
36 | Railroad problem to be debated; triangular debate Mar. twelfth College Eye 11:20, p.1 |
I. S. T. C. will face Simpson and Morningside. | |
37 | See Yourself in the Funny Column College Eye 11:14, p.7 |
Humorous quotes and anecdotes heard on campus. | |
38 | Basketball prospect bright College Eye 11:12, p.5 |
A roster of talented and capable players will make this season successful; photo. | |
39 | Shake-Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
Illustration of a woman in a kimono; roster of presidents and members; poem by Inez Samuels; brief overview of the societies; formal and informal photograph collections; photo. | |
40 | Basketball Old Gold 0:0, p.193 |
Individual and group photographs; review of the season; photo. | |
41 | Sophomore Old Gold 0:0, p.101 |
Humorous sayings and jokes; photo. | |
42 | Geneva prospects College Eye 10:27, p.1 |
A number of men will be attending the Lake Geneva conference. | |
43 | Ancient rivals pitted versus new Teachers College nine; Coe College nine opens season on local diamond with Dickinson's men College Eye 10:24, p.1 |
Who's playing where in the baseball game against Coe College; should be a good battle. | |
44 | Inter-Society basketball Philos versus Aristos; Aristos win game from Philos 24 to 14 College Eye 10:18, p.1 |
On Monday night the Philos and the Aristos played a game of basketball; the Aristos won, 24-14. All five Aristo players were varsity men while the Philos used only one varsity man. | |
45 | Upper Iowa takes measure of Cedar Falls; our five in no condition to play basketball after the tilt with Coe. Score 26-6 College Eye 10:17, p.4 |
Teachers College team was still tired from the game against Coe; Teachers College won the preliminary game against the Cyclones, 23-21. | |
46 | Men's intersociety basketball probable; all three societies will have good teams.-tough struggles expected College Eye 10:16, p.1 |
Intramural basketball season preview. | |
47 | Scrubs score two point victory over Y.M.C.A. College Eye 10:14, p.1 |
Teachers College basketball team beat the Waterloo YMCA, 26-24. | |
48 | Shake Aristo Old Gold 0:0, p.215 |
Illustration of an owl in a dark forest; Shake presidents and roster provided; Aristo roster provided; description of the two societies; memorial page for Arnold Arends; photos. | |
49 | Basketball Old Gold 0:0, p.191 |
Illustration of two basketball players; team "poem"; roster for the 1917-1918 season; photos. | |
50 | Orchestral Department Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Orchestra students; photo. |