Lynch--John E. (Class of 1932)

Displaying 1 - 43 of 43 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 John E. Lynch
Alumnus 33:2, p.18
Assistant executive secretary of the Nebraska State Education association.
2 Son of professor takes position in Nebraska
College Eye 37:7, p.6
John Lynch will teach at Chadron, Nebraska.
3 Lynch appointed director of school
Alumnus 29:4, p.14
John Lynch appointed at Chadron State.
4 Former T. C. student director of teacher training at Chadron
College Eye 36:44, p.2
John Lynch takes position formerly held by Dwight Curtis.
5 New director of the Teacher Training School in Chadron, Nebraska named
Public Relations News Release 1945:205, p.1
John Lynch, an I. S. T. C. graduate, will replace Dwight Curtis. Curtis is presently the director of Student teaching at I. S. T. C.
6 John Lynch
Alumnus 21:1, p.24
Principal of the La Porte City, Iowa, school.
7 "Ev" Behrens to play at all-college dance
College Eye 26:2, p.1
8 Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch
Alumnus 17:3, p.30
The former Ruth Kurtz and her husband are the parents of David Frampton, who was born on January 5, 1933.
9 Mr. Stork announces visit to Lynch family
College Eye 24:15, p.3
Mr. and Mrs. John Lynch have new son.
10 Ruth Kurtz
Alumnus 16:4, p.28
Married John Lynch in February of 1932.
11 Lynch-Kurtz nuptials are announced; read at Rockford, Illinois
College Eye 23:46, p.3
Ruth Kurtz married John Lynch.
12 Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Old Gold 0:0, p.196
Names of officers and members; photo.
13 College Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Names of officers and members; photo.
14 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.248
Names of officers and members; photo.
15 Class of 1932
Old Gold 0:0, p.81
Photos and names of the Class of 1932.
16 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.272
Officers, members, and pledges; photo.
17 College Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.200
Officers, personnel, and program; photo.
18 Junior B. A. and B. S.
Old Gold 0:0, p.96
Class roll; photo.
19 "Beggar" rivals movie in huge cast and sets; eighty students are included in cast and technical staff of production
College Eye 22:9, p.1
More than eighty students have taken part in this Theta Alpha Phi production, photo.
20 Motion picture producers with huge casts
Public Relations News Release 1930:71, p.1
Cast and crew perform "Beggar on Horseback" tonight and tomorrow.
21 John Lynch, Cedar Falls; Alice Wheeler, Montezuma
Public Relations News Release 1930:70, p.
John Lynch, Alice Wheeler, and Stanley Wood were cast as the leads in "Beggar on Horseback."
22 Major players in "Beggars" cast are announced
College Eye 22:5, p.1
Roster of cast members for "Beggars on Horseback".
23 Sophomore B. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.102
Class roll for Class of 1932; photo.
24 College Symphony Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.218
Officers and members; photo.
25 Westminster House
Old Gold 0:0, p.254
Members of the Westminster Men's Club; photos.
26 Xanho
Old Gold 0:0, p.292
Faculty members, active members, and pledges; photo.
27 Westminster Foundation
College Eye 21:23, p.3
Updates on activities and upcoming events.
28 Freshies plan spring schedule at meeting
College Eye 21:22, p.1
Class gets organized for the spring term.
29 Freshmen meet to elect officers
College Eye 21:3, p.1
Roster of officers.
30 Orchestra concert will be given in auditorium July 29
College Eye 20:42, p.1
Roster of orchestra members.
31 Symphony orchestra to give concert Dec. 6
College Eye 20:12, p.
Concert information; member and officer roster.
32 Xanho News
College Eye 20:4, p.8
Smoker held, weekend visitors, dance to be held October 20.
33 Teachers College High School to present plays
College Eye 19:8, p.5
Two one act plays: "The Flattering World" and "The Diabolical Circle."
34 The Conquest of Knowledge
Old Gold 0:0, p.217
Photos from The Spirit of Fifty Years, a pageant, written by James Hearst, honoring the fiftieth anniversary of the college.
35 "Hooligan"?
College Eye 18:30, p.5
John Lynch received cards from an unknown person while recovering in the hospital.
36 Both students and faculty
College Eye 18:25, p.5
Greeted John Lynch at the basketball game; he missed months of schools due to an operation.
37 John Lynch
College Eye 18:13, p.1
John Lynch is in the hospital.
38 Training School news
College Eye 17:30, p.2
Students preparing for oratorical contest.
39 T. C. H. S.
College Eye 17:22, p.3
Will observe Armistice Day.
40 College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Office roster; directors; governing council; members; purpose; photo.
41 College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Names of officers and members; photo.
42 College Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Directors and members; photo.
43 John Lynch
College Eye 14:37, p.4
Suffering from scarlet fever.