Maberry--David Ross (Speech Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 UNI Forensic team honors students
Public Relations News Release 1980:579, p.1
UNI Forensic Squad held its annual awards banquet, honoring those that helped UNI's team win more awards than ever before. Dr. David Maberry is the UNI individual coach, and Dr. John Gossett is the UNI debate coach.
2 UNI student to compete in national forensics tournament
Public Relations News Release 1980:524, p.1
Seven UNI students will compete at the National Forensics Association Individual Events Tournament.
3 Speech
Old Gold 0:0, p.35
Majors and minors in the department of Speech focus on interpretation, public address, radio and television, and theatre; this department is housed in the newly opened Communication Arts Complex; photo.
4 Faculty, students team up
Alumnus 63:4, p.8
Interpreter's Theatre produces "The Ponder Heart".
5 John Brown's Body
Northern Iowan 74:4, p.6
Reader's Theatre presentation.
6 Live performance is best for theatrical endeavors
Northern Iowan 74:3, p.5
Professors Williams and Maberry talk about Reader's Theatre and Theatre UNI productions; photo.
7 Interpreters Theatre
Northern Iowan 73:41, p.4
David Maberry will direct a collection of material about love.
8 Oral interp
Northern Iowan 73:37, p.8
Eight students will go to forensics tournament in Illinois.
9 Christmas Carol
Northern Iowan 73:27, p.4
Group under direction of David Maberry will present the Dickens story to retirement homes.
10 Forensics has new coach
Northern Iowan 72:5, p.5
David Maberry will be individual events coach.