Mace--Marjorie Leona (Class of 1934)

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Arthur M. Gowan
Alumnus 36:1, p.15
Works at Iowa State College.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Gowan
Alumnus 26:1, p.24
The former Marjorie Mace and her husband are the parents of Barbara Lynne, who was born on June 25, 1941.
3 Mace defeated in tennis tourney
College Eye 27:9, p.4
Results are announced from the Northeastern Iowa Open tennis tournament.
4 Office employees accept positions in Iowa schools
College Eye 27:12, p.3
Helen Barber, Marjorie Mace, Mable Taylor, and Virginia Hammill find jobs.
5 Marjorie Mace
Alumnus 18:4, p.26
Office secretary in the Dean of Women's Office.
6 Marjorie Mace, Bob Berry win in net finals; Berry provides upset in defeat of Stan Reeves
College Eye 26:6, p.4
Island Park tournament results.
7 Physical Education Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.260
Description, officers, and members; photo.
8 Shield Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.259
Description, officers, and members; photo.
9 Women's Athletic Association
Old Gold 0:0, p.257
Aims, description of activities, and members; photo.
10 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.177

The local Psi Chapter was established in 1923; officers, faculty members, and members; photo.

11 Rutherford Rogers has completed his second year at the college with no grade below an A
Public Relations News Release 1934:525, p.1

Other students also reveived straight A's, or were placed on the Honor Roll for the spring semester.

12 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.77
Graduate photos.
13 Mace to represent T.C. at tennis meet
College Eye 25:42, p.3
Marjorie Mace defeated Beula Tye to represent the college at next meet.
14 Senior women having the highest scholastic ranking in the class will be entertained by the College club at dinner
Public Relations News Release 1934:468, p.1
Ten out of more than three hundred women have been chosen. Names of women. The dinner will be held in the East dining room of the Commons. Mrs. Jane Pettit will introduce the students.
15 Women's League
Old Gold 0:0, p.48
History, description, and aims; organized in February 1932; photos.
16 Delphian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.192
Officers, history, and members; organized February 3, 1908; photos.
17 Kappa Delta Pi
Old Gold 0:0, p.220

Officers, history, and members; organized on recommendation of Faculty Men's Club; Psi chapter installed August 7, 1923; photos.

18 Brides, grooms form Delphian decorations
College Eye 24:33, p.3
At upcoming banquet.
19 Four schools to enter play day; twelve students will take test for basketball officials
College Eye 24:24, p.1

Schools will bring teams to play at ISTC.

20 Ninety-eight men and women on the Honor Roll
Public Relations News Release 1932:275, p.1
Sixty-nine women and twenty-nine men made the Honor Roll for the winter term of 1933. For the number of men enrolled, this year had the highest number of men on the Honor Roll in the school's history.
21 W. A. A. members to stage debate on awarding letters
College Eye 24:16, p.4
Will debate WAA point system.
22 Kappa Delta Pi initiates fourteen students as members in Kappa Delta Pi.
Public Relations News Release 1932:203, p.1
Recognition for high scholastic honors and campus leadership.
23 Women receive sports awards
Alumnus 17:1, p.21
Roster of women who won intramural sports awards.
24 Sports awards for women are made at dinner
College Eye 24:12, p.1
Women's awards presented for intramural sports.
25 Sophomore B. A. and B. S.
Old Gold 0:0, p.89

Photo and roster of the Class of 1934.

26 Delphian Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.209
Names of officers; photo.
27 Four sororities are giving their fall term dances this weekend
College Eye 23:21, p.5
Meetings and activities planned; campus social calendar.