Mackay--Alexander David Scott (Student--2012)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Veterans kick off first ball
Northern Iowan 110:23, p.1

The University of Northern Iowa Veterans Association held its first annual Veterans Ball. President Ruud was the key note speaker. The event was part of UNI's ongoing effort to support incoming veterans on campus; photo.

2 Veterans discuss experiences during 'Ask a Vet" panel
Northern Iowan 109:23, p.1
UNI Veterans Association hosted panel discussion for faculty, students, staff, and community members in honor of Veterans Day. Veterans relations and military and post-military experiences were the topics of discussion; photo.
3 'Invisible War' screening at UNI brings to light the struggle of military sexual assault victims
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.1
Documentary film about victims of rape in the military was shown at Lang Hall. Nearly two hundred people in attendance for screening of film and panel discussion; photo.