Madsen--Thomas Keld (Student--2011)
Displaying 1 - 42 of 42 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | ROTC's "War Games" Northern Iowan 111:9, p.1 |
Cadets of all ranks traveled to Camp Ingawanis to partake in leadership training exercises vital to military duty; photo. | |
2 | A new year, a new Shuttle Northern Iowan 111:1, p.2 |
With the start of the new school year; many students are finding that they need to re-learn the Panther Shuttle bus schedule. | |
3 | Shuttle running out of steam Northern Iowan 110:54, p.1 |
UNI's Panther Shuttle may be in jeopardy next year. For the past three years funding has been $30,000 in the red according to Thomas Madsen, former NISG president. The complexes have not signed the revised contracts to pay for advertising on the shuttle. | |
4 | NISG leaders pass the torch Northern Iowan 110:52, p.4 |
NISG President Tom Madsen and Vice President Blake Findley reflect on their time in office. They pass the torch to Kevin Gartman and Paul Andersen; photo. | |
5 | Committee unaware of fee hike Northern Iowan 110:52, p.1 |
A $25 increase in the Student Services Fee for 2015 was passed without the knowledge of several Student Services Fee Committee members. The fee funds services such as NISG, the Northern Iowan, and athletics; photo. | |
6 | Madsen reflects on student services fee decision Northern Iowan 110:50, p.1 |
Thomas Madsen and Blake Findley approved the Board of Regents' request to remove $25 of funding for athletics from the General Education Fund. This money will be converted to the Student Services Fee fund. Some argue this may not be the right decision. | |
7 | BOR holds spending review forum at UNI Northern Iowan 110:49, p.1 |
The UNI community had the opportunity to meet representatives from Deloitee Consulting firm. The firm was hired by the Board of Regents to help Iowa's universities spend money more efficiently. | |
8 | Gartman, Andersen win presidential election Northern Iowan 110:41, p.1 |
Kevin Gartman and Paul Andersen won the NISG presidential election. Kevin and Paul are planning on educating themselves about their new positions with help from the current NISG president and vice president; photo. | |
9 | Panthers storm the capitol Northern Iowan 110:40, p.1 |
Many UNI students and faculty when to the Iowa Capitol in Des Moines for the second annual UNI Day at the Capitol. They were able to tell stories about the people at UNI to show the representatives UNI's impact on Iowa. | |
10 | Panther Portraits: Military Ball Northern Iowan 110:39, p.4 |
Photos of students at the military ball hosted by the Department of Military Science; photo. | |
11 | NISG campaigning picks up speed Northern Iowan 110:37, p.1 |
NISG campaigning has gotten off to a quick start. Candidates will have an open forum on February 18 at 5:00 p.m. in the Maucker Union Coffee House. Election polls will open online on February 25 and close on February 26. | |
12 | Revised student assessment instrument will come in spring Northern Iowan 110:34, p.1 |
A committee has been formed to revise the assessment form that allows students to evaluate their professors each semester. The pilot of the new assessment will be tested this semester. It is important for professors to receive student feedback. | |
13 | Branstad's budget hits UNI issues Northern Iowan 110:28, p.1 |
UNI will receive an extra $8 million for the next two fiscal years, if Governor Branstad's 2015 budget is passed. This is not as much as UNI requested. Branstad also requested $32.9 million to renovate Schindler Education Center; photo. | |
14 | UNI Alumni Association Board of Directors, 2013-2014 Northern Iowa Today 97:1, p.24 |
Group photo. | |
15 | CF bus route may face changes Northern Iowan 110:26, p.1 |
The Cedar Falls City Council will vote on reducing bus hours or eliminating the bus route all together. Many international students and underclassmen rely on the bus system to get around Cedar Falls, and this change would greatly affect them; photo. | |
16 | Read up and get educated about UNI Northern Iowan 110:24, p.4 |
The editorial staff of the Northern Iowan urge students to educate themselves on current events and legislation regarding UNI. By being active members of the UNI community students will be better able to voice their opinions. | |
17 | Madsen and Findley reflect on semester Northern Iowan 110:23, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government President Tom Madsen and Vice President Blake Findley reflect on their first semester in office; photo. | |
18 | UNI requests more funding for athletics from students: Athletics hopes to reduce reliance on general fund Northern Iowan 110:20, p.1 |
UNI is requesting the approval of the Board of Regents in raising the student services fee by $25. This would allow the athletic department to reduce their reliance on the general education fund. | |
19 | UNI students pump up the pep for Homecoming Northern Iowan 110:14, p.1 |
The finals of the pride cry were held at the Homecoming Pep Rally. Student Admissions Ambassadors/Connecting Alumni to Students won. Dance Marathon came in second, while Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Alpha Epsilon came in third; photo. | |
20 | Goodwin travels through history in UNI lecture Northern Iowan 110:12, p.4 |
UNI hosted Pulitzer prize-winning biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin. Goodwin does research on old presidents and is the author of "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln". She spoke on differences in politics back then and today; photo. | |
21 | Ruud joins UNI ass 10th president Northern Iowan 110:12, p.1 |
William Ruud was formally welcomed as the 10th president of UNI. Many students, faculty, and alumni attended the event; photo. | |
22 | Tuition freeze could occur again Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1 |
The Board of Regents announced they are supporting another tuition freeze. Student-body president, Tom Madsen, and vice-president, Blake Findley, will go to Des Moines in January to lobby for UNI in the legislature; photo. | |
23 | Purple Tie Affair: UNI puts its best foot forward for Homecoming Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1 |
The Homecoming theme this year is Purple Tie Affair. Homecoming starts with the Homecoming Kickoff at 5:30pm on Monday, October 12. | |
24 | NISG wants green light for more buses Northern Iowan 110:6, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government wants more buses to run on Homecoming weekend to deal with the large number of students. They believe that this would help students to get around safely; photo. | |
25 | 14. Meet your Northern Iowa Student Government Northern Iowan 109:54, p. |
Description of what NISG does and who is currently involved; photo. | |
26 | Bancroft-Smithe and White reflect on year in office Northern Iowan 109:54, p.1 |
The former student body president, Jordan Bancroft-Smithe, and former student body vice president, KaLeigh White feel like their time in office was a success. They wish they could have done more, but they are satisfied with what they accomplished; photo. | |
27 | Hurst and Jessip appointed by Senate Northern Iowan 109:53, p.1 |
The Northern Iowa Student Government senate approved the appointments of Victoria Hurst and Alicia Jessip. Victoria Hurst will become the new director of governmental relations; Alicia Jessip will become the director of diversity and student life, photo. | |
28 | April 10 senate meeting disappointing Northern Iowan 109:50, p.3 |
Says that the April 10 NISG meeting was very upsetting because two qualified individuals were denied positions as executive directors. Beth Monnier and Elijah Seay were questioned in an unprofessional way. It was not fair, nor welcomed. | |
29 | Keep an eye on NISG Northern Iowan 109:49, p.4 |
The author urges students to hold our elected officials of NISG accountable. Leaders need to be able to do the work expected of them, and lead by example. He hopes that our newly elected president and vice president will get the job done. | |
30 | NISG senate rejects 2 directors: Madsen and Findley say future plans are unknown Northern Iowan 109:49, p.1 |
Northern Iowa Student Government rejected both Beth Monnier and Elijah Seay for positions of the executive branch. Beth Monnier was running as the director of governmental relations, and Elijah Seay as the director of diversity and student life. | |
31 | NISG senate out of touch with constituents Northern Iowan 109:49, p.4 |
Author feels that the NISG senate is out of touch with students and will attempt to undermine the new executives every chance they get. He feels that denying Beth Monnier and Elijah Rogeay positions on the cabinet was a perfect example of this. | |
32 | New senate rejects 2 of 4 executive branch candidates Northern Iowan 109:48, p.1 |
The Northern Iowa Student Government's new president and vice-president, Tom Madsen and Blake Findley, appointed executive directors for NISG. The newly elected senators questioned the appointees. Two of the four appointees did not receive enough votes. | |
33 | Madsen and Findley elected student body president and vice president Northern Iowan 109:41, p.1 |
Tom Madsen and Blake Findley will be the next student body president and vice president. They beat KaLeigh White and Alicia Jessip by a mere fourteen votes; photo. | |
34 | NISG election results announced Northern Iowan 109:39, p.1 |
Since none of the candidates for NISG president and vice president received fifty percent of the vote, there will be a runoff election. David Pope and Katie Grassi will not be in the runoff election; photo. |
35 | Character counts: Vote for Tom and Blake Northern Iowan 109:38, p.4 |
In a letter to the editor, UNI alumnus Gage Rewerts, says he supports Tom Madsen and Blake Findley for NISG president and vice president. | |
36 | NISG candidates debate the issues Northern Iowan 109:38, p.1 |
The candidates spoke about their platforms and discussed what they bring to the table; photo. | |
37 | Meet the candidates for NISG president and vice president Northern Iowan 109:36, p.1 |
Photograph, website, and Facebook information for each candidate for president and vice president of Northern Iowa Student Government; photo. | |
38 | Why I'm voting for Tom and Blake Northern Iowan 109:35, p.5 |
Ian Goldsmith voices the reasons why he feels Tom Madsen and Blake Findley are the most qualified to take over the position of student body president and vice president. He feels they have experience that has prepared them for office. | |
39 | Faculty Senate debates access to course graduation distribution Northern Iowan 109:14, p.1 |
Senate shows support of making grade distributions more public. Senate members discuss concerns and implications of this decision. Business student gives supporting opinion. | |
40 | What is the world is the Northern Iowa Student Government? Northern Iowan 108:54, p. |
Students are elected to positions to represent the students in university and non-university matters. The group promotes activities that are in the best interest of students. | |
41 | Everybody dance now Northern Iowan 108:23, p.8 |
Dance Party 7 held at St. Stephen's. Inspirational speeches carried the same theme; you gotta dance. A commission of seven plan and host the annual event; photo. | |
42 | Student Voices Northern Iowan 108:9, p.2 |
Students answer the question; What are your thoughts on the repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy? |