Mahachek--Ruth Beatrice (Classes of 1922 and 1924)

Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 A reunion of physical education graduates at the home of Mrs. D. W. Harshbarger (Vivian Brooks) honoring Lulu Sweigard
Alumnus 24:2, p.23
Lula Sweigard of the Physical Education Department of New York University was the author of an article on the Athenia tragedy in the January Alumnus.
2 Zetalethean Literary Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.293
Photos of members.
3 Zetalethean
Old Gold 0:0, p.292
Names of officers and members.
4 Shield Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.223
Names of officers and members; photo.
5 Class of 1924
Old Gold 0:0, p.67
Photos and names of graduating students.
6 Training School News
College Eye 15:4, p.3
TCHS defeated Grundy Center; enrollment is 413; Eva May Luse will pursue doctoral degree.
7 Photos of graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
1922 graduates; photo.
8 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 13:31, p.8
News of residents.
9 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 13:29, p.8
News about residents.
10 Inquiring Reporter
College Eye 13:22, p.4
Students answer the question, "There is some discussion as to whether we should have May Day this year, or whether it would be better to put the money in the Student Loan Fund. What is your opinion?"
11 Zeta
Old Gold 0:0, p.157

Roster of presidents, active members, and honorary members; photo.

12 Zeta
College Eye 12:26, p.7
Elected officers.
13 Miss Mahachek
College Eye 12:24, p.8
Visited sisters Joy and Ruth.
14 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 12:24, p.8
News of residents.
15 Zeta
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
Colors, flower, mascot, motto, presidents honorary members, candid photos, and members of Zetalethean Literary Society; photo.
16 Physical Education
Old Gold 0:0, p.124

Class members named, photo, and candid photos; photo.

17 Bartlett Hall
College Eye 11:27, p.8
News from the dormitory.
18 Bravo!
College Eye 11:15, p.8
Four women walked to Waterloo.
19 Blanche Mahachek
College Eye 11:6, p.8
Visited her sisters Ruth and Joy on campus.