Marshall--Samuel R. (Class of 1917)

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 We have no address for:
Alumnus 52:1, p.12

Class of 1917.

2 Mrs. Milton C. Honeyman
Alumnus 26:3, p.13
The former Lois Willson lives in Morning Sun, Iowa; she has traveled in the east and west; she visited classmates while in California.
3 Unit reunions
Alumnus 24:3, p.21
101 gather for Southern California meeting; Omaha-Council Bluffs group numbers 78.
4 Sam Marshall
College Eye 9:16, p.2
Sam Marshall has joined the navy.
5 Samuel Marshall
College Eye 9:16, p.7
Has resigned his position and joined the Navy.
6 Photos
Old Gold 0:0, p.123

Photos of the Manual Arts Class of 1917.

7 Commercial Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.171

Group photo and poem about the members of the Commercial Department.

8 Photo
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Orio society members and members of the Intersociety Debaters; photo.
9 Orio triangular tryout
College Eye 7:18, p.3
Debated "Resolved that the city manager plan of municipal government should be adopted by all cities in the United States"; opponents were evenly matched; teams chosen.