Martin--Leo Austin (Class of 1933)

Displaying 1 - 44 of 44 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Leo A. Martin
Alumnus 35:4, p.15
Director of radio television and theatre at Boston University.
2 Leo Martin
Alumnus 32:2, p.13
Head of the department of radio arts at the University of Alabama.
3 Leo A. Martin
Alumnus 26:3, p.24
Instructor for speech and radio at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
4 Leo A. Martin
Alumnus 23:1, p.24
Has been named to the faculty of East High School, Waterloo, Iowa, as a teacher of dramatics, debate, and speech; was principal of the Mapleton, Iowa, High School for four years. He expects to obtain a master's degree next summer.
5 Untitled
College Eye 26:1, p.3
Many visited campus during Commencement.
6 Five graduates under contract to teach
Public Relations News Release 1932:362, p.1
Five members of the 1933 forensic squad established a record for job attaining.
7 Graduates
Old Gold 0:0, p.60
Graduate photos.
8 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.231
Officers, history, aims, members, and pledges; organized in 1923; photos.
9 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.180
Officers, purpose, and members of group that offers opportunities for public speaking; photos.
10 Four argue for Teachers at Iowa University debate
College Eye 24:22, p.1
Results of recent competition.
11 Debaters go to conference
Public Relations News Release 1932:260, p.1
Panther debaters go to competition with the leading universities in the country
12 Four enter college debate tournament at Manchester, Ind.
College Eye 24:21, p.1
Will compete with teams from thirty colleges and universities.
13 Debate teams chosen today; Brindley will announce teams to compete at Manchester meet
College Eye 24:20, p.1
Two men's teams will compete.
14 Two will debate before a Farm Bureau audience
Public Relations News Release 1932:242, p.1
Leland Dolan and Leo Martin will debate against two students from Iowa State February 21, before a Farm Bureau audience.
15 Erickson and Johnson debate before the Lion's Club
Public Relations News Release 1932:241, p.1
On February 16, at 6:30 p.m., Dwight Erickson and Neil Johnson debate before the Lion's Club.
16 Three Teachers debate teams argue war debt question today; local teams will debate at Presbyterian church Monday
College Eye 24:18, p.1
Results of recent competition.
17 Debaters will continue active schedule
Public Relations News Release 1932:234, p.1
After winning honors in the tournament last week, the debaters will continue their active schedule.
18 Teachers college debaters have been busy
Public Relations News Release 1932:228, p.1
Debaters will participate in six debates. Professor Brindley has secured as many debates as possible for his squad.
19 Forum
College Eye 24:15, p.2
Urges students to support speech competitions and tournaments.
20 Toast contest is concluded; Mary A. Woolverton wins first prize in final round of contest
College Eye 24:9, p.1
Wins $10 prize.
21 College Eye will conduct election poll; six students will speak on merits of various nominees
College Eye 24:8, p.1
Students will listen to speeches and then mark ballots.
22 Six students to speak in contest; finals of after dinner speaking contest to be staged November 1
College Eye 24:8, p.1
Finalist announced.
23 Oratory
Old Gold 0:0, p.186
Overview of the speech contests; photos.
24 Debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.183
Overview of the 1932 debate season and names of members.
25 Hamilton Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.182
Names and photos of members.
26 The Playcraft Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.181
Highlights of the year's program, names and photos of members.
27 "The Wisdom Tooth"
Old Gold 0:0, p.177
Names of cast members; photos.
28 "The Black Flamingo"
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Names of cast members; photos.
29 Six speakers representing
Public Relations News Release 1931:246, p.1
Will travel to Madison, Wisconsin, for a Delta Sigma Rho debate tounament
30 Six speakers will represent Teachers at frat tournament
College Eye 23:34, p.1
ISTC Delta Sigma Rho members will go to Madison, Wisconsin.
31 Eighty-two speakers
Public Relations News Release 1931:267, p.1
Interstate Oratorical, Debate, and Extemporaneous Speaking contest held here March 9-12; twelve colleges represented.
32 Speakers are chosen for extempore division of Iowa college meet
College Eye 23:31, p.1
Mary Alice Woolverton and Leo Martin selected.
33 Mary Alice Woolverton, of Cedar Falls
Public Relations News Release 1931:240, p.1
Represents ISTC in Forensic Accosciation toournament; Leo Marin represents men.
34 Lambert and Martin meet Dubuque team in extemp contest
College Eye 23:28, p.1
35 Two Iowa State Teachers College speech students
Public Relations News Release 1931:196, p.1
Edward Lambert and Leo Martin will compete in speech contest.
36 Names of organizations winning places
Public Relations News Release 1931:177, p.1
Six groups will perform in Tutor Ticklers.
37 Untitled
College Eye 23:26, p.3
Dora Seger engaged to Leo Martin.
38 The annual Homecoming celebration
Public Relations News Release 1931:61, p.1
Homecoming festivities announced; committees listed.
39 Eight students were selected
Public Relations News Release 1931:59, p.1
Students compete in speech contest; list of competitors and judges.
40 Lambda Gamma Nu
Old Gold 0:0, p.271
Members and pledges; photo.
41 Over fifty students will be involved
Public Relations News Release 1930:305, p.1
Theatre department performs the twelve-part drama "Redemption," by Tolstoy; roster of cast and crew.
42 The Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.220
Personnel; photos.
43 Playcraft Club elects officers for coming year
College Eye 21:24, p.2
Roster of candidates for membership.
44 Wayne Lawrence, Cedar Falls, won first place
Public Relations News Release 1929:168, p.1
Roster of winners and participants in an extemporaneous speaking contest.