Martin--Mary E. (Class of 1917; Library Staff)

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 We have no address for:
Alumnus 52:1, p.12

Class of 1917.

2 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 6:3, p.6
Mary E. Martin graduates from the New York Library School in Albany, and is accepted at Columbia University as a graduate student.
3 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.4
Miss Mary. E. Martin is a student at the New York Library School in Albany, New York and will attend Columbia University to earn a masters degree.
4 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.6
Martin is student in New York State Library School.
5 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.5
Martin is to enter New York State Library School.
6 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.3
Martin resigned to attend Library School, but her health does not permit completion of plans.
7 Mary E. Martin
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.5
Mary E. Martin resigned as Loan Desk attendant to go to New York Library School. Hazel Stuntz will replace her.
8 Miss Martin and Miss Baxter
College Eye 11:35, p.8
Resigned from their positions; both plan to go to New York.
9 Miss Mary Martin of the College Library
College Eye 10:12, p.5
Librarian returned to work after bout with the "flu".
10 Department of Administration
Old Gold 0:0, p.32
Roster of registrar, deans of men and women; library staff; photos.
11 Brief Reports 16
Alumni News Letter 2:2, p.1
Mary E. Martin accepted as student at New York State Library School.
12 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Colors, emblem, flowers, mascot, motto, presidents, members and honorary members, and candid photos; photo.
13 Untitled
College Eye 4:3, p.3
Brief exchange between anonymous student and Miss Martin at the loan desk.
14 Library
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Photos of faculty members.
15 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Illustration of an elephant; society emblem, motto, colors, flower, and mascot provided; roster of officers and honorary members; Eulalian Society roll given; photos.
16 Librarians
Old Gold 0:0, p.82
Library staff and description of services, including the Youth Collection, in the new building; photo.
17 Eulalian Society
Old Gold 0:0, p.234

Roster of members, funny sayings, poems; photo.