Martin--Rusty (Student--1981)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 132 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Richard Varn and Rusty Martin
Campus News Network 6:15, p.
Co-authored and published "Unpredictable Opportunities".
2 Students caught in World-Wide Web; Internet has incredible diversity of resources
Northern Iowan 91:35, p.1
Description of information available on Web.
3 World's largest computer network, Internet, to be demonstrated February 6 & 7 at University of Northern Iowa
Public Relations News Release 1994:247, p.1
Several workshops at UNI February 6 & 7 will demonstrate the Internet.
4 Rusty Martin fined, placed on probation in draft evasion case
Alumnus 70:2, p.6
Fined $10,000; place on three years of probation.
5 Martin: registration is a symbolic law
Northern Iowan 81:56, p.1
Rusty Martin traces the development of his beliefs; photo.
6 What's Up
Northern Iowan 81:55, p.7
Meetings and activities.
7 Immaculate Perception
Northern Iowan 81:55, p.2
Believes it is not un-American to question government policies.
Northern Iowan 81:55, p.8
Pass resolution in support of Rusty Martin; interim committee named; committee appointments made.
9 Babelogue
Northern Iowan 81:45, p.2
Discusses the situation of his friend, Russell James "Rusty" Martin.
10 Six candidates interview to succeed Kamerick
UNI Century 11:3, p.1
List of candidates; list of search committee members; search committee criteria.
11 In search of a new president
Alumnus 67:1, p.9
Search committee announced; procedures outlined; controversy over using executive search company; photo.
12 UNISA calls for change in Price Lab School policy
Northern Iowan 79:45, p.5
Recommends that Married Student Housing children be allowed to go to PLS instead of Orchard Hill.
13 Students prepare to challenge aid law change
Northern Iowan 79:38, p.4
Would link aid to draft registration.
14 Candidates speak at forum
Northern Iowan 79:36, p.7
Brief excerpts from remarks.
15 Films to be shown
Northern Iowan 79:27, p.15
Student organizations will show variety of films.
16 Need defense against 'trampling invaders'
Northern Iowan 79:25, p.2
Student tired of the Rusty Martin controversy.
17 Prosecution for draft falters
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.4
Judge McManus makes ruling.
18 Martin needs 'fair show'
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.3
Student believes that UNISA president Rusty Martin has not been given a fair chance.
19 Martin not only lawbreaker to be found at UNI
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.3
Student defends UNISA president Rusty Martin.
20 UNISA president speaks at union meeting
Northern Iowan 79:24, p.1
Rusty Martin speaks at ICLU meeting; photo.
21 Behavior observed
Northern Iowan 79:22, p.2
Student believes that Rusty Martin should resign his position as UNISA president.
22 Date delayed in the trial of the UNISA president-Martin
Northern Iowan 79:21, p.6
Trial delayed because of attorneys' scheduling; photo.
23 Rhea targeted by reader
Northern Iowan 79:20, p.2
Feels that Miss Rhea, editor for the NI, should make a more representative statement about the students' choice.
24 Between UNI
Northern Iowan 79:19, p.2
Time to turn attention to things other than Rusty Martin.
25 Draft registration law found unjust in simulated trial
Northern Iowan 79:18, p.4
26 Values questioned
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.3
Respects and admires Rusty Martin's actions.
27 Criticism of Selective Service rushed Martin's indictment
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.2
Harley McIlrath is tired of hearing how awful Rusty Martin's actions are.
28 Call for resignation
Northern Iowan 79:17, p.3
Believes that Rusty Martin should resign.
29 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 79:16, p.2
Believes that students lack understanding of UNISA President Rusty Martin's actions.
30 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.4
Bill SS-2, passed by UNISA, calls for the opposition to the indictments of draft registers.
31 Criminal act flaunted
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.3
Does not believe that Rusty Martin represents a majority of the UNI students.
32 Viewpoint
Northern Iowan 79:15, p.2
Criticizes Rusty Martin for his stand on the draft issue.
33 Country needs support
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.2
Author offers alternative methods of punishing those who do not register for Selective Service.
34 Parents support nonviolence--student feelings found shocking
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.2
Two parents support action of Rusty Martin.
35 Resisters divide country
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.3
Author express the belief that resistance to the draft is a futile act that can do only harm.
36 Student disagrees with followers
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.3
Student emphasizes that there are alternative legal actions which may be taken to express dissatisfaction with draft policy.
37 November 15 trial date set for UNISA president
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.4
Rusty Martin arraigned in federal court; photo.
38 Editorial
Northern Iowan 79:14, p.2
The editorial board applauds Rusty Martin for standing up against Selective Service Registration.
39 Laws not open to interpretation
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.3
Author argues that U. S. laws are not subject to individual interpretation, and that disobedience can lead only to anarchy.
40 Proud of president
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Author feels that students should be proud of their UNISA President Rusty Martin for opposing draft registration.
41 Concerned about student action
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Believes students do not understand draft resistance.
42 Supporters respond to Martin indictment
Northern Iowan 79:13, p.2
Four letters of support for the anti-draft ideals of the UNISA president.
43 How do you feel about the student body president being indicted for failure to register for the draft - which is a federal offense?
Northern Iowan 79:12, p.3
Students express opinions at indictment of Rusty Martin for failing to register for the draft; photo.
44 Martin indicted for failing to register for draft
Northern Iowan 79:12, p.1
Does not believe he committed a crime.
45 Tuition increase delayed by Board of Regents
Northern Iowan 79:9, p.1
Student leaders from ISU and UI address Regents.
46 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:8, p.7
The voter registration blitz is finished, and two bills were passed.
47 Senate Scene
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.5
Two positions were filled, voter registration continues, two bills are going through the system.
48 Student reflects on liberals
Northern Iowan 79:6, p.2
Student feels that Republican politics have been given an unfair slighting.
49 Faculty senate meets
Northern Iowan 79:4, p.3
President Kamerick, Provost Martin, and Rusty Martin deliver messages.
50 Vice president resigns office; hiring procedure questioned
Northern Iowan 79:3, p.2
Student resigns her position as Vice President of Finance giving unfair hiring and firing practices as reasons.