Matala--Raymond E. (Industrial Arts Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 55 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Dr. R. E. Matala dies Alumnus 50:4, p.10 |
Died August 7, 1965. | |
2 | Dr. Raymond Matala dies, Industrial Arts instructor College Eye 59:52, p.1 |
Died in Minnesota on August 7, 1965. | |
3 | Industrial arts at SCI Alumnus 48:3, p.2 |
Survey of curriculum and opportunities in industrial arts; photo. | |
4 | Lawn party slated for grad students in Industrial Arts College Eye 51:35, p.3 |
5 | Boards Govern Communications Old Gold 0:0, p.158 |
The Board of Control of Student Publications is the governing department of all student publications. The board selects the executive staffs of the Old Gold and College Eye and see that they function properly. KYTC is governed by the Board of Control of Student Broadcasting. They select the staff and determine policies the station will fallow. | |
6 | Industrial Arts Department Uses Practical Approach Old Gold 0:0, p.98 |
The industrial Arts Department is provide education through practical experience in metal work, radio construction, woods working, architectural drawing, machine shop practice, and auto construction. The students had showcases multiple times through out the year and are promoted by the Industrial Arts Club and the Majors' Wives Club. | |
7 | Prize of five dollars grand photo award College Eye 51:18, p.5 |
Rules for the contest. | |
8 | 37 on faculty promoted; 17 to "full prof" College Eye 50:34, p.1 |
Roster of promotions. |
9 | The Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
The students were taught education through practical experiences like: woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, and archimachine shop practice; photo. | |
10 | Boards Govern Communications Old Gold 0:0, p.144 |
The Board of Control of Student Publications select the executive staff for the OLD GOLD and the COLLEGE EYE, and make sure that the staffs function properly; they are the governing department of all the student publications; photo. | |
11 | Industrial Arts Department Educates Through Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Providing education through practical experience in woodworking, metal work, electrical work, radio construction, architectural drawing, auto construction, archimachine shop practice. Dr. Reed continued to utilize graduate student assistants; photo | |
12 | Practical Experience in Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.104 |
Description of the Department and photo of the faculty; photos. | |
13 | Department of Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.46 |
The Department of Industrial Arts regularly uses field trips to keep in contact with the industrial world; in the summer session of 1956, the department began offering a graduate program and fifteen graduate students attended the first session; photo. | |
14 | Boards of Control Old Gold 0:0, p.138 |
The communications staffs, College Eye, OLD GOLD, and KYTC; they also are governed by the Board of Control of Student Publications and the Board of Control of the Student Broadcasting Association; photo. | |
15 | Film Club is organizing with rates for students College Eye 48:1, p.1 |
Professor Matala explains the purposes of the club. | |
16 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.96 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
17 | Boards of Control Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
18 | Campus Radio Station Makes Tests Old Gold 0:0, p.63 |
Description of the testing of the capus radio station and who was involved in the development; photos. | |
19 | Craftsmen Gain Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.209 |
Description of the activities of the Industrial Arts Club; photos. | |
20 | Honorary Industrial Arts Fraternity Old Gold 0:0, p.185 |
Description of Epsilon Pi Tau, the national honor fraternity on campus for industrial arts; photos. |
21 | Industrial Arts Emphasizes Practical Experience Old Gold 0:0, p.84 |
Description of the department and photos of the faculty; photos. | |
22 | Matala speaks at SUI College Eye 46:11, p.9 |
On family camping. | |
23 | Epsilon Pi Tau Old Gold 0:0, p.167 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
24 | Industrial arts Old Gold 0:0, p.237 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
25 | Industrial Arts Club Old Gold 0:0, p.190 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
26 | Radio committee announces plans College Eye 45:32, p.1 |
Committee submits plans for campus radio station to President Maucker. | |
27 | Instructors teach extension classes College Eye 45:25, p.7 |
Eleven faculty are on extension duty. | |
28 | Teachers enter extension field College Eye 45:20, p.8 |
Extension Service announces those who will be on assignment. | |
29 | Epsilon pi tau Old Gold 0:0, p.152 |
Don Page, Dan Mienders, Rex Miller, and Walt Richmond serve as officers in the Epsilon Pi Tau honor society for industrial arts and vocational industrial education; photo. | |
30 | Industrial Arts Club Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Robert Mentzer, James Livingston, Willis Gertner, and Duane Lloyd serve as officers in the Industrial Arts Club; photo. | |
31 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.45 |
The Department of Industrial Arts works with the Iowa and Civil Defense Network in the construction of a new short wave tower and rotating antenna; photo. | |
32 | Photo contest judged College Eye 44:28, p.1 |
Professors Matala, von Neumann, and Redner judge campus contest. |
33 | Radio Club holds mock test College Eye 44:6, p.5 |
Test emergency radio system. | |
34 | Palmer announces IA program for State Convention College Eye 44:6, p.1 |
Program includes ISTC faculty and alumni. | |
35 | 'Ham' station gives service College Eye 44:3, p.5 |
Frank Briden is operator. | |
36 | Twenty-one faculty members make latest promotion list College Eye 44:1, p.1 |
List of those who received promotions. | |
37 | WPGJ, Amateur Radio Station, has been in operation for three years under the trusteeship of Raymond Matala of the industrial arts department Public Relations News Release 1952:457, p.1 |
Matala checks the call letters of an amateur station with students Donald Anderson, Burlington, and Willis Gartner, Westbrook, Minnesota. WPGJ will play an integral part in civil defense in Cedar Falls and Black Hawk County. | |
38 | The college radio station, WPGJ, has been designated as the Cedar Falls Civil Defense Radio Communication center Public Relations News Release 1952:458, p.1 |
Both the city and county communications roles have received approval by President J. W. Maucker. Plans call for the construction of a steel antenna tower, 60 feet high, outside the industrial arts building at the college. | |
39 | Two faculty members attend IA convention College Eye 43:11, p.7 |
Professors Matala and Ditzler attend national meeting. | |
40 | Harold G. Palmer, announces the program for the Iowa Industrial Arts association convention in Des Moines Public Relations News Release 1951:94, p.1 |
Palmer, head of the industrial arts department said the two-day convention will be at Hotel Fort Des Moines. Staff members who will participate are Daryl Pendergraft, Walter E. Ditzler, Tom Lamke, Victor Bonfig, Raymond Matala, and Willis Wagner. | |
41 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.52 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
42 | Four amateur radio stations, including one mobile unit, will be timed tonight in demonstrating defense communications measures Public Relations News Release 1950:319, p.1 |
Cedar Falls Civil Defense Director Bob Mershon will preside at the council meeting in the arts and industries building. H. G. Palmer said the amateur operators, all licensed, will demonstrate a temporary field station. | |
43 | TC Personnel of Program of Des Moines Convention Public Relations News Release 1950:96, p.1 |
George H. Holmes will lead a panel to open the Iowa Industrial Arts meeting. Theme of the panel is "Public Relations in Industrial Arts Education." Participants include G. W. Daivis, Ralph C. Norris, Maude M. Friman, and others are listed. | |
44 | TC Personnel of Program of Des Moines Convention Public Relations News Release 1950:98, p.1 |
On exhibit both days in front of the Fort Des Moines hotel will be the industrial arts mobile art unit of Teachers college. A feature of the two-day meeting is a talk and demonstration of silver forging and spinning by Prof. M. L. Byrn.f | |
45 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.206 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
46 | Industrial arts club Old Gold 0:0, p.161 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
47 | Four attend Iowa State Industrial Arts confab College Eye 41:27, p.4 |
48 | Industrial Art faculty in charge of exhibit College Eye 41:24, p.6 |
Exhibit will be at the Iowa Mid-Century Industrial Exposition in Des Moines. | |
49 | Teachers College ham station to begin broadcasting today College Eye 41:6, p.8 |
Station WOPGJ, an amateur short-wave station, is being operated by the Industrial Arts Radio Club. | |
50 | Industrial Arts Old Gold 0:0, p.31 |
Brief description of the department; photo. |