Maucker Union

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1479 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center hosts Earth Week events
Northern Iowan 119:53, p.4
Last week, UNI's Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC) hosted multiple events to celebrate Earth Week. The events included a disc golf activity, Campus Cleanup, and free bike rentals; photos.
2 UNI celebrates LGBTQ+ community with Pride Week
Northern Iowan 119:49, p.1
UNI Proud and Gender & Sexuality Services (GSS) hosted multiple campus events throughout Pride Week including coffee hours, a book club meeting, and Dragaganza; photo.
3 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:47, p.4
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include Spring Clothing Sale, an observatory show, and Gayme Time with Gender and Sexuality Services.
4 UNI social and emotional learning conference
Northern Iowan 119:47, p.4
The Social and Emotional Learning Conference will be held this year on April 7, 2023 in Maucker Union and Schindler Education Center. This conference is sponsored by the College of Education and Ken Budke; photo.
5 Connie Hansen's impact at UNI spans 34 years
Northern Iowan 119:42, p.5
Bailey Klinkhammer interviews and tells Connie Hansen's story of her time as a student and employee at UNI. Connie has worked in the Office of Admissions, the Alumni Association, and currently the Office of Student Involvement in Maucker Union; photo.
6 UNI SHAC presents "The Jean Project"
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.4
The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is displaying "The Jean Project" in Maucker Union from February 27 to March 3, 2023. The purpose of this project is to promote body acceptance by displaying jeans of every size with body positive sayings written on the jeans; photo.
7 UNI's Spring clothing drive
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.5
March 6 through March 8, 2023 UNI is encouraging students to donate any new or gently used clothing into bins that will be located in campus dorms lobbies or Maucker Union. The clothes will then be put on sale in April in the Maucker Ballroom and all of the proceeds will go to Panther Pantry; photo.
8 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.4
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include You Matter at UNI, International Student Coffee Hour, and a women's basketball game.
9 Meet Micaiah and Liz
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.4
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
10 Northern Iowa Student Government is here for you
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.7
The Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) encourages students of all different majors, interests, and backgrounds to get involved with NISG. Trina Tounjian, NISG Chief of Staff, shares their experiences and continues to encourage students to join the organization; photo.
11 The ongoing legacy of the UNI Seven
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.1
Guest writer Nicole Beilke writes the history of UNI Seven and how their proposals are still impacting UNI's campus today. Beilke writes about the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education (CME), the Minority Recruitment Program, Increasing of Black faculty, and more; photo.
12 You matter at UNI week
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.4
You Matter At UNI week is put on by the Student Health & Well-being Coordinator and UNI Counseling Center and will be held February 27-March 3, 2023. Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students and staff who explain the importance of this week and lists out the events and how students can get involved; photo.
13 Black Histor Preview
Northern Iowan 119:35, p.4
A timeline of Black History Month events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include the Tunnel of Oppression, a Skate Party, and Toast for Change.
14 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:30, p.5
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include a men's basketball game, International Student Coffee Hour, and the launch of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) Engagement Week.
15 NISG Engagement Week
Northern Iowan 119:30, p.1
The Northern Iowan Staff writes about the different events that Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) is hosting throughout their NISG Engagement Week; photo.
16 NISG November updates
Northern Iowan 119:28, p.2
A list of accomplishments and actions taken by the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) during the month of November.
17 Mark Nook joins the game
Northern Iowan 119:27, p.1
University President Mark Nook joins Panther Esports president Tanner Braun for a livestream of him playing on the newly launched campus-wide Minecraft server. The livestream took place on December 1, 2022 in the Esports Lounge in Maucker Union; photo.
18 Fast Forward Workshop connects students to professionals at UNI
Northern Iowan 119:26, p.4
The Fast Forward Workshop sponsored by UNI's Department of Communication and Media and Iowa Broadcasters Association Foundation took place on November 4th. The workshop featured various professional speakers who spoke about their work experiences and the skills they needed/learned to be successful within the communications and media fields; photos
19 Dining hall disaster
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.1
On Wednesday November 16th, a fan in Rialto Dining Hall malfunctioned which emitted smoke and caused the sprinklers to turn on throughout the dining hall. Students were turned away during the lunch rush but the dining hall was able to reopen at 5pm the same day; photo.
20 Office of International Engagement winter clothing drive
Northern Iowan 119:24, p.5
The Office of International Engagement (OIE) is hosting a clothing drive for international students who do not have the proper winter gear. They are asking for any winter gear that are in good condition to get students through the vicious Iowa winter months.
21 Experiences of international students
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.4
Caroline Christensen interviews various UNI international students about their experiences with culture shock and transitioning from being a student in their native country compared to being a student at UNI; photo.
22 International Education Week kicks off
Northern Iowan 119:23, p.1
International Education Week, November 14-18, will celebrate the stories of international students, faculty, and departments across UNI's campus. Caroline Christensen lists out the different events that will be held throughout the week.
23 A toast to another 130 years
Northern Iowan 119:21, p.2
Northern Iowan's Executive Editor Nixson Benitez writes an article about the events that will be held for the anniversary. He also explains and interviews fellow colleagues to answer the question of why journalism and newspapers are important in todays society; photo.
24 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:19, p.5
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include a UNI volleyball game, Walking Tacos with the XI's, and Wellness Bingo.
25 Bring back the blue
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.3
Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on their thoughts of why Iowan voters should vote Democrat for the midterm election this year; photo.
26 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:17, p.4
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include workshops, coffee with the dean, and discussions.
27 Go green with campus cleanup
Northern Iowan 119:17, p.1
The Recycling & Reuse Technology Transfer Center (RRTTC) is hosting a campus cleanup event. Students are encouraged to sign help to help with the cleanup ending with a visit to Chad's Pizza; photo.
28 2022 midterms approach
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.1
Mallory Schmitz gives readers information on early voting and absentee ballot requests for the upcoming midterm election; photo.
29 Panther families celebrate Family Weekend
Northern Iowan 119:16, p.4
Caroline Christensen gives details of the upcoming festivities occurring during Family Weekend and also interviews Assistant Vice President & Dean of Students Allyson Rafanello; photo.
30 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.4
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include Majors in Minutes, a UNI women's soccer game, and Family Weekend.
31 UNI celebrates National Transfer Student Week
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.1
Trevor Meyer interviews Olivia Umbaugh, a transfer coordinator, who explains the importance of advocating for transfer students and shares the resources that UNI's Transfer Center in Gilchrist Hall has to offer; photo.
32 UNI campus goes bananas
Northern Iowan 119:14, p.1

Olivia Brunsting reports on the new so-called "banana week" phenomenon during homecoming week. Students known as the banana bandits have placed over 40 bananas in weird places around campus such as the panther statue near Maucker Union, UNI Dome, and on window sills; photo.

33 Why turning the UNI Health Beat into an Esports area sucks
Northern Iowan 119:13, p.3
Abigail Saathoff writes their opinion on the struggles of UNI's decision to change the UNI Health Beat gym into a gaming area. Saathoff points out that the Wellness/Recreation Center is 12-19 minute walk from any dorm on campus whereas the Health Beat Gym was a 5 minute walk making it more accessible to get a quick workout in; photo.
34 Traditions Challenge: The Amazing Race
Northern Iowan 119:12, p.4
Five photos of students participating in the 13th Annual Amazing Race for homecoming week. The photos are of the kick off which took place on the Maucker Union rooftop; photo.
35 Changes underway in UNI Dining
Northern Iowan 119:5, p.1
Bailey Klinkhammer looks at some of the issues the dining department is dealing with such as supply chain shortages and low staff support. Some of the better changes are that dining centers are now serving hot breakfast due to student popular demands. Maucker Union now holds Godfather's Pizza and Kachin's Sushi; photo.
36 UNI Dance Marathon wants to see a change this year
Northern Iowan 119:4, p.4
Meg Grove reports that UNI Dance Marathon has seen a decrease in involvement and money raised the last two years due to COVID-19. Their hope this year is to get more UNI students involved and surpass the amount of money raised the past two years; photo.
37 Panther Esports levels up
Northern Iowan 119:3, p.1
Panther Esports, one of the biggest student organizations with 235 members, struggles to find the funds and physical space for their club. For the fall semester, the club will temporarily meet in the old Health Beat gym near the tunnel that connects Maucker Union to Lang Hall; photo.
38 Construction in motion on campus
Northern Iowan 119:2, p.1
Caroline Christensen writes about the various construction that will continue throughout the year. Buildings including ITTC, Redecker Center, and the Campanile will all have maintenance work done; photo.
39 Best places to cry on campus
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.7
Olivia Brunsting lists some of the best places to cry on campus including Botanical Center, Rod Library, and music practice rooms.
40 Places to study on campus
Northern Iowan 119:1, p.6
Various students share their favorite spots to study on campus including the basement of Rod Library, the adirondack chairs, and Maucker Union; photo.
41 Womens rugby bake sale
Northern Iowan 118:55, p.5
A photo of the women's rugby team selling baked goods in Maucker Union to raise money for the New Orleans 7s National.
42 Panther portrait: Tropical celebration
Northern Iowan 118:51, p.5
A Panther Portrait of Tropical Celebration day (TC) at Maucker Union; photos.
43 Panther portrait: Dragaganza
Northern Iowan 118:48, p.4
A Panther Portrait of the Dragaganza event hosted at Maucker Union on April 9, 2022; photos.
44 De-stressing with puppy yoga
Northern Iowan 118:47, p.5
Four photos of a puppy meet-and-greet event, which also included yoga; photos.
45 Panther portrait: Xi man
Northern Iowan 118:47, p.5
Four photos of the Xi Man event hosted by Alpha Xi Delta in the Maucker Union Ballroom; photos.
46 Warlocks, aliens and superheroes welcome at Rod
Northern Iowan 118:46, p.1
The Rod Library hosts this year's annual RodCon; photo.
47 Panther portrait: CAB panther hot ones
Northern Iowan 118:46, p.5
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) hosted "Panther Hot Ones," where students could eat chicken wings and try 10 different sauces. The men's basketball team tried sauces on stage; photos.
48 Being a Black resident assistant
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.7
Diamond Stonetree discusses their experience as one of the only Black Resident Assistants on campus; photo.
49 Black History Month: Recap of events
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.9
The Black Student Union (BSU) hosted many events for Black History Month; photo.
50 Highlighting Black leaders at UNI
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The author discusses the development of Black History Month in American and UNI history as well as student, community, and alumni involvement, and the many Black leaders who have visited UNI; photo