Maxwell--Roger A. (Class of 1954)
Displaying 1 - 48 of 48 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | The beat goes on Northern Iowa Today 85:2, p.6 |
Jazz Band celebrates 50 years; band members recall their experiences; photo. | |
2 | Northern Lights celebrating a dozen decades of great teaching Campus News Network 6:17, p. |
Photographs of activities celebrating UNI's 120th anniversary; photo. | |
3 | UNI-CUE open house to be held Thursday Northern Iowan 92:52, p.6 |
Roger Maxwell will speak. | |
4 | UNI-CUE to hold open house in celebration of University of Northern Iowa's 120th anniverstary, Tuesday, April 25 Public Relations News Release 1995:325, p.1 |
Roger Maxwell will be the featured speaker at the University of Northern Iowa Center for Urban Education open house. | |
5 | University of Northern Iowa to celebrate its 120th anniversary with variety of activities April 20-27 Public Relations News Release 1995:324, p.1 |
Activities are announced for the celebration of the 120th anniversary of UNI. | |
6 | Maxwell, Bailey combine talents to produce Christmas choral concert Alumnus 69:4, p.25 |
Concert taped in Des Moines church; photo. | |
7 | Grad student orchestrates concert Northern Iowan 81:25, p.8 |
Don Bailey puts together a Christmas program; compiled and arranged by Roger Maxwell. | |
8 | Alumni award winners named UNI Century 12:1, p.3 |
Short biographical sketches of winners; photo. | |
9 | Achievement, service awards presented at Homecoming '83 Alumnus 67:3, p.4 |
List of those honored. | |
10 | Maxwell discovers band directors' cure Alumnus 62:4, p.18 |
College roommates Larry Mattox and Roger Maxwell write book on improving bands; photo. | |
11 | More Regents news Northern Iowan 68:40, p.4 |
Approve summer police training session and consulting services contract for Education Center television system. | |
12 | Jazz at I. S. T. C. Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
Brief description of the activity; photo. | |
13 | All-College Sing Old Gold 0:0, p.20 |
Description of the All-College Sing, which had seventeen groups competing; photos. | |
14 | Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Presents Jazz Concert Old Gold 0:0, p.36 |
Description of the jazz show; photos. | |
15 | Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.109 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
16 | Bachelor of Arts Candidates Old Gold 0:0, p.253 |
List of graduates; photo. | |
17 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.108 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |
18 | Jazz Concert Old Gold 0:0, p.64 |
Brief description of the event; photo. | |
19 | Schedule senior recitals Tuesday College Eye 45:27, p.1 |
Lois Bubb and Roger Maxwell will perform. | |
20 | 'Videology' variety Thursday follows television act theme College Eye 45:21, p.1 |
Preview of the variety show; photo. | |
21 | Legs interest 'videology' crew College Eye 45:19, p.7 |
Rehearsals for variety show underway. | |
22 | Students observe race problems College Eye 45:18, p.1 |
Brotherhood meeting sponsored by Student Council of Religious Activities. | |
23 | Maxwell requests talent for show College Eye 45:15, p.1 |
Roger Maxwell will direct this year's show. | |
24 | 17 gone 'Cats treat audience to best in modern-day jazz College Eye 45:11, p.3 |
Over 2500 attend two performances; lengthy description of the show; photo. | |
25 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.203 |
Fraternity roster; photo. | |
26 | A cappella choir, chapel choir Old Gold 0:0, p.130 |
Elwood Kesiter directs the A Cappella Choir, with Jane Mauck serving as director of the chapel choir; photo. | |
27 | Symphony orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.132 |
Professor Myron Russell directs the Symphony Orchestra in their quarterly performances; photo. |
28 | Jazz concert Old Gold 0:0, p.95 |
KWWL's Ray Starr acts as master of ceremonies of the Jazz Concert, the fourth annual performance of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia; photo. | |
29 | Education Old Gold 0:0, p.39 |
The Department of Education sponsors a meeting of the Driver Training Association and a special workshop for education supervisors featuring nineteen foreign educators; photo. | |
30 | Music students give afternoon recital College Eye 44:16, p.5 |
List of performers. | |
31 | Getting underway College Eye 44:6, p.1 |
Students review music scores for upcoming jazz concert. | |
32 | Roger Maxwell Old Gold 0:0, p.43 |
Roger Maxwell is featured on this page as a popular student on campus; photo. | |
33 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.120 |
Photo of the Symphony Orchestra with a list of the members; photo. | |
34 | Alpha Chi Epsilon Old Gold 0:0, p.223 |
Description of the fraternity and some of the activities that they held during the year; photo. | |
35 | Phi Mu jazz show opens Wednesday College Eye 43:19, p.1 |
Lengthy description of the upcoming program; photo. | |
36 | Honor beauty, popularity winners at dance College Eye 43:18, p.7 |
Scenes from the Old Gold Dance on Saturday night; photo. | |
37 | Jazz tickets go on sale College Eye 43:18, p.1 |
For third jazz concert. | |
38 | Old Gold Beauties were selected on Saturday Public Relations News Release 1952:439, p.1 |
Three judges chose the four Beauties from a field of ten finalists in the traditional contest sponsored by the college student yearbook Old Gold. The Four are: Mona Van Steenbergen, Jean Stolle, Ruth Troeger, and Dorothy Theesfeld. | |
39 | Special to: Cedar Falls Daily Record Public Relations News Release 1952:440, p.1 |
Four Old Gold Beauties selected by judges from a field of ten finalists were presented at the traditional Old Gold Beauty Dance Saturday night. Finalists are listed. | |
40 | Special To: Central Iowa Independent Public Relations News Release 1951:226, p.1 |
Roger Maxwell, Marshalltown, has been formally activated into Alpha Chi Epsilon, a local social fraternity. Maxwell is a sophomore student majoring in music. | |
41 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.115 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
42 | Concert Band Old Gold 0:0, p.114 |
Brief description of the band; photo. | |
43 | Compositions of four faculty members and two students will be performed Sunday night, April 22 at the annual Original Compositions concert Public Relations News Release 1950:324, p.1 |
The SAI chorus will sing two songs by Edward Kurtz, retiring head of the music department. Words for both songs were written by Mrs. Kurtz. Pianist Henry Harris will play a piano sonatina by William Latham. Juanita Yearous will sing a song. |
44 | Student recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:217, p.1 |
Nine students took part in a recital Friday afternoon (Feb. 16) in Gilchrist hall chapel. Those giving solo performances are listed. | |
45 | Student recital to be held today College Eye 42:14, p.7 |
List of those who will perform. | |
46 | Students to give recital at ISTC Public Relations News Release 1950:171, p.1 |
Eight student soloists will present the winter quarter's first student recital Friday in Gilchrist hall. Participating students listed. | |
47 | TC Symphony Names Members Public Relations News Release 1950:61, p.1 |
Student members of the 80-piece symphony orchestra and the College were announced this week by Edward Kurtz, firector of the symphony and head of the music department. Students listed. | |
48 | Members of the 96-piece marching band were announced this week Public Relations News Release 1950:35, p.1 |
The marching band will perform here at the three remaining home football games. The first road trip will be to Ames on Oct. 7, according to director David Kennedy. Students listed. |