May Day

Displaying 1 - 50 of 306 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 May Day Ice Cream Social
Northern Iowan 101:54, p.2
Hosted by the UNI Museums will occur May 1st at the Marshall Center School.
2 Carnival of Life to celebrate springtime
Northern Iowan 94:55, p.13
"Carnival of Life" celebration will be held at Overman Park in Cedar Falls May 1.
3 May Day festival created by leisure services class
Northern Iowan 94:41, p.7
Festivals and Special Events class announces the May Day festivities that will take place May 1.
4 Celebrate life at Union Thursday
Northern Iowan 93:54, p.11
Spring Celebration of Life will be held Thursday in the Union.
5 Signing the May Day proclamation
Northern Iowan 93:47, p.1
Waterloo and Cedar Falls mayors and President Koob sign proclamation that May 1 is May Day Festival of Life; photo.
6 Other facets of college life
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.93
The May Day Fete; faculty organizations; faculty scholarship; photo.
7 The Coordination Plan debated and rescinded
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.295
President Seerley and school supporters attempt to counter the plan to limit the Teachers College to a two year curriculum; they and their political allies manage to defeat the scheme.
8 Expanded co- and extra-curricular activities
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.448
Survey of activities of literary societies, drama, athletics, Greeks, debate, oratory, and college student publications; photo.
9 Tomahawk May Day fling meeting
Northern Iowan 76:53, p.13
May 1 in the Commons.
10 'Virtuous' men and woman compete for May King title
Northern Iowan 76:51, p.12

Nominees for the SUNI-Days May King listed.

11 Turn backward, oh time in thy flight
Alumnus 55:2, p.14
Memories for returning classes; photo.
12 Campus School May Day will end year
College Eye 39:30, p.4
Will include pageant, Maypole, and other activities.
13 Campus School spring festival to be May 22
College Eye 37:33, p.1
Will include May programs.
14 Spring formal dance May 5; May Queen to reign at midnight
College Eye 36:30, p.1
15 Music Department's May Festival to be held in College Auditorium
College Eye 36:29, p.1
Description of the program.
16 Annual May Day at Campus School
College Eye 34:29, p.4
Description of the ceremony.
17 Campus School has May Day festival
College Eye 33:34, p.5
18 Today's afternoon dance carries May Day theme
College Eye 33:30, p.3
19 To feature May baskets at Bartlett Hall dance
College Eye 33:27, p.3
20 A Corner for Coeds
College Eye 29:30, p.3
Suggests clothing suitable for May Day activities.
21 Live the Hours
Old Gold 0:0, p.128
22 Training School will present May festival
College Eye 27:1, p.3
23 Robertson chosen queen of frolic
College Eye 27:42, p.3
Margaret Robertson is queen of May Frolic.
24 Queen to preside over May frolic
College Eye 27:41, p.3
25 Union's frolic to select May Queen
College Eye 27:40, p.3
26 Mothers, College Pressers, Dramer!
Alumnus 20:2, p.8
Mother's Day will again be held; May Day Fete will again be omitted; Iowa College Press Association will meet.
27 Virginia Lawrence crowned queen at campus May fete
College Eye 27:44, p.5
28 Students to fete mothers May 11
Alumnus 19:2, p.3
Will feature dinner; May Fete with crowning of May Queen will be discontinued.
29 Mothers will be entertained at dinner by their sons and daughters at the annual Mother's Day celebration
Public Relations News Release 1934:907, p.1
The May festival will be discontinued this year.
30 Student Council minutes
College Eye 26:16, p.2
Considers May Day, bulletin boards, and class elections.
31 Council vetoes May Day fete; votes to abolish freshman and sophomore class elections
College Eye 26:16, p.1
Believes Tutor Ticklers has replaced May Day; believe abolition of elections will enhance unity of the school.
32 Student Council minutes
College Eye 26:14, p.2
Actions included plans for dance instruction, May Day, and campus elections.
33 Three hundred mothers are guests
Alumnus 18:3, p.17
Visit sons and daughters in May.
34 Lorinne Crawford will rule as Queen of the May Day festivities
Public Relations News Release 1934:467, p.1
The fifth annual Mother's day celebration will also be held the same day.Lorinne Crawford's court will be all women candidates for the B. A. or B. S. degree in the June commencement.
35 Mothers will be represented on the toast program at the Mother's Day luncheon
Public Relations News Release 1934:470, p.1
Registration will begin at 5:00 on Friday. The May fete will begin Saturday at 10:00. On Sunday there will be a special church service honoring the mothers. Students need to invite their parents, because the college will not be sending invitations.
36 Fifth annual Mother's Day festivities
Public Relations News Release 1932:449, p.1
On May 11-13 mothers will be guests at a luncheon, teas, tours of campus, and a special Sunday morning church service in the college auditorium. A music festival will be presented on Friday evening.
37 Final May Day plans revealed; all senior B.A. girls will attend May queen May twelfth
College Eye 25:40, p.1
Will feature dances.
38 Spring term holds many extracurricular events
Public Relations News Release 1932:446, p.1
With the senior prom, May fete, Recognition Day, recreational sports and picnic for Men's Play Day, women's farewell picnic, Commencement activities, as well as all the sports, music, tests, concerts and competitions spring is certainly a busy season.
39 Lorinne Crawford "Queen of May"
Public Relations News Release 1932:414, p.1
Crawford will reign as "Queen of May" at the annual May day and Mother's day festivities on May 12 and 13.This senior was selected by Bing Crosby as the most beautiful woman on campus.
40 Crawford wins close race for Queen of May
College Eye 25:38, p.1
Election results; photo.
41 New May fete plans revealed; committee arranges many features for May 12 festivities
College Eye 25:38, p.1
Will include four Maypoles on south campus.
42 Eleven vie for 1934 May queen; final election to be held Monday, April ninth
College Eye 25:37, p.1
List of those nominated; description of upcoming event.
43 Nominations open for May Day queen
College Eye 25:36, p.1
44 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.115
May Day and Washington Ball; photos.
45 Wilma Roth to reign at Teachers College High School May fete
College Eye 24:33, p.1
46 Mother's Day celebrations
Public Relations News Release 1932:308, p.1
The three day visit with their sons and daughters ends today.
47 Three hundred mothers are guests on the campus today; luncheons, concerts and May Fete to feature entertainment
College Eye 24:32, p.1
Schedule of activities.
48 All campus organizations fete mothers at May Day meetings and festivities
College Eye 24:32, p.3
Campus social calendar.
49 Mother's Day celebration
Public Relations News Release 1932:297, p.1
Approxiamtely two-hundred mothers are expected to visit the college this week, May 12-14.
50 Annual Mother's Day celebration
Public Relations News Release 1932:300, p.1
Approximately two-hundred mothers will be guests at the college on May 12, 13, and 14. One of the many events planed will be the first annual music festival, presented in the men's gym.