Maynard--Harold Howard (Classes of 1909 and 1912)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 53 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Harold H. Maynard, B.A. '12
Alumnus 38:1, p.14
elected to the Hall of Fame on Distribution for distinguished contribution to the advancement of distribution; Maynard is chairman of the department of business organization at Ohio State University
2 Schools, colleges like Teachers College alumni
Alumnus 20:1, p.7
Many alumni serve on college and school faculties; photo.
3 Campus This Week
College Eye 27:51, p.3
Coming events.
4 Dr. Maynard heads business studies at Ohio State University
Alumnus 19:2, p.6
Has been department chair for seven years.
5 Maynard, Harold H.
Alumnus 14:4, p.25
Maynard, professor of marketing, College of Commerce and Administration, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, recently visited H. H. Seerley and other friends at the College.
6 Dr. H. H. Maynard
Alumnus 14:1, p.28
Named Chairman of the Department of Business Organization at the College of Commerce, Ohio State University; position was formerly held by C. O. Ruggles.
7 Harold Howard Maynard
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.5
Harold H. Maynard earns the Doctor of Philosophy Degree at the State University of Iowa.
8 Alumni
Alumni News Letter 6:1, p.5
Former students meet at the home of J. L. St. John, where they are entertained with musical selections and stories connected to the Teachers College.
9 H. H. Maynard
Alumni News Letter 5:1, p.6
Maynard is Professor of Business Administration in Washington State College.
10 Harold H. Maynard
Alumni News Letter 4:1, p.5
After being discharged from the army, Harold H. Maynard is now a faculty member in charge of business courses at Vanderbilt University.
11 H. H. Maynard
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.6
Maynard is Professor of Economics at Vanderbilt University.
12 Harold H. Maynard
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.4
Harold Maynard worked as special instructor at different locations around the world.
13 Harold Howard Maynard
College Eye 9:16, p.7
Has reported in Jacksonville, Florida.
14 Brief Reports 37
Alumni News Letter 2:1, p.1
Harold H. Maynard, formerly Y. M. C. A. Secretary at the State University of Iowa, has enlisted in Quartermasters Corps of U. S. Army stationed in Jacksonville, Florida.
15 Teachers College Club at Iowa
College Eye 7:12, p.1
Former students of Teachers College now at the University of Iowa organize and plan banquet.
16 A number of old students
College Eye 7:11, p.8
Many former students spent Thanksgiving in Cedar Falls.
17 Mr. Harold H. Maynard
College Eye 7:6, p.8
Has joined the graduate department at this school.
18 Harold Maynard
College Eye 7:4, p.7
Doing graduate work in economics at Iowa City.
19 Official Notes
College Eye 4:17, p.3
Announces and reviews events and important issues concerning education; plans for Vocational Building on hand; will seek bids soon; hope to begin work soon.
20 Official Notes
College Eye 4:13, p.3
Important outside events in field of education are noted.
21 Harold Maynard
College Eye 4:3, p.8
Enrolled in post-graduate work at Iowa.
22 Harold H. Maynard and George H. Hilliard
College Eye 3:29, p.486
Awarded honorary scholarships at the University of Iowa.
23 Harold Maynard
College Eye 2:25, p.7
Visited campus.
24 Among the former graduates
College Eye 2:8, p.6
Richard Bagley and his wife, Harold Maynard, and Jap Wilbur visited campus and attended the football game.
25 Large number of graduates secure prominent positions
College Eye 2:6, p.4
Roster of those who have found jobs.
26 Untitled
Old Gold 0:0, p.293
Cartoon regarding the "Has-Been Club" and Professor Colegroves "shot gun tests."
27 Old Gold staff
Old Gold 0:0, p.204
Roster of staff and contributors.
28 Toomey, reciting the "Charge of the Light Brigade"
Old Gold 0:0, p.188
Quotes, poems, and other humorous jokes about the Philos.
29 Negative team Ames debate
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
Photos of debaters.
30 Seniors
Old Gold 0:0, p.62
Photos of senior students.
31 Senior Class Organization
Old Gold 0:0, p.45
Roster of class officers.
32 Notes of the conference
College Eye 1:23, p.1
Cedar Falls Commercial Club held conference.
33 Lyceum of politics and economics reorganizes; first meeting will be held next Tuesday night.
College Eye 1:17, p.1
Group elects officers.
34 Seniors decide to have Commencement orator
College Eye 1:14, p.6
Roster of committee members.
35 In memoriam
College Eye 1:11, p.7
Resolutions of condolence on the death of Leslie J. Compton.
36 Ames wins both debates; Aggies get five points; Teachers one--debates are hard fought
College Eye 1:11, p.1
Recount of debate highlights.
37 Ames-Teachers debate
College Eye 1:10, p.5
Sixteenth annual debate coming up; brief history of the series; will debate government control over strikes.
38 Ames debaters are busy; annual debate will be held November 17
College Eye 1:6, p.2
Men will debate whether or not Canadian Industrial Disputes Investigation Acts of 1907 should be employed in the US.
39 Christian associations will observe twenty-fifth anniversary
College Eye 1:4, p.5
Preparations are being made for anniversary celebration; Cedar Falls businessman J. H. Shoemaker spoke to Y. M. C. A.; Professor Condit hosted social gathering for members of Y. M. C. A.
40 Y. M. C. A. reception
College Eye 1:1, p.4
Social gathering was held.
41 What happened during the summer
College Eye 1:1, p.3
Highlights events of interest taking place during the summer session.
42 Senior class organizes; Class of 1912 promises to be largest in the history of the institution; annual staff elected at first regular meeting
College Eye 1:1, p.1
Officers announced; committees have been formed.
43 The Lyceum of Politics and Economics
Old Gold 0:0, p.41
Provides the objective of the Lyceum; roster of the executives.
44 Philo
Old Gold 0:0, p.237
Overview of the society and the year in review; glee club and debating team; photo.
45 Y. M. C. A.
Old Gold 0:0, p.106
Summary of the past year's activities; photo.
46 Ames debate
College Eye 1:11, p.187
Roster of I. S. T. C. students who will take part in the annual debate against Ames.
47 On last Monday afternoon
College Eye 1:3, p.52
Political Science Club met to elect new officers.
48 Triangular debate
College Eye 1:3, p.40
The Orios, Alphas, and Philos will have a triangular debate with Ames.
49 Kansas preliminary
Normal Eyte 21:22, p.377
A preliminary debate will be held to determine who will be on the team to debate against Kansas. Editorial encourages students to attend and support the preliminary debate.
50 Harold H. Maynard
Normal Eyte 20:0, p.23
Is going to be principal at Plainfield.