McCombs--Mark D. (Classes of 1991 and 1993)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Colleges differ greatly within UNI
Northern Iowan 89:36, p.2
Student believe that CBA teachers expect more from students that do COE teachers.
2 University of Northern Iowa students have works published in "Draftings"
Public Relations News Release 1991:629, p.1
"Draftings in Economics" recently published works by UNI graduate and undergraduate students.
3 U S., Allied roles make sense
Northern Iowan 87:34, p.3
Student supports U. S. involvement in the Gulf War.
4 University of Northern Iowa speech team sweeps two tournaments in a row.
Public Relations News Release 1989:224, p.1
The first was on the UNI campus and involved fifteen schools. Individual achievements listed. On November 4 the team placed first of 16 schools represented at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
5 Third place sweepstakes finish for University of Northern Iowa individual events speech team in season's first MAFL tournament.
Public Relations News Release 1989:134, p.1
thirteen member individual events speech team from the University of Northern Iowa finished third in the opening tournament of the Mid-America Forensic League at Loras College.