McCulloch--Isabella (Class of 1906)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Underwood
Alumnus 18:3, p.26
The former Isabel McCulloch spent seven months in Southern California and now lives in Chicago, Illinois, with her husband.
2 Isabelle (McCulloch) Underwood
College Eye 8:8, p.6
Visited here from Cedar Falls.
3 We are indebted to Helen Greig
Normal Eyte 20:4, p.66
Helen Greig has provided news about alumni.
4 Isabelle McCulloch
Normal Eyte 17:18, p.283
Will teach in Cherokee.
5 Belle McCulloch
Normal Eyte 17:6, p.87
Teaching in Algona.
6 The elections for the week
Normal Eyte 12:35, p.562
Roster of Normalites who have found teaching positions.
7 Student portraits
Pedagog 0:0, p.38
Student portraits; photo.
8 The Zetalethean Society
Pedagog 0:0, p.91

Brief history of the organization; photo.

9 Belle McCullough
Normal Eyte 16:30, p.478
Visited Waterloo.
10 Society
Normal Eyte 16:28, p.440
The Neos presented a bird program; the Zetas held a program.
11 Society
Normal Eyte 16:24, p.377

Shakes held Far North program; Aristos, Zetas, and Philos all held meetings.

12 Belle McCullough
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.303
Entertained sister.
13 Belle McCullough
Normal Eyte 16:16, p.252
Visited Waterloo.
14 Belle McCullough
Normal Eyte 16:15, p.239
Entertaining sister.
15 Belle McCullough
Normal Eyte 16:6, p.92
Attended sister's wedding.
16 Belle McCulloch
Normal Eyte 16:5, p.75
Attended sister's wedding.