
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Untitled
Northern Iowan 82:9, p.2
Cites instances of substantial disagreement with Mike Hager.
Northern Iowan 81:51, p.4
Resolution against Contras passes after debate.
3 Nielsen removed from Senate
Northern Iowan 81:47, p.4
Loses seat over election violation.
Northern Iowan 81:47, p.5
Eric Nielsen loses Senate seat over election violation; appointed vice president for finance; other vice presidents are Don Findlay, Dave Schoon, and Kerisa Chung; consider mandatory measles immunization; photo.
5 UNI to join community in charity fundraiser
Northern Iowan 81:32, p.1
Will assist low income families.
6 Forum on Central America discussed
Northern Iowan 81:23, p.3
Report on Central America forum; believe policy needs to be changed.
7 It¿s as clear as the writing's off the wall
Northern Iowan 81:18, p.1
A member of Students for Peace cleans the sidewalk of graffiti in front of the library; photo.
8 Member clarifies graffiti incident
Northern Iowan 81:18, p.3
A member of Students for Peace claims that only a few members were involved in the graffiti incident.
9 Sees this as a time to get involved, work harder
Northern Iowan 80:26, p.3
McKenney urges people to involved in improving the society and the planet.
10 Ending 'nuclear madness'
Northern Iowan 80:24, p.12
David McKenney talks about his anti-war poster.