McVey--Maude (Class of 1917)

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Hope Foote and Maude McVey
College Eye 12:11, p.8
Visited Training School.
2 Mabel Heller
College Eye 11:2, p.8
Teaching in Marshalltown; Maude McVey and Sylvia Hoffman are teaching in Charles City.
3 Maud McVey, '18, and Louise Hearst, '18
College Eye 10:22, p.3
Iowa Falls teachers visited the college.
4 Sylvia Hoffman
College Eye 9:30, p.8
Visited Maude McVey.
5 Ruth Sweezy
College Eye 9:18, p.8
Spent the weekend in Iowa Falls with Maude McVey.
6 Fall term Commencement
College Eye 9:11, p.1

Roster of students and their degrees.

7 Girls from Bartlett Hall who have left school
College Eye 9:11, p.8
Roster of students who are now teaching.
8 Maude McVey
College Eye 9:11, p.8
Will teach at Iowa Falls High School.
9 Miss Maude McVey's sister
College Eye 9:7, p.8
Is visiting during a return from the island of Samoa, where she serves as a nurse.
10 Miss Maude McVey
College Eye 9:4, p.8
Spent the weekend in Traer with Iris Wilson.
11 Senior Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.78
Photos and quotes from the Class of 1917.
12 Maude McVey
Old Gold 0:0, p.198
Artistic photographs of Maude McVey.
13 English Club holds meeting
College Eye 8:22, p.1
Several members make presentations.
14 Maud McVey
College Eye 8:14, p.8
Spent the weekend in Waterloo.
15 Chrestomathian, 1901
Old Gold 0:0, p.215
Colors, flower, motto, members' fields of study, and honorary members.
16 Chresto gossip
Old Gold 0:0, p.217

Gossip, candid photos, and quotations.