Meech--Richard F. (Student--1931)
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Richard Meech is visitor on campus College Eye 23:52, p.1 |
2 | Xanho Old Gold 0:0, p.248 |
Names of officers and members; photo. | |
3 | Men's Band Old Gold 0:0, p.195 |
Names of officers and members; photo. |
4 | "The Wisdom Tooth" Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Names of cast members; photos. | |
5 | Prospects for a powerful Iowa State Teachers College track team Public Relations News Release 1931:287, p.1 |
Rainy weather forces track team indoors; other problems for the team include tracksters who graduated last year. | |
6 | Student journalists at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:175, p.1 |
Second annual Press Prom was held Friday; 175 couples attended. | |
7 | Football star fights for life; Kimberlin has transfusion at hospital; condition reported critical College Eye 23:23, p.1 |
Suffering from severe nose bleeding; photo. | |
8 | Drama students at the Iowa State Teachers College Public Relations News Release 1931:113, p.1 |
"The Wisdom Tooth" will be performed next week; roster of cast and crew. | |
9 | Ginghams and denims are feature costuming at box social tomorrow College Eye 23:21, p.1 |
YWCA will hold dance. | |
10 | Panther Tales College Eye 23:20, p.7 |
Comments on offices in Men's Gymnasium, freshmen cheerleaders, coaching courses, and drum major. | |
11 | Keith Kittrell, Waterloo Public Relations News Release 1931:102, p.1 |
Track team participates in annual decathlon. | |
12 | Untitled College Eye 23:15, p.3 |
Dick Meech is drum major for the Marching Band. | |
13 | Untitled College Eye 23:13, p.3 |
14 | Freshmen excel in track and baseball Alumnus 15:3, p.22 |
1931 freshman season wrap-ups; photo. | |
15 | Xanho Old Gold 0:0, p.272 |
Officers, members, and pledges; photo. | |
16 | Iowa State Teachers College freshman tracksters Public Relations News Release 1930:394, p.1 |
Team prepares for meet against Grinnell. | |
17 | J. B. Lake wins annual decathlon Alumnus 15:1, p.24 |
Competitors complete ten track events; scores of those who placed highest. |