Meier--Leona Bertha (Class of 1919)

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Leona B. Meier
Alumnus 17:3, p.26
Works with Hammett Case of the Cosmopolitan School of Music.
2 Chicago recitalists are former students
College Eye 23:45, p.3
Former students perform in Chicago recital.
3 Senior Class
Old Gold 0:0, p.78
Photos and quotes from the Class of 1917.
4 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.253

Gives the group motto, colors, and roll; photos.

5 Classical Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.312
Brief history of the Classical Club; photo.
6 Song recital
College Eye 8:29, p.3
Program for voice recital of Harriet Case's students provided.
7 Elections
College Eye 8:27, p.2
Roster of those who have found teaching positions.
8 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.197
Colors, emblem, flowers, mascot, motto, presidents, members and honorary members, and candid photos; photo.
9 The Classical Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.257
Officers and members; photo.
10 Delphian
College Eye 7:27, p.3
Delphians held joint meeting with Eulalians.
11 Miss Leona Myer
College Eye 7:18, p.8
Has returned to school after an illness.
12 Miss Leona Meier
College Eye 7:17, p.8
Absent from school due to illness.
13 Eulalian
Old Gold 0:0, p.101
Roster of society presidents, honorary members and members; humorous look at the aims of the group members; poem about nighttime; photo collections.