Mental Health

Displaying 1 - 50 of 109 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Vox Pop: What is your biggest pet peeve about UNI?
Northern Iowan 119:51, p.5
Emma Criswell interviews five UNI students to learn their biggest pet peeves about UNI. The students interviewed are Sean Brown, Maddison Hofmann, Caleb Shea, Damian Rivera, and Madison Hansen; photos.
2 UNI Art Gallery features five students of the Bachelors of Fine Arts Program
Northern Iowan 119:49, p.5
An exhibit featuring students from the Bachelor of Fine Arts will be on display from April 24-May 5, 2023 in the Kamerick Art Building. The student artists are: Jenna Lou Jansen, Jules Marie Hammerand, Madeline LeRoy, Summer Weed, and Taylor Lee Rachel Sullivan; photo.
3 UNI Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention
Northern Iowan 119:48, p.5
UNI hosted its annual Out of the Darkness Walk on campus on April 1, 2023. Lauren McGuill writes more details about the event; photo.
4 UNI receives $2.5 million federal grant for mental health access
Northern Iowan 119:44, p.1
UNI received a $2.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to train 15 new school psychologists to help address the shortage of school psychologists in Iowa schools; photo.
5 Who let the dogs out?
Northern Iowan 119:41, p.5

Active Minds is hosting a de-stressing activity during midterms week. Students can play with cats and dogs in the Maucker Union Ballroom on March 7, 2023.

6 UNI SHAC presents "The Jean Project"
Northern Iowan 119:40, p.4
The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) is displaying "The Jean Project" in Maucker Union from February 27 to March 3, 2023. The purpose of this project is to promote body acceptance by displaying jeans of every size with body positive sayings written on the jeans; photo.
7 Meet Sam and Christelle
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.5
Mallory Schmitz writes about Sam Caughron and Christelle Tungu's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
8 Meet Micaiah and Liz
Northern Iowan 119:38, p.4
Nixson Benitez writes about Micaiah Krutsinger and Liz Montalvo's Student Body Election campaign and what they hope to accomplish if elected president and vice president of the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG); photo.
9 You matter at UNI week
Northern Iowan 119:36, p.4
You Matter At UNI week is put on by the Student Health & Well-being Coordinator and UNI Counseling Center and will be held February 27-March 3, 2023. Aubrey Schafbuch interviews students and staff who explain the importance of this week and lists out the events and how students can get involved; photo.
10 McDermott impacting Panther basketball
Northern Iowan 119:33, p.6
Nixson Benitez interviews Maya McDermott, sophomore point guard for the UNI women's basketball team. McDermott shares her goals for herself and the team for the 2022-2023 season as well as what it is like to be an athlete in today's society; photo.
11 Art of Mindfulness
Northern Iowan 119:29, p.4
The Wellness and Recreation Center (WRC) is hosting The Art of Mindfulness training. This training will help students learn the benefits of what it means to be mindful and how to apply it in their own lives.
12 Take care of yourself during finals week
Northern Iowan 119:28, p.1
Emma Koehler points out on-campus resources as well as tips that can help students make it through finals week; photo.
13 NISG November updates
Northern Iowan 119:28, p.2
A list of accomplishments and actions taken by the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) during the month of November.
14 Vox Pop: What would you say in today's society is the biggest factor on college students' mental health?
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.5
Jordan Simon asks students "What would you say in today's society is the biggest factor on college students' mental health?" Caylee Hermsen, Grant Rickertsen, Danielle Goedken, Caden Easter, and Maya McDermott give their opinions on the matter; photo.
15 Bring back the blue
Northern Iowan 119:18, p.3
Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on their thoughts of why Iowan voters should vote Democrat for the midterm election this year; photo.
16 Don't ghost your mental health
Northern Iowan 119:17, p.4
Meg Grove reports on the work that The Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) and Active Minds are doing to try and combat students' struggles with mental health. The two groups hosted Don't Ghost Your Mental Health which gave students the chance to take a break from school and de-stress; photo.
17 Panther Preview
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.4
A timeline of events happening on campus next week. Some of the events include Majors in Minutes, a UNI women's soccer game, and Family Weekend.
18 Promoting more walkable communities
Northern Iowan 119:15, p.3
Bailey Klinkhammer writes an opinion piece on the benefits of creating walkable communities such as college campuses. Studies show that it improves the environment and the mental health of those who live in these communities.
19 Pornhub fuels human trafficking
Northern Iowan 119:5, p.5
Guest columnist and UNI student, Codey Gillespie writes about the struggle with human trafficking and how porn sites (Pornhub specifically) enables the trafficking that occurs. Only when Pornhub was summoned to court did they delete 75% of the videos on their website that were not verified by them.
20 UNI to host panel on COVID-19, mental health
Northern Iowan 118:52, p.1
Steve Carignan, Associate Dean of the College of Humanities, to moderate a panel on the impact on mental health by COVID-19; photo.
21 Prioritizing mental health
Northern Iowan 118:52, p.3
Saathoff describes the importance of mental health in relation to schoolwork; photo.
22 Community care amongst marginalized students
Northern Iowan 118:52, p.3
Janes emphasizes the need for and benefits of community care for marginalized students; photo.
23 Students clocking out
Northern Iowan 118:49, p.1
A growing number of students on campus are skipping or missing classes; photos.
24 The arts go underappreciated
Northern Iowan 118:22, p.3
In this article, a reprint from November 14, 2019, the author discusses the ways in which art in various forms is underappreciated and the various benefits it can provide; photo.
25 College students need mental breaks
Northern Iowan 118:17, p.3
Jetta Colsch discusses the importance of college students and adults taking mental breaks during the day and that they should not be stigmatized; photo.
26 Field of Flags brings awareness
Northern Iowan 118:16, p.3
UNI Active Minds hosted their Field of Flags event where participants were encouraged to write down a positive message or affirmation and place a flag on the field. These 1,100 flags represent the lives lost to suicide annually; photo.
27 In pursuit of good health from daily stressors
Northern Iowan 118:15, p.3
Opinion columnist Diego Solorio discusses his belief that exercise helps both body and mind with relieving stress during school; photo.
28 College debt effects on students
Northern Iowan 118:15, p.3
Opinion columnist Sierra Christensen discusses the effects of student loan debts on students; photo.
29 Student body president, vice-president create plans for new semester
Northern Iowan 118:10, p.2
Student Body President Samantha Bennett and Vice President Alisanne Struck have been advocating for mental health, suicide prevention, an inclusive Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) culture, and more online core classes, among other initiatives; photo.
30 'Schitt's Creek' star Dan Levy speaks with three Iowa schools
Northern Iowan 117:49, p.4
UNI, the University of Iowa, and Iowa State University hosted a virtual interview with Dan Levy, who is best-known for his involvement in the television program "Schitt's Creek." Levy discussed his career and inspiration for the show and answered questions; photo.
31 Put your own needs first, take a break for you
Northern Iowan 117:47, p.3
In the author's opinion, students and faculty are experiencing burnout due to the stress of COVID-19 and a semester without Spring Break. Maier advocates for mental health awareness and self-care; photo.
32 LTE: Active Minds to host group creator, Alison Malmon
Northern Iowan 117:45, p.3
Active Minds UNI is hosting Alison Malmon, the founder and executive director of Active Minds, via Zoom on April 1. The event is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Many professors in mental health departments are granting students extra credit to attend this event.
33 UNI student honored for community impact
Northern Iowan 117:43, p.5
Student Jerell Bates has been selected for a Newman Civic Fellowship, and looks forward to building leadership and problem-solving skills, especially in relation to mental health. Bates is also a member of the Ethnic Student Promoters and Black Student Union campus organizations; photo.
34 As students call for spring break, professors respond
Northern Iowan 117:42, p.2
The changing guidelines due to COVID-19 left students without a Spring Break this semester. While some students are struggling mentally and would prefer getting a break and extending the semester, others stress the importance of health and safety. Some professors are finding ways to give students a break anyway, whether through cancelling class or lessening the amount of homework assigned; photo.
35 Iowa does not protect trans rights
Northern Iowan 117:42, p.3
In the author's opinion, Iowa law and legislators do not protect transgender people. Slomka discusses recent bills concerning minors, bathrooms, and schools.
36 Panther Portrait: Active minds presentation
Northern Iowan 117:39, p.4
UNI Psychology Club and UNI Active Minds hosted a presentation on stress management and mental health; photo.
37 Instructional breaks at Iowa, not UNI
Northern Iowan 117:39, p.2
Due to the pandemic, UNI's spring semester calendar was condensed and eliminated Spring break. Some students are feeling strained and wish for "instructional break" days that the University of Iowa offers. Patrick Pease, UNI's Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, explains the calendar and lack of breaks; photo.
38 Detox your news and social media feed
Northern Iowan 117:35, p.3
In the author's opinion, it is better for your mental health to limit time checking the news and social media.
39 NISG presidential candidates tackle diversity and COVID-19
Northern Iowan 117:34, p.3
Both Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) presidential ticket candidates, Samantha Bennet with Alisanne Struck and Muhammed Shamir Butt with Bilal Hussain, debated via Zoom about issues concerning student advocacy, diversity, and involvement; photos.
40 "You Matter at UNI" weeks kicks off
Northern Iowan 117:31, p.1
"You Matter at UNI," a week-long event that promotes mental well-being, starts this week amid new COVID-19 restrictions. The Counseling Center will host several events, and an art and creative writing exbhibit called "In My Shoes" will be on display in Maucker Union; photo.
41 Take your time during this upcoming fall break
Northern Iowan 117:27, p.3
Horning urges students to evaluate the previous semester and the challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic in preparation for the spring semester.
42 Everybody has problems, don't face them alone
Northern Iowan 117:26, p.1
The author discusses their own personal experiences with mental health issues, stigma surrounding them, and the lack of quality services at UNI.
43 Have an attitude of gratitude this season
Northern Iowan 117:22, p.3
Student Wellness Services discusses ways to express gratitude on campus.
44 Treat mental health seriously
Northern Iowan 117:19, p.3
Seybert discusses mental health; photo.
45 Counseling Center holds "In My Shoes" exhibit
Northern Iowan 117:13, p.4
Riley Rodemaker, graduate and program assistant at the UNI Counseling Center, is putting together an exhibit called "In My Shoes" to showcase the intersections of diversity and mental health. It will be on display in Maucker Union; photo.
46 Counseling Center hosts mental health conference
Northern Iowan 117:9, p.5
The Counseling Center hosts its second annual mental health conference virtually; photo.
47 Montgomery: Go to therapy
Northern Iowan 117:8, p.3
Tyler Montgomery urges students to take advantage of the five free sessions offered by Student Health Services. Montgomery gives his views on the stigmas of therapy and the self improvement it can have; photo.
48 Students, community react to mandate
Northern Iowan 117:8, p.1
Cedar Falls City Council initiate a city wide mask mandate, Mayor Rob Green says that they feel encouraged to wear a mask to protect not only others physical health, but mental as well. Students Kristin Rasmussen and Isaac Vos share their concerns for the virus; photo.
49 Horning: Find a student org for you
Northern Iowan 117:3, p.3
Colin Horning writes an opinion piece about the importance of meeting people or finding a student organization to join amidst the social distancing guidelines in place on campus.
50 NISG holds presidential elections: Boeding and Greene
Northern Iowan 116:35, p.1
Elle Boeding and Rachel Greene are running, currently unopposed, for Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) student body president and vice president. They discuss their backgrounds and platform. NISCO elections will be held February 25-26; photos.