Merrill--Barzille Winfred (Music Faculty)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 200 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Institutional growth; transfer of governance to the State Board of Education (1906 through June, 1909)
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.255
Organization of the school into formal departments; Dean of Women Walker develops guidelines for rooming houses; photo.
2 Continuing common experiences
A Century of Leadership and Service 1:0, p.436
The role of the college in regulating behavior; the influence of religion on students and faculty; photo.
3 Former music head dies
Alumnus 38:4, p.8
B. Winfred Merrill died October 14, 1951.
4 Symphony
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
History; some form of an orchestra has been around since 1878; photo.
5 Dean Barzille W. Merrill
Alumnus 14:2, p.4
Will conduct tour of Europe.
6 Mr. B. W. Merrill
College Eye 18:48, p.7
Visited campus; head of the School of Music at Indiana State University.
7 Mrs. B. W. Merrill
College Eye 17:24, p.3
Mrs. Merrill and her daughter Winifred visited friends during Winifred's concert on campus; Cora Klaus's father died; Clarence Palmer married Hazel Manchester.
8 The Merrill violin concert Thursday; player is former T. C. student
College Eye 17:23, p.1
Performance program and performer profile of Winifred Merrill; photo.
9 Merrill concert seat sale Friday
College Eye 17:22, p.1
Winifred Merrill, daughter of former faculty member B. Winfred Merrill, will perform.
10 B. W. Merrill
Alumni News Letter 6:4, p.2
B. W. Merrill is conferred the Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, and Bachelor of Public School Music degrees by the Indiana University Board of Trustees.
11 B. W. Merrill
Alumni News Letter 5:3, p.3
Professor B. W. Merrill is appointed Dean of the Music College of Indiana State University in Bloomington, Indiana.
12 Official
College Eye 12:28, p.5
Changes in administration of colleges.
13 Prof. Merrill enjoys vacation
College Eye 12:14, p.5
Humorous letter describing his adventures with a car.
14 Adolph Kramer
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.5
Spent summer in Cedar Falls and visited his former violin instructor.
15 B. W. Merrill
Alumni News Letter 4:4, p.3
Professor Merrill and family spent summer in Maine.
16 B. W. Merrill
Alumni News Letter 4:3, p.5
B. W. Merrill completed first year as Director of Music at Indiana University and led concert.
17 Professor B. W. Merrill
Alumni News Letter 3:4, p.3
Merrill elected Director of School of Music at Indiana State University.
18 The feast of Little Lanterns
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2
The Cecilian Glee Club presented operetta "The Feast of Little Lanterns" April 8 to benefit French War Orphans. Director was Elizabeth Burney. Assisted by Leone Short, B. W. Merrill & orchestra, F. L. McCreary, C. H. Brown, Hazel Morris, Kathryn Moore.
19 Music Festival
Alumni News Letter 3:3, p.2
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra gave two concerts at college. Committee of management was in charge of arrangements.
20 Glee clubs
Old Gold 0:0, p.266

Cecilian and Euterpean glee clubs; descriptions of the operettas presented; photo.

21 Department of Orchestral Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.49
Music faculty; photo.
22 "Feast of the Little Lanterns" was a feast indeed
College Eye 10:23, p.1
Review of the performance.
23 Glee Club stage operetta "Feast of Lanterns" April eighth; under direction of Miss Burney. Leone Short, dramatic coach
College Eye 10:21, p.1
Performance program.
24 Another of our orchestral students will be missed
College Eye 10:21, p.3
Edward Cummins will leave on a four month tour with The Yankee Boys Concert Company and Orchestra.
25 General Wood speaks here; sends reply to Seerley's telegram
College Eye 10:19, p.1
General Leonard Wood agrees to speak at Commencement, always with the caveat that military matters might come up.
26 Miss Burney to stage Cecilian operetta
College Eye 10:18, p.1
Will present "Feast of Lanterns"; proceeds will benefit orphans.
27 Department of Orchestral Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.52
28 Literary
Old Gold 0:0, p.207
Illustration of a book, a wreath, and a cauldron; Clio's flower, colors, and motto; society officers; roster of honorary members and regular members; photos.
29 Orchestral Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.146
Orchestra students; photo.
30 Official
College Eye 9:17, p.5
Winifred Merrill has passed her violin recital; will graduate from the Institution of Musical Art in New York City.
31 Faculty frolic; professors indulge in real merriment; curtain rises at 5:30 Wed. evening
College Eye 9:11, p.1
Program schedule.
32 Clio
Old Gold 0:0, p.238
Group photos and information about the Cliosophic Literary Society.
33 Department of Orchestral Music
Old Gold 0:0, p.62
Profile of the professors in the Department of Orchestral Music; photo.
34 Orchestral Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.168
Group photo and short history of the Orchestra and Band.
35 Orchestra
College Eye 8:31, p.4
Roster changes in the College Orchestra.
36 College calendar
College Eye 8:30, p.8
Meetings and events planned.
37 College Orchestra to appear again
College Eye 8:23, p.5
Program of events for performance provided.
38 Miss Sara Riggs
College Eye 8:21, p.8
Has purchased a Professor Merrill's house.
39 Prof. and Mrs. B. W. Merrill
College Eye 8:18, p.8
Entertained a guest.
40 Last Days of Pompeii; portrayed in movies Saturday eve.
College Eye 8:17, p.7
Orchestra to provide score for film.
41 Winifred Merrill at New York City
College Eye 8:7, p.8
Is studying violin.
42 Harry Anderson
College Eye 8:6, p.8
Hired Paul Warttman to direct the band in Vinton.
43 Cliosophic
Old Gold 0:0, p.176
Flower, colors, roll, honorary members, presidents of Cliosophic Literary Society.
44 Orchestral Department
Old Gold 0:0, p.255
Enrollment, department head, instructors, high school orchestra; photo.
45 Music Programs
Old Gold 0:0, p.256
Concert programs for the College Symphony Orchestra and a matinee of Chamber Music
46 Heads of departments
Old Gold 0:0, p.15
47 Large crowd attends concert; popular concert popular
College Eye 7:30, p.1
Review of orchestra concert.
48 Warren Proctor greatly applauded; young tenor proves himself an artist
College Eye 7:23, p.1
Sang mostly in German and English; sang one original song and a song by B. W. Merrill.
49 Symphony concert well rendered; large crowd enjoys Mr. Merrill's program
College Eye 7:15, p.1
Twenty-nine students performed in the concert.
50 Symphony concert Friday night
College Eye 7:14, p.1
Program for performance provided.