Merrill--Jacob (Student--2022)

Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 The fall of UNI fraternities and sororities
Northern Iowan 119:31, p.5
Kate Murphy writes about the decreasing numbers of students enrolling in UNI which in turn is causing fraternity and sororities to struggle finding recruitment. Starting Spring 2023, the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha is shutting down permanently due to the lack of new members; photo.
2 Student body elects new NISG representatives
Northern Iowan 118:37, p.1
The new Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) representatives are announced. Leila Masinovic and Micaiah Krutsinger are student body president and vice president; Sam Caughron, Trevor Meyers, James Carolus, Geneva Bell, Jacob Merill, and Emily Paul were elected as senators; photos.
3 NISG candidates aim to better campus
Northern Iowan 118:35, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) introduces the senators that are up for election; photo.