Midland--Dale (Student--1952)

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Literary Circle Is Organized
Old Gold 0:0, p.221

Descrption of the Literary Circle, was formed during this year; photo.

2 Bachelor of Arts
Old Gold 0:0, p.275
Graduates; photo.
3 Untitled
College Eye 48:4, p.2
Criticizes the "hall monitors" in Commons for treating college students like children.
4 Untitled
College Eye 47:23, p.2
Claims that the lack of interest in student governmental positions indicates that the student government is dying.
5 Untitled
College Eye 47:17, p.2
Discusses the presentation of Dr. Paul Holmer as a part of Religion in Life Week.
6 Untitled
College Eye 47:16, p.4
Supports the editorial claiming that only ten percent of students and faculty attend art exhibitions, plays and films.
7 College chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.134

College chorus members; photo.

8 Speech Activities Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.189
Lavon Burrichter, Pat Fennessy, and Pat Allen serve as officers in the Speech Activities Club; photo.
9 Anderson wins superior award
College Eye 44:22, p.1
Results of Nebraska meet.
10 Students attend Nebraska debate
College Eye 44:21, p.1
List of speakers and topics.
11 Davis earns superior rating in tournament
College Eye 44:16, p.1
A look at ISTC student performances.
12 School spirit letter reviewed
College Eye 44:11, p.2
Defines community spirit and what is needed to achieve it.