Miller--Edna O. (Class of 1918; Language Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 95 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Edna O. Miller Alumnus 60:4, p.23 |
Died in June 1975. | |
2 | Alumni get together at 77th reunion Alumnus 45:3, p.10 |
Reunion highlights; photo. | |
3 | Twelve faculty members resign Alumnus 44:3, p.16 |
Roster of those who have left their positions. | |
4 | Eight new faculty members announced by Dean Lang College Eye 50:37, p.1 |
Brief profiles of the new faculty. | |
5 | Interest in Languages Promoted Old Gold 0:0, p.105 |
The Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature offer conversational French or German classes, along with conventional speech and composition; the department sponsored the College Players, Speech Club, and Literary Circle; photo. | |
6 | Edna Miller asks emeritus status soon College Eye 50:18, p.5 |
Will retire at end of spring semester; brief profile. |
7 | National Foreign Language week celebrated at ISTC College Eye 49:19, p.7 |
Special display will be set up in Library. | |
8 | Edna O. Miller shares 1954 summer trip College Eye 48:33, p.4 |
Will talk about trip to Mexico. | |
9 | Social events planned for each student College Eye 48:32, p.1 |
Quick look at summer entertainment. | |
10 | Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
Professor Reninger described the purpose of the Department of Language, Speech, and Literature as "an exploration of human values"; the Foreign Language Listening Room was a new addition in the Department of Languages, Speech, and Literature; photo. | |
11 | Purple Arrow Old Gold 0:0, p.205 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
12 | Latin convention attracts 500; discuss ideas for local clubs College Eye 46:35, p.1 |
Highlights of the Junior Classical League meeting; photo. | |
13 | Languages, Speech, and Literature Newly Formed Old Gold 0:0, p.85 |
Description of the newly formed department that incorporates three former departments; photos. | |
14 | The second annual national meeting Alumnus 39:2, p.11 |
Junior Classical League will meet on campus. | |
15 | Latin Clubs hold annual meeting here College Eye 46:23, p.6 |
16 | Foreign Language Club Old Gold 0:0, p.188 |
Brief description of the group; photo. |
17 | Purple Arrow Old Gold 0:0, p.173 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
18 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.238 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
19 | Purple Arrow honors ninety new members College Eye 45:30, p.3 |
Will hold initiation dinner. | |
20 | Foreign Language Club Old Gold 0:0, p.175 |
Description of organization; photo. | |
21 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.47 |
The Department of Languages makes available courses in French, German, Latin, and Spanish. A number of foreign magazines and newspapers are made available to students; photo. | |
22 | Purple Arrow Old Gold 0:0, p.180 |
Description of the organization and photo of members; photo. | |
23 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.146 |
Description of the department and photos of the faculty and some students; photo. | |
24 | Language staff attends meeting College Eye 43:6, p.8 |
Will attend language teaching conference in Iowa City. | |
25 | Purple Arrow Old Gold 0:0, p.170 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
26 | Languages Old Gold 0:0, p.54 |
Brief description of the department; photo. | |
27 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.207 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
28 | Know Your Faculty; E. Miller has rare book collection College Eye 40:36, p.2 |
Profile of foreign languages instructor, Edna O. Miller; photo. | |
29 | Honorary Organizations Old Gold 0:0, p.118 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
30 | Instructional Staff Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
This page lists and shows some of the Instructional Staff in photos; photo. | |
31 | Committees will work together toward chapel College Eye 39:4, p.2 |
Faculty and student committees organized for proposed chapel building; would be located near Commons and cost about $50,000. | |
32 | Carlquist talks to language group College Eye 38:35, p.5 |
Will speak on Mexico. | |
33 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.110 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
34 | Teachers College Spanish students study languages through letters College Eye 38:6, p.5 |
Students use letters from pen pals who write in Spanish. | |
35 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
Photos of the faculty. | |
36 | The Faculty Off Guard Old Gold 0:0, p.66 |
Photos of the faculty during their leisure time; photo. | |
37 | The call of old Mexico beckoned Miller and Hunter College Eye 37:1, p.1 |
Edna Miller and Mary Hunter study and tour in Mexico. | |
38 | Visual education College Eye 36:40, p.3 |
Mary Hunter spoke on trip to Mexico; Dwight Curtis spoke on visual education. | |
39 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.52 |
Faculty; photo. | |
40 | Miller relates Latin legends over KXEL College Eye 36:25, p.4 |
Professor Miller believes that people should know more about classical Latin writers. | |
41 | Faculty shops early to relieve St. Nick College Eye 36:12, p.3 |
Faculty tell how them accomplished their Christmas shopping. | |
42 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
Faculty; photo. | |
43 | Campus speaks College Eye 35:26, p.2 |
Survey on question of the value of learning a second language. | |
44 | Foreign Language Club Old Gold 0:0, p.65 |
The Foreign Language Club is the new club formed from the Romance Language, German, and Classical Clubs with the purpose to stimulate interest in languages; photo. |
45 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.44 |
Roster of faculty; photo. | |
46 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.55 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
47 | Classical Club Old Gold 0:0, p.230 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
48 | Faculty Old Gold 0:0, p.60 |
List of faculty; photo. | |
49 | You, too, would have enjoyed it Alumnus 24:3, p.19 |
Description of reunion activities and roster of many who attended; Minnesingers celebrate fiftieth anniversary; photo. | |
50 | Fuller pleased by alumni dinner; officers elected College Eye 31:34, p.1 |
Minnesingers alumni sing; roster of Alumni Association officers. |