Miller--Florence Elisabeth (Class of 1906)

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Florence Elisabeth Miller
Normal Eyte 19:21, p.334
Principal in Ackley.
2 The school board of East Waterloo
Normal Eyte 16:33, p.524
Many Normalites are teaching there.
3 Florence Miller
Normal Eyte 16:30, p.477
Teaching in Marshalltown.
4 Florence Miller
Normal Eyte 16:20, p.317
Doing substitute teaching in Waterloo.
5 Ossoli public session
Normal Eyte 16:19, p.291
Gave variety program at public session.
6 Alpha orator wins; Margaret Kelly, Alpha, first; Edith Ufford, Chresto, second; Helen Porter, Shake, third
Normal Eyte 16:14, p.209
Women's literary societies hold oratory contest.