Miller--Lavern M. (Lee) (Alumni Services Staff)

Displaying 1 - 50 of 112 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Lee Miller
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.32
Died on January 25, 2013.
2 LaVerne (Lee) Miller
Northern Iowa Today 95:3, p.32
Died January 25, 2013; brief obituary; photo.
3 Capital and other physical improvements
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.453
Brief review of construction during the early 1970s including the Education Center, UNI-CUE, and the ITC; photo.
4 Financial concerns, 1970-1976
A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.389
UNI administrators battle in the General Assembly and with the Regents for adequate funds; questions about the future of the Laboratory School.
5 UNI issues important in mayoral election
Northern Iowan 86:17, p.1
Jon Crews, Lee Miller, and Dick Robert talk about their views on UNI-related matters; photo.
6 Lakes project beckons Miller
Nonpareil 71:3, p.17
Lee Miller will be head of Chain of Lakes organization.
7 UNI-Dome debt "paid-in-full"
Northern Iowa Today 15:2, p.4
Gift by Neva Radell allows Dome debt to be paid off; photo.
8 Radell sisters' 1980 contribution used to end 13-year Dome debt
Northern Iowan 83:19, p.7
Foundation uses Radell gift to make last payment on bonds; Foundation also elected directors and governors.
9 Saluting 10 years under the big top
Northern Iowa Today 14:2, p.4
Celebration commemorates tenth anniversary of UNI-Dome; photo.
10 UNI foundation directors, governors meet, hear reports of increased giving
Public Relations News Release 1985:133, p.1
The UNI Foundation saw a 28% increase in donations in the 1985 fiscal year over the year previous; nearly eight thousand individuals/corporations/private industries contributed to the Foundation during the 1985 year.
11 Dome's first decade boosts campus image
Alumnus 70:3, p.18
Brief history of Dome and the events that have been held there; effects on UNI image; photo.
12 Miller, Calhoun assume new jobs in alumni/development
Alumnus 70:1, p.4
Rick Stinchfield will head Alumni Services and Development, Public Information, and Admissions; Bill Calhoun is acting director of Alumni Services and Development; Lee Miller will head Foundation; photo.
13 Calhoun named acting director of alumni services
Northern Iowan 81:40, p.5
William Calhoun will be acting director of alumni services and development; Rick Stinchfield will be responsible for admissions, alumni services and development, and public information services as part of long range plan.
14 Miller assumes development challenge
Northern Iowa Today 13:2, p.6
Lee Miller will give up position as director of alumni services and development and devote more time to Foundation; photo.
15 Planned giving director named
Northern Iowan 81:36, p.8
Lee Miller will give up duties as director of Alumni Services and devote time to planned giving.
16 Planned giving director needed
Northern Iowan 81:28, p.4
The final stage of picking a new UNI Assistant Director of Planned Giving is nearing.
17 Foundation celebrates 25th anniversary
UNI Century 12:4, p.2
History of UNI Foundation.
18 Gifts to Home Economics, Art from Neva Radell, '17
Alumnus 68:2, p.4
Dr. Radell donates display cases, cash; photo.
19 Fund drive support for Old Ad requested, denied
Northern Iowan 80:46, p.1
Historical representatives make presentation to Foundation Board; Board turns down request; photo.
20 Forces unite to save Old Ad
UNI Century 12:2, p.7
Regents grant six month reprieve; building placed on National Register of Historic Places; potential uses for building considered.
21 Artist program established
Northern Iowan 79:29, p.7
Martha Ellen Tye donates funds to support artist-in-residence program.
22 Program to benefit future
Northern Iowan 79:25, p.4
Lee Miller talks about the advantages of gifts to UNI Foundation.
23 Lawmakers hear from UNI
Alumnus 66:2, p.8
Experiences, objectives of Dr. Edward Voldseth, UNI's lobbyist; photo.
24 Kamerick visits D. C. in protest
Northern Iowan 78:37, p.1
President Kamerick leads group of UNI faculty and staff in attempt to stop financial aid cuts.
25 Radells urge giving where need is greatest
UNI Century 9:1, p.2
Fourth Dome door officially named for the Radells; other doors named for C. B. McDonald, J. S. Latta, and T. Wayne Davis; short biographical sketches; photo.
26 Tour the mountains
Northern Iowan 77:10, p.13
Lee Miller will present program on Germany and Austria at Museum.
27 Fourth UNI-Dome entrance named after Radell sisters
Alumnus 65:3, p.14
Neva and Inez Radell donate $100,000 to Dome; photo.
28 Jepson estate funds lecture series
Northern Iowan 76:62, p.1
Lawrence Jepson, a 1917 graduate of UNI, died on June 17, 1980. Jepson left most of his estate to the University of Northern Iowa for the purpose of establishing a lecture series on international economics; photo.
29 Radell sisters confer gift on UNI
Northern Iowan 76:61, p.3
The Radell sisters donated a major gift to the UNI Foundation. In recognition of this gift, the SE entrance of the UNI-Dome will be named after them; photo.
30 UNI Foundation sells bonds to city, lowers UNI-Dome interest rate
UNI Century 8:2, p.1
Sale of $600,000 worth of bonds will reduce and stabilize interest rate.
31 Bond sale provides help for UNI-Dome payment
Northern Iowan 76:33, p.1
The UNI Foundation sold $600,000 worth of industrial revenue bonds through the City of Cedar Falls.
32 Republican caucus features large student turnout
Northern Iowan 76:29, p.1
The UNI Republican caucuses had a much higher percentage participation than did the Democratic caucuses.
33 Board elected
Northern Iowan 76:25, p.4
Officers have been elected for the UNI Alumni Association Board of Directors.
34 Alumni return
Northern Iowan 76:9, p.10
Events are planned for alumni who are having class reunions or are just returning to campus for homecoming.
35 New sculpture for south campus weighs 4,300 pounds, cost $10,000
Northern Iowan 75:27, p.5
Sculpture for site near ITC will be delivered in January; process for selecting artwork on campus; photo.
36 Director's MedLee
Alumnus 63:4, p.22
Reactions to Alumni Association trip to Soviet Union.
37 Volunteers--the people who make things tick
Alumnus 63:3, p.12
Volunteers are instrumental to the operation of alumni services and development activities; photo.
38 UNI reps meet in Washington
Northern Iowan 74:51, p.7
Administrators go to Washington, D. C.
39 Personal reasons, not facts, on Dome symbol
Northern Iowan 74:33, p.2
Believes recent writer had his facts about the Dome wrong.
40 Dome refinancing likely
Northern Iowan 74:28, p.1
The deadline to pay off the bonds for the construction of the Dome will not be reached, and refinancing will more than likely be necessary.
41 Should UNI symbol be "Home of the Dome?"
Northern Iowan 74:15, p.1
Professor Wilson introduces motion at Faculty Senate about use of "Home of the Dome" and accompanying Dome logo; other officials react.
42 UNI alumnus
Northern Iowan 74:13, p.4
Three alumni review events from the UNI Homecoming/Reunion weekend; photo.
43 $200,000 yet to be raised for Dome debt
Northern Iowan 74:11, p.3
Lee Miller talks about raising the money that is due by December 31.
44 Administrative changes
UNI Century 5:4, p.6
Dr. Voldseth is now assistant to the president for state relations and special events; Dr. Hansmeier is now vice president for student services; Lee Miller is now director of alumni services and development.
45 Side by side
Alumnus 62:3, p.8
Brief history of relationship between UNI and Cedar Falls; photo.
46 Alumni firsts occurring
Alumnus 62:2, p.2

Offices move to Arts and Industries; Alumni Association will charge dues; photo.

47 Introducing--the new UNI Alumni Association
Alumnus 62:2, p.3
Defense of establishing a dues-paying structure.
48 Deere's increases UNI-Dome pledge
Alumnus 62:1, p.15
Total now at $105,000; photo.
49 Association elects officers; discusses charging alumni dues
Alumnus 62:1, p.15
List of officers.
50 Homecoming '76
Alumnus 61:4, p.10
Homecoming highlights; photo.