Miller--Lois Wanda (Class of 1943)

Displaying 1 - 40 of 40 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence
Alumnus 37:2, p.22
The former Lois W. Miller and her husband are the parents of Ramon Jonathan, who was born on November 5, 1952.
2 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence
Alumnus 34:1, p.25
The former Lois Wanda Miller and her husband are the parents of Mark, who was born in December, 1949.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lawrence
Alumnus 33:3, p.22
The former Lois Miller and her husband are the parents of Mark Howard, who was born on October 6, 1948.
4 Mrs. Howard Lawrence
Alumnus 32:3, p.23
The former Lois Miller lives in Ames, Iowa.
5 Lois Miller and Howard Lawrence
Alumnus 30:1, p.29
Married on August 25, 1945. Lois has been instructor in violin at Central Washington College of Education, Ellensburg, Washington. They reside in Washington, D. C., where Howard is stationed with the Navy.
6 Music, humor, drama
Alumnus 28:4, p.14
Summer lecture series includes ISTC faculty.
7 Lois Miller's concert originally scheduled for Tuesday now on Sunday
College Eye 35:38, p.1
Performance program.
8 Symphony plays Tuesday; Lois Miller to be guest soloist with orchestra
College Eye 35:37, p.1
Performance program and list of performers; photo.
9 Lois Miller gives piano recital at Eastman school
College Eye 35:26, p.5
Performance review.
10 Teachers College now heard throughout country on KXEL
College Eye 35:11, p.6
Mr. Hake receives listener reports from around the country.
11 194 are graduated August 19
Alumnus 27:4, p.9
Robert Bell Browne addresses graduates.
12 Summer Session Graduation Ceremony
Public Relations News Release 1943:106, p.5
Dr. Robert Bell Browne delivered a speech to the 194 student. Reverend Paul Brown delivered the invocation, and President Malcolm Price presented the degrees, diplomas, and certificates. A list of graduates are included.
13 Violin recital by Lois Miller Tuesday night
College Eye 34:40, p.1
Performance program.
14 Dial Dope 1540
College Eye 34:38, p.2
Announces upcoming broadcasts on KXEL.
15 Russell training future Campus School band
College Eye 34:37, p.4
Works with young students.
16 Sweltering crowd cheers symphony and its soloist
College Eye 34:37, p.1
Review of performance of Symphony Orchestra.
17 We Women
College Eye 34:37, p.3
Discusses past and possible future "women in the news."
18 Summer Symphony Orchestra Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:97, p.3
The Iowa State Teachers college symphony orchestra will present its summer concert.
19 Symphony concert to be Tuesday; Lois Miller featured as violin soloist
College Eye 34:36, p.1
Performance program; photo.
20 Musican Presents Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:98, p.3
The Metropolitan opera bass-baritone, John Gurney, will present a concert.
21 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.69
Sigma Alpha Iota is the national professional music fraternity for women, Olive Barker is the advisor and Bethel Pollock was president this year. The annual SAI Sing was April 10; photo.
22 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.152
Band Photo and roster of members; photo.
23 A Change in Tradition
Public Relations News Release 1943:58, p.1
The fifth annual S.A.I. Sing at Iowa State Teachers college will change from being a competition to a choral program by a music fraternity for women.
24 Symphony Orchestra Winter Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:26, p.1
The 75-piece symphony orchestra of the Iowa State Teachers college will present its winter concet and Lois Miller will have a violin solo. Dr. Edward F. Kurtz will conduct.
25 Symphony Orchestra gives winter concert Sunday
College Eye 34:18, p.1
Lois Miller will be soloist.
26 Annual Winter Concert
Public Relations News Release 1943:16, p.1
The Iowa State Teacher college will present its anaual winter concert. Lois Miller will have a violin solo.
27 National honorary fraternity and sorority is hold joint recital
Public Relations News Release 1943:187, p.1
Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha will combine the group talents for their annual concert.
28 Joint Recital
Public Relations News Release 1943:186, p.1
Sigma Alpha Iota and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia will present a joint recital in Gilchrist hall.
29 Homecoming Leasure Hour Recital
Public Relations News Release 1943:174, p.1
Three student soloists and a string quartet will appear at the homecoming leasure hour recital. Joan Doan, Fredrick Smith, Lois Miller, Leonna Weiss, Lois Barrigar, and Richard Meier will be the preforming students.
30 Clues to the News
College Eye 33:41, p.2
Describes upcoming programs on KXEL.
31 Summer symphony plays Tuesday
College Eye 33:39, p.1
Performance program.
32 Symphony Orchestra gets underway on summer tour
College Eye 33:37, p.1
33 Sigma Alpha Iota
Old Gold 0:0, p.94
Brief description of the organization; photo.
34 College symphony orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.214
Brief description of the group and a list of members; photo.
35 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.216
Brief description of the group and a list of members; photo.
36 Women's Chorus
Old Gold 0:0, p.217
Brief description of the group and a list of members; photo.
37 Music groups plan May festival
College Eye 33:30, p.1
Will feature original student compositions.
38 Three artists perform in today's recital
College Eye 33:5, p.1
Catherine Widmer, Wesley Lindskoog, and Lois Miller will perform.
39 Concert Band
Old Gold 0:0, p.222
Brief description of the group; photo.
40 Orchestra
Old Gold 0:0, p.230
Brief description of the group; photo.