Minkel--Lester M. (Classes of 1922 and 1925)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 57 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Lester Minkel Alumnus 15:4, p.9 |
Employed in Trenton, New Jersey, schools. | |
2 | Literary College Eye 20:36, p.3 |
Creative writing by students. | |
3 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.281 |
Honorary members, associate members, chapter roll, and pledges; photo. | |
4 | T. C. graduates obtain fellowships; from Columbia University College Eye 19:33, p.1 |
Lester Minkel and Melvin Anderson win Lydia Roberts Fellowships. | |
5 | Theta Alpha Phi hold initiation College Eye 17:12, p.1 |
Paul R. Brown and Opal Sarchett join. | |
6 | Lambda Gamma Nu Old Gold 0:0, p.309 |
Fraternity members; pledges; photo. | |
7 | Minnesinger Glee Club Old Gold 0:0, p.176 |
Club officers; director; members; photo. | |
8 | Phi Sigma Phi College Eye 16:33, p.5 |
Held annual Spring Formal; details about the event and those who attended. | |
9 | 675 students now taking American Government course; work of department greatly expanded due to new state regulation College Eye 16:29, p.1 |
Because of new state regulations, more instructors are slated to teach American Government courses. | |
10 | Minnesingers and Troubadours are now selected; try-outs held last Thursday evening College Eye 16:4, p.1 |
Roster of members. | |
11 | Mr. Lester Minkel College Eye 15:20, p.8 |
Attended the Alpha- Philo initiation. | |
12 | Mr. Lester Minkel and Mr. Merril Muzzey College Eye 15:19, p.8 |
Were at the college last Saturday. | |
13 | Mr. Lester Minkel College Eye 15:11, p.8 |
Spent the weekend here at the college. | |
14 | Others who were here College Eye 15:9, p.8 |
Visitors from Class Day. | |
15 | Lester Minkel and Ivan Maxson College Eye 14:42, p.8 |
Visited Tumble Inn. | |
16 | Lester Minkel College Eye 14:41, p.4 |
Visited friends at Tumble Inn. | |
17 | Lester Minkel College Eye 14:28, p.8 |
Visited Tumble Inn, along with Ivan Maxson, James Mueller, and James Bell. | |
18 | Ivan Maxson and Lester Minkel College Eye 14:24, p.8 |
Visited friends at Tumble Inn. | |
19 | Lester Minkel and Ivan Maxon College Eye 14:23, p.8 |
Visited Tumble Inn. | |
20 | Lester Minkel College Eye 14:21, p.8 |
Attended the Training School game against Osage; then went to his home in La Porte City. | |
21 | Ivan Maxson College Eye 14:19, p.8 |
Visited Tumble Inn, as did Lester Minkel, Norma Herrling, and James Mueller. | |
22 | Lester Minkel College Eye 14:18, p.8 |
Visited Cedar Falls to attend the plays "The Climax" and "Rosmersholm." | |
23 | Miss Norma Herrling College Eye 14:16, p.8 |
Visited Tumble Inn, along with Lester Minkel and Ivan Maxson. | |
24 | Lester Minkel College Eye 14:15, p.8 |
Principal in Plainfield; attending the Training School football game. | |
25 | Mr. Lester Minkel College Eye 14:13, p.8 |
Principal at the high school in Plainfield. | |
26 | Photos of graduates Old Gold 0:0, p.50 |
1922 graduates; photo. | |
27 | B.A.'s as babies- 1922 Old Gold 0:0, p.88 |
Graduates as children; photo. | |
28 | Bright B.A.'s Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
Humorous quotes. | |
29 | Philomathean society Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
Motto, colors, flower, officers, members. | |
30 | Mr. Lester Minkel College Eye 13:20, p.8 |
Teaching in Plainfield, Iowa. | |
31 | Inquiring Reporter College Eye 13:12, p.4 |
Students answer the question, "What do you think would be a good name for the room now called the 'Old Ladies' Gym?'" | |
32 | Conference held at Des Moines; many of the faculty members will attend College Eye 13:10, p.1 |
About six thousand will attend the ISTA convention. | |
33 | Tumble Inn College Eye 13:7, p.7 |
Boarding house news. | |
34 | Lester Minkel College Eye 13:7, p.8 |
Confined to the hospital. | |
35 | Tumble Inn College Eye 13:6, p.8 |
Boarding house news. | |
36 | Senior picnic College Eye 13:5, p.3 |
Seniors enjoy picnic supper and games. | |
37 | Tumble Inn College Eye 13:4, p.2 |
Boarding house news. | |
38 | Juniors Old Gold 0:0, p.78 |
Class roll; formal and informal photographs; student quotes and jokes; photo. |
39 | Music Department College Eye 12:23, p.6 |
News notes on faculty and students in the department. | |
40 | Pupils' recital; I. S. T. C. auditorium Tuesday, Feb. 3, 1921, 7:30 p. m. College Eye 12:22, p.3 |
Roster of performers and their work. | |
41 | Philo College Eye 12:15, p.7 |
Roster of elected officers for winter term. | |
42 | Public recital by music students College Eye 12:11, p.1 |
Roster of students and their work. | |
43 | Junior B. A. class election College Eye 12:4, p.3 |
Selected class officers. | |
44 | Sophomores Old Gold 0:0, p.92 |
Members of the sophomore of the potential Class of 1922. Photo of Professor Meyerholz and candid photos; photo. | |
45 | Y. M. C. A. Cabinet Old Gold 0:0, p.232 |
Officers, cabinet members, review of year's activities; photo. | |
46 | Philo Old Gold 0:0, p.157 |
Presidents and members; photo. |
47 | Second Year Junior College Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
Roster of class members and candid photos; photo. | |
48 | French Club organized College Eye 11:33, p.1 |
First club meeting will take place on May 19. | |
49 | Philo College Eye 11:30, p.3 |
Program of April 20th meeting is printed. | |
50 | Philo program College Eye 11:26, p.2 |
Hosted first program of the term. |