
Displaying 1 - 50 of 259 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Community care amongst marginalized students
Northern Iowan 118:52, p.3
Janes emphasizes the need for and benefits of community care for marginalized students; photo.
2 The continuation of sports protest
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.11
The use of protests by black athletes throughout athletics history shows the racism embedded within it; photo.
3 Cultural competency should be required
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.10
Melissa Hoffman states their opinion that cultural competency should be required for all Iowans. Multiple Iowa programs are given as examples; photo.
4 Being a Black resident assistant
Northern Iowan 118:41, p.7
Diamond Stonetree discusses their experience as one of the only Black Resident Assistants on campus; photo.
5 Jump Start 2021-2022
Northern Iowan 118:2, p.3
16 photos of the Jump Start program that was created to help transition students from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds bond with each other and get to know the campus; photos.
6 'Burnt City' comments on U.S.-Iran relations
Northern Iowan 116:43, p.5
Alldredge gives the "Burnt City: A One-Persian Show about U.S.-Iran Relations" a favorable review. The show, created by instructor Josh Hamzehee, had three performances in Lang Hall the previous weekend; photo.
7 African American Children and Families Conference held in SEC
Northern Iowan 116:40, p.1
The ninth annual African American Children and Families Conference was held in the Schindler Education Center on February 28. The theme was "Transforming Communities for the Betterment of the Lives of African American Children and Families;" photo.
8 'Star Trek' and progressive representation in television
Northern Iowan 116:39, p.3
In the author's opinion, the Star Trek franchise has been pioneering and consistent in bringing under-represented groups to the television screen.
9 REC launches #UNIisnotanAlly campaign
Northern Iowan 116:19, p.1
Following President Nook's October 30 email to campus regarding the concerns of the UNI Racial and Ethnic Coalition (REC), members of the REC have launched their #UNIisnotanAlly campaign across campus and social media on November 1. It shares videos of student's personal accounts and testimonies of experiencing racism at UNI. The REC members also distributed fliers. The article covers the communication and goal-setting initiatives between REC and the Senior Leadership Team and that the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG), UNI Faculty Senate, and United Faculty support REC; photo.
10 UNI 7: Activism impacts campus nearly half a century later
Northern Iowan 112:47, p.1

In 1970, a group of students that became known as the UNI Seven led a demonstration and movement on campus that eventually resulted in a space for multi-cultural students to gather; photo.

11 Forming cultural 'bridge'
Northern Iowan 112:41, p.2

Student Darian Jones has proposed forming a Multicultural Presidents' Council to communicate diversity issues more effectively across campus; photo.

12 Decriminalization of weed affects racial justice
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.3
Says that people of minorities or lower class status are the targets of marijuana enforcement laws.
13 I 2 am UNIfied
Northern Iowan 110:51, p.1
UNI hosted an event called I2AmUNI to hear from minority students and the stereotypes that they face. Students were encouraged to share their stories. The event is part of an effort to end stereotypes and encourage diversity education at UNI; photo.
14 'I2AmUNI' event will share stories of underrepresented students
Public Relations News Release 2013:248, p.1
Student are invited to participate in the I2AmUNI event. Students are asked to share their story about how they have felt excluded at UNI. The event was planned by several different multicultural student groups. UNI strives to represent all students.
15 Labels help forge our identities
Northern Iowan 110:32, p.3
The author speaks out about the importance of labels and the development of language to better describe groups of people. Labels do not create discrimination. They simply help to describe a group with one word instead of many.
16 Kick the ladder down
Northern Iowan 109:30, p.4
Author states it is our differences, not our sameness, that allows us to challenge the status quo and transform our world. Don't deny you difference. Emphasize it. Don't climb the ladder, but kick it down.
17 'Diversity Matters' but why?
Northern Iowan 107:22, p.7
Interaction with international students is not apparent. Only three and a half percent of the students are international students. Americans interact mostly with American students.
18 UNI fall enrollment increases for fourth straight year
Public Relations News Release 2010:40, p.1
The official fall 2010 enrollment is 13,201, a 0.9-percent increase over the 13,080 enrolled in fall 2009. Calculated on students enrolled through the end of the second week of class, the count shows an increase of 121 students.
19 UNI's Minorities in the Leadership of Education Program going strong in its first year
Public Relations News Release 2008:283, p.1
Nick Pace, says that the percentage of people of color in Iowa's school leadership positions is around 1 percent -- disproportionate to the 13 percent of students who are minorities.
20 Iowa Mathematics & Science Education Partnership directs study on women and minorities in science, technology, engineering and math fields for Regent
Public Relations News Release 2008:273, p.1
The report states that currently, women and some U. S. minorities are under-represented in some STEM majors, reflective of a national challenge of under-representation in these fields of study. Iowa's Regent universities have seen steady improvement.
21 News Brief/Calendar of Events
Public Relations News Release 2006:0, p.1
A reception will be held Saturday, April 14 honoring the more than 120 minority undergraduate and graduate students graduating this spring and summer.
22 Friday, March 24
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.2
Workshop will be held on the "Recruitment and Retention of Minority Faculty and Staff".
23 Monday, Feb. 27
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.1
Panel discussion "Ethnic Minorities in the Criminal Justice System" will take place.
24 Monday, Feb. 27
Public Relations News Release 2005:0, p.3
"Ethnic Minorities in the Criminal Justice System" will be the focus of a panel discussion held at the Slife Ballroom.
25 UNI students celebrate Chinese New Year; festivities begin tonight in Maucker Union Ballroom
Northern Iowan 102:34, p.1
Events will include traditional Chinese dance, calligraphy, and eating Chinese food; photo.
26 Difference accepted during Diversity Week
Northern Iowan 102:4, p.1
Diversity Week gives minority students a chance to share their cultural heritage with their peers; includes schedule of events.
27 Diversity matters
Northern Iowa Today 89:2, p.32
Gwenne Culpepper talks about the value of diversity; outline of recent diversity efforts on campus; photo.
28 Racial awareness needed on campus
Northern Iowan 101:6, p.11
Spotlight on the Hispanic/Latino Student Union; photo.
29 Welcome to UNI
Northern Iowa Today 88:2, p.2
Description of UNI's orientation program for new students; photo.
30 University of Northern Iowa awards Multicultural Achievement Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 2004:0, p.1
Scholarship winners listed.
31 Marriage not an issue for the government
Northern Iowan 100:46, p.9
Believes government should stay out of the issue of marriage.
32 Regents move to minority concerns
Northern Iowan 100:28, p.1
UNI has above state mandated percentages; minorities hold 9.6 percent of jobs and women hold 54.1 percent of jobs.
33 Panther P. R. a p-r-o-b-l-e-m
Northern Iowan 100:25, p.5
Criticizes UNI's evasiveness about the athletics program.
34 NCAA recertifies UNI athletics program with conditions
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Student equity and minority plans explained as the two areas of concern preventing full certification and how the lack of state funding makes their resolution difficult.
35 University of Northern Iowa awards Multicultural Achievement Scholarships
Public Relations News Release 2003:0, p.1
Scholarships awarded to 23 minority students; students are listed.
36 Student defends minorities at UNI
Northern Iowan 99:54, p.9
Criticizes Heath Rude and Jason Hutcheson for statements made in College Redeemer concerning minorities on the UNI campus.
37 Admissions standards: where does UNI stand?
Northern Iowan 99:48, p.1
Dan Schofield claims that all students at UNI are subject to the same enrollment requirements, with limited exceptions.
38 Contest pushes minority business start-up
Northern Iowan 99:32, p.1
John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center and the Regional Business Center will sponsor the Minority Business Plan competition.
39 UNI 'Reel to Real' film series to explore effects of culture in schools
Public Relations News Release 2002:196, p.1
"Spirit of the Dawn" will be shown on November 20 as a part of the 'Reel to Real' film series.
40 El Centro Latinoamericano hosts open house
Northern Iowan 99:15, p.4
The Latin Resource Center will host an open house on October 25 to inform people about the services they offer.
41 Hispanic visitors taste college life
Northern Iowan 99:13, p.11
Hispanic students from Waterloo high schools were invited to a luncheon and tour hosted by the Hispanic/Latino Student Union in order to encourage them to invest in a college education.
42 UNI students get a "Jump Start!"
Public Relations News Release 2002:43, p.1
The Jump Start Program is designed to help first year minority students make the transition from high school to college life.
43 Minority business plan competition winners announced
Northern Iowa Today 86:2, p.20
BaHar Publishing wins award.
44 Multicultural Coordinating Council supports university-wide minority recruitment efforts
Northern Iowa Today 30:2, p.2
The number of new minority students has risen from 96 in 1997 to 204 in 2001 and shows the results of the university in increasing minority enrollment.
45 Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science
Public Relations News Release 2001:309, p.1
Reygan Freeney, the director of the Upward Bound Math and Science Program, hopes to encourage women and other underrepresented groups to pursue a career in math or science.
46 UNI Latino Student Union hosts elementary students for college visit
Public Relations News Release 2001:167, p.1
Elementary Hispanic students from Elk Run Elementary will visit UNI.
47 Program at UNI encourages women, minorities to pursue math/science
Public Relations News Release 2000:375, p.1
Reygan Freeney feels there is a shortage of people going into the math and science fields, and feels that women and minority groups should know that they can succeed in these professions
48 Media briefs--special edition on minority recruitment
Public Relations News Release 2000:233, p.1
UNI's minority enrollment is currently 4.4 percent.
49 UNI's minority recruitment cited in Christian Science Monitor
Campus News Network 11:7, p.1
The October 17 issue of the Christian Science Monitor did a story on UNI's minority recruitment efforts.
50 UNI sets fall enrollment record for third straight year
Public Relations News Release 2000:69, p.1
The enrollment for Fall 2000 is 13,774; table shows increases in all areas.