Mitchell--Glenn (Class of 1914)

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Glen Mitchell and Harm Ludeman
College Eye 16:4, p.8
Visited the Hobo house.
2 "Shorty" Mitchell
College Eye 10:1, p.3
Visited friends on campus.
3 Glenn ("Shorty") Mitchell
College Eye 10:24, p.5
Former student visited friends.
4 A local from the "Manly Chief"
College Eye 8:29, p.8
Glen Mitchell has tested for Officers Training work.
5 Glenn Mitchell of Manning
College Eye 7:6, p.7
Visited with friends in Cedar Falls.
6 Glenn Mitchell
College Eye 4:15, p.6
Visited college friends.
7 Football
Old Gold 0:0, p.194
Review of 1913 season; photo.
8 Lichty chosen cheer leader
College Eye 3:6, p.104
Pep Club elects council as well.
9 Campustry and corridorology
Old Gold 0:0, p.332
Made-up school department.
10 The TC Club
Old Gold 0:0, p.193
List of members.
11 Basketball; Teachers take first home game by a decisive score; thirty to nine victory
College Eye 2:18, p.1
A good game for the Iowa State Teachers College basketball team.
12 Basketball; fine showing made against Iowa's team; final score twenty-four to twenty
College Eye 2:15, p.1
Iowa State Teachers College lost a close game to Iowa; the first game of the season.
13 Varsity football men honored; loyal support made possible the presentation of fine sweaters; second team also recognized
College Eye 2:14, p.1
Presentation of the football emblems.
14 Football; purple and gold team went down in defeat at the Iowa University last Saturday; final score was 35 to 7
College Eye 2:6, p.1
Teachers College lost the football game to the Hawkeyes, 35-7. The game was a great learning experience for the team.
15 Athletics; busy week on the football field; varsity wins from East Waterloo High 39-0
College Eye 2:5, p.1
The college football team tested its courage and strength with scrimmages against a high school team.
16 Athletic; forty-seven names on the roll of honor
College Eye 2:4, p.1
The football season is under way; potential starting line-up.
17 Football; outlook promising for a strong team. Many old men back much new material; change in rules favors a heavy line
College Eye 2:3, p.1
A few changes in football rules; Captain Tom Anderson; photo.
18 Wearers of TC
Old Gold 0:0, p.83
Roster of letter winners
19 Track
Old Gold 0:0, p.93
Roster of players, meet results, and cross country information.
20 Swimming contest was big success; first annual event in history of college pulled off Tuesday
College Eye 1:21, p.5
Annual swimming contest started, and results posted.
21 Teachers finish in fast battle
College Eye 1:21, p.1
Teachers lose close basketball game to Iowa, 21-16.
22 Athletic notes
College Eye 1:19, p.4
Indoor athletic competition continues, intersociety basketball tournament won by the Aristos, and baseball practice begins.
23 Leander Clark meets defeat; Teachers take Hyland's bunch into camp last Friday night; final score stood 16 to 13.
College Eye 1:17, p.1
Rough basketball game with Leander Clark results in victory for Teachers College.
24 Athletic notes
College Eye 1:16, p.5
Intersociety basketball plays game number two.
25 Was keen contest; basketball game between Teachers College and Leander Clark was a close, hard fought battle, lose by a narrow margin.
College Eye 1:15, p.4
Close game with Leander Clark results in loss for Teachers College.
26 Basketball season opens Friday; opening game played with Lennox team composed largely of new men
College Eye 1:12, p.7
A new basketball season arrives as does a team full of new faces
27 Teachers defeat Simpson team; Methodists beaten by score of 11 to 6
College Eye 1:11, p.5
Frigid weather does not stop game; Teachers College defeats Simpson College; led the whole game.
28 Simpson will put up hard fight
College Eye 1:10, p.3
Game against Simpson will be close; opposing team has coaches with experience; team has been playing well.
29 Big blue team does good work at Dubuque; score 0 to 0
College Eye 1:10, p.1
Slippery field yields scoreless game.