Mitchell--John William (Music Faculty)
Displaying 1 - 50 of 79 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Radio and television at Iowa State Teachers College A Century of Leadership and Service 2:0, p.163 |
The beginnings of radio and television at the college, including the controversy with KXEL. | |
2 | UNI Faculty Members to Participate in ISEA Convention Public Relations News Release 1972:86, p.1 |
12 UNI faculty members and a UNI grad student will participate in the 117th annual Iowa State Education Association (ISEA) convention Oct. 21-22 in Des Moines. | |
3 | Music Education Workshop at UNI Public Relations News Release 1971:758, p.1 |
A two week Music Education Workshop will be on the UNI campus from Aug. 9 to 20; names of participants and guest speakers. | |
4 | UNI to Hold Music Education Workshop in August Public Relations News Release 1971:712, p.1 |
A workshop that emphasizes jr. high school, youth and ethnic music will be held in Music Hall from Aug. 9 to Aug. 20. | |
5 | Musicians elect Mitchell Public Relations News Release 67:29, p.6 |
Elected president of Iowa music association. | |
6 | Summer Workshops Announced by UNI Public Relations News Release 1970:361, p.1 |
8 regular summer workshops, 2 regular courses, and 5 post-session courses and workshops will be offered this summer at UNI. | |
7 | UNI Prof Elected to Office in Music Association Public Relations News Release 1970:332, p.1 |
Dr. John W. Mitchell recently was elected vice-president of the Iowa Music Educators Assciation. | |
8 | 40 Music Educators Attend Workshop at UNI Public Relations News Release 1969:728, p.1 |
The two-week workshop is being coordinated by Dr. John W. Mitchell. Two visiting music educators are serving as leaders for the session; list of attendees | |
9 | Music Education Workshop Public Relations News Release 1969:695, p.1 |
Two visiting music educators are scheduled to serve as leaders of the seventh UNI Music Education Workshop, sponsored by the music department, August 3-14. | |
10 | UNI professors chosen for project GO Northern Iowan 66:38, p.8 |
Professors Mitchell and Aurand selected by music education professional organization. | |
11 | Two UNI profs named to music educators national committees Public Relations News Release 1969:366, p.1 |
Professors Mitchell and Aurand have been appointed to represent Iowa on commitees for a new national "Goals and Objects (GO) Project" of the 58,000-member Music Educators National Conference (MENC). | |
12 | UNI Dean Has Article Published in Music Magazine Public Relations News Release 1969:286, p.1 |
An article by Dr. Shields has been published in "The Iowa Music Educator" magazine. | |
13 | 275 students, instructors present 'Messiah' Sunday College Eye 59:13, p.1 |
A look at the performance; list of soloists and choruses; photo. | |
14 | Choir practices Tuesday night College Eye 59:2, p.4 |
College Chorus will rehearse. | |
15 | Iowa State Education Association convention Alumnus 48:4, p.10 |
Two hundred alumni meet; photo. | |
16 | Choral singers may still join College Chorus College Eye 58:1, p.3 |
Seeking new members. | |
17 | More singers needed for the College Chorus College Eye 57:2, p.3 |
18 | Auditions for chorus in progress today College Eye 56:1, p.3 |
Several choruses are available to students. | |
19 | Chorus sets Wednesday for singing College Eye 52:36, p.3 |
Summer chorus open to all students. | |
20 | ISTC schedules music workshop Public Relations News Release 1960:466, p.1 |
The department of music sponsors a two-day workshop on music education in the elementary school setting. The workshop is to be held in Central Hall, with Cecelia R. Nelson of Oregon acting as featured speaker. | |
21 | Phi Delta Kappa Holds High Standards Old Gold 0:0, p.179 |
Phi Delta Kappa is an honorary international fraternity to promote free public education as essential to the development of democracy through the continuing interpretation of the ideals of research, science, and leadership. Activities include speakers and discussions at the monthly meetings. | |
22 | Regents approve promotions for ISTC faculty College Eye 51:27, p.1 |
Roster of those who were promoted. | |
23 | 49th Messiah Sunday; Dr. Russell will conduct College Eye 51:12, p.1 |
Description of the performance. | |
24 | Chorus tryout, rehearsal soon College Eye 51:1, p.4 |
For College Chorus. | |
25 | Tuesday concert will feature band, chorus College Eye 50:36, p.3 |
Professors Mitchell and Holvik will direct work. | |
26 | Music Department Presents Many Varied Programs Old Gold 0:0, p.108 |
Some of the projects in the Music Department were: an opera, Christmas Oratorios, music for convocations, faculty and senior recitals, and band, orchestra, ensemble, and choral concerts; new faculty were: Herbert White, Don Wendt, and Joan Olson; photo. | |
27 | MENC Sponsors Exchange Concerts Old Gold 0:0, p.177 |
The Music Educators National Conference strives to improve the music education in our public schools; the sponsor of this organization was Mr. John Mitchell; also Mr. McClowen spoke on what it means to be a "music educator;" photo. |
28 | Orchestra Helps Promote Campus Culture Old Gold 0:0, p.141 |
The Teachers College Symphony Orchestra hosts a fall, winter, and spring concert; the spring concert is given by student members, who are featured as soloists; the production of the operetta Kiss Me Kate was one of this year's highlights; photo. | |
29 | TC's school of the air begins on WOI College Eye 50:2, p.7 |
Schedule of programming. | |
30 | McCollum appointed to head Science Dept.; McCollum will replace Lantz College Eye 48:30, p.1 |
Quick look at faculty leaves, appointments, and resignations. | |
31 | Five music faculty Alumnus 39:2, p.11 |
Attended music education meeting. | |
32 | Four instructors attend MENC College Eye 46:22, p.7 |
Attend national meeting. | |
33 | Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.109 |
Brief description of the group; photo. | |
34 | Music conference attended by ten College Eye 45:25, p.6 |
Will attend national music educators meeting in Chicago. | |
35 | Instructors teach extension classes College Eye 45:25, p.7 |
Eleven faculty are on extension duty. | |
36 | Mitchell directs sing College Eye 45:22, p.1 |
John Mitchell will direct community sing. | |
37 | Teachers enter extension field College Eye 45:20, p.8 |
Extension Service announces those who will be on assignment. | |
38 | J. W. Mitchell writes musical radio script College Eye 45:13, p.1 |
For the "Songs our Children Sing" program. | |
39 | Radio programs aired over WOI College Eye 45:5, p.3 |
Six programs will be broadcast weekly. | |
40 | Extension service claims 12 faculty College Eye 45:3, p.7 |
For entire fall quarter. | |
41 | Music group will attend meeting College Eye 44:27, p.8 |
Six faculty attend music educators meeting. | |
42 | Presenting live TV show for classroom music work Alumnus 36:4, p.9 |
Course is designed to provide music instruction to elementary grades. | |
43 | Departments give varied TV shows College Eye 44:7, p.1 |
Survey of WOI television shows to which ISTC faculty contribute. | |
44 | 'Music Time' may be seen College Eye 44:5, p.6 |
Will feature work by Professor Mitchell. | |
45 | Symphony Orchestra Old Gold 0:0, p.120 |
Photo of the Symphony Orchestra with a list of the members; photo. | |
46 | Thirteen coeds are members of the studio singers who are heard every Monday afternoon Public Relations News Release 1952:409, p.1 |
"Songs in the Air' program broadcasts over radio station WOI, Ames. It is conducted by John Mitchell and originates in the college radio studios. The program has an audience of 15,000 school children in more than 3,000 classrooms throughout the state. | |
47 | "Songs in the Air" program broadcast over radio station WOI, Ames Public Relations News Release 1952:410, p.1 |
"Songs in the Air," conducted by John Mitchell originates in the college radio studios. The program is designed to teach rote songs to elementary pupils. The studio singers help lead the pupils in singing. | |
48 | John Mitchell to serve on music committee College Eye 43:14, p.8 |
Of national music educators group. | |
49 | John Mitchell, assistant professor of music education will serve on the national TV-radio committee of the Music Educators National conference Public Relations News Release 1951:298, p.1 |
The group is one of the MENC committees investigating audio-visual aids in music education. Mitchell has previously served as state chairman and as North Central division chairman of the MENC committee on records in music education. | |
50 | John Mitchell, assistant professor of music education will serve on the national TV-radio committee of the Music Educators National Conference Public Relations News Release 1951:299, p.1 |
The group is one of the MENC committees investigating audio-visual aids in music education. Mitchell has previous served as state chairman and as North Central division chairman of the MENC committee on records in music education. |