Molumby--Nicole L. (Class of 1997)
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | School of Music benefit concert Northern Iowan 114:10, p.4 |
The School of Music (SOM) hosted their 36th Annual Scholarship Benefit Concert. Many ensembles, both student and faculty, performed through out the night along with appearances from two successful UNI alumni flutists; photo. |
2 | University of Northern Iowa bachelor's degree graduates receive Merchant Scholarships Public Relations News Release 1998:356, p.1 |
Jay Anderson, Peter Masteller, J. C. Sanford, Corey Smith, Nicole Molumby, and John Sallis will receive Merchant Scholarships next year. | |
3 | Chemistry Seminar Old Gold 0:0, p.224 |
Brief description of the group and list of members; photo. |