
Displaying 1 - 50 of 213 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 Financial Literacy 101 Credit Scores
Northern Iowan 116:6, p.4
Weber says managing your finances is an important part of setting yourself up for a successful future. Students must learn about various aspects that play into money management. This article shows how credit scores are calculated using five different parts.
2 Financial literacy 101 retirement savings
Northern Iowan 116:28, p.5
Alldredge interviews Cameron Lewis, a member services representative at Collins Community Credit Union, who shares information about saving for retirement.
3 Financial Literacy 101: Emergency Savings
Northern Iowan 116:24, p.4
In the author's opinion, financial literacy is important, especially for college students living on their own for the first time. Alldredge interviews Tom Blanford, commercial banking manager at Collins Community Credit Union, who gives advice about budgeting, establishing an emergency fund, and money management.
4 Financial Literacy 101 Credit Scores
Northern Iowan 116:6, p.4
In the author's opinion, financial literacy and money management are keys for a successful future. One aspect of this is your credit score and credit history, which Weber explains.
5 Bookstore Reopens under UNI ownership
Northern Iowan 114:43, p.2
UNI purchased University Book and Supply from its owners who were looking to retire. Students can now charge purchases to their U-Bill and use financial aid to cover it; photo.
6 LTE: Trump's tax plan will lead to economic debate
Northern Iowan 114:41, p.3
Professor in emeritus of marketing at UNI writes about President Trump's recent tax reform and it's ramifications.
7 UNI faces possible $3.7 million cut
Northern Iowan 114:32, p.2
Writer Josh Dausener informs readers about the proposed budget cuts made to the Board of Regents and how it may affect UNI.
8 MoviePass is transforming moviegoing experience
Northern Iowan 114:20, p.3
Columnist Christian Ortiz discusses his opinion on the worthiness of purchasing a subscription to MoviePass, which is a service for purchasing movie tickets.
9 Campaign spending IS scary
Northern Iowan 112:21, p.5
Student Bradley James talks about how he feels the massive spending during the 2016 presidential elections is a scary sight.
10 Iowa pays the price
Northern Iowan 112:13, p.1
A new organization called "Iowa Pays the Price" visited campus to inform students about the alarming increases in spending of outside money by presidential candidates.
11 Corporations, not people: the Citizen's United disaster
Northern Iowan 112:12, p.3
Columnist Amanda Wagner attacks the use of Super-PAC's in elections, and claims that these groups produce a corrupt system; photo.
12 Iowa pays the price
Northern Iowan 112:7, p.2
A new organization called "Iowa pays the price" will be visiting the Maucker Union to show students the importance of fiscal transparency in presidential elections; photo.
13 Financial literacy contest to win $25k
Northern Iowan 11:51, p.2
Mike Finley will be giving away a total of $100,000 during a financial literacy contest.
14 Inclusivity, equality and utopia
Northern Iowan 111:48, p.3
Renae Beard gives her opinion on gender equality and inclusivity; photo.
15 How to solve the greed of Americas sports teams
Northern Iowan 111:43, p.6
Student Sean Dengler discusses the greed seen in today's sports; photo.
16 Minimum wage, good intentions and empty results
Northern Iowan 111:32, p.3
Student Gabe Gravert shares his opinion on the prospects of a minimum wage raise being petitioned by many low wage workers in the United States; photo.
17 Money is running big time college athletics
Northern Iowan 111:22, p.6
Student Sean Dengler beleves that money is corrupting the sport of college football; photo.
18 Letter to the editor: A response to UNCF's partnership with Koch
Northern Iowan 111:17, p.5
Student Alonzo Beckham responds to the Northern Iowan's article about the United Negros College Fund receiving money from the Koch brothers.
19 The price of college
Northern Iowan 111:13, p.3
Student Taija tucker looks at the way students are spending money and asks if many of these costs are really necessary.
20 A call for reducing college cost
Northern Iowan 111:12, p.3
Student Eric Boisen shares his opinion on college cost and why it should be lowered; photo.
21 Paper cuts and prices; why textbooks cost so much
Northern Iowan 111:10, p.1
Student Cassidy Noble looks at the reasons why textbooks cost so much these days; photo.
22 Life-aid ask Kyle
Northern Iowan 111:8, p.4
Kyle answers a student's question regarding marriage and financial support from parents.
23 We the people need minimum wage raised
Northern Iowan 111:4, p.3
Student Riley Cosgrove believes that Iowa needs to increase its minimum wage in order for those depending on it to have the ability to sustain themselves.
24 UNI faculty face gender pay gap
Northern Iowan 110:52, p.1
Female faculty at UNI make about $10,000 less than their male counterparts. The administration monitors the gender gap, reviews pay, and makes adjustments as needed.
25 Help block the encroachment of predatory lending
Northern Iowan 110:51, p.3
The author encourages readers to support the movement to restrict where payday lenders may operate. Payday lenders are often referred to as predatory lenders because they target the poor and have very large interest rates.
26 BOR holds spending review forum at UNI
Northern Iowan 110:49, p.1
The UNI community had the opportunity to meet representatives from Deloitee Consulting firm. The firm was hired by the Board of Regents to help Iowa's universities spend money more efficiently.
27 Textbook prices discourage students
Northern Iowan 110:36, p.1
The average college student spends $1200 on textbooks and supplies annually. Textbook prices have inflated 812 percent over the years. Renting or buying used textbooks is a great way to save money.
28 Finley fights financial pitfalls
Northern Iowan 110:31, p.1
Michael Finley, creator of the Financial Literacy Program on campus, has recently publish his first book. Finley wrote "Financial Happine$$" to assist readers with their finances as well as their life; photo.
29 Bitcoins bring plenty of change to the digital age of currency
Northern Iowan 110:28, p.3
Bitcoins are a virtual currency that allow for international online transactions without oversight from banks or the government. The value of bitcoins is constantly fluctuating similar to the stock market. Bitcoins have a lot of potential in the future.
30 The benefits of unlimited meals
Northern Iowan 110:14, p.3
The dining centers have implemented an unlimited meal plan. It encourages students to eat healthier; photo.
31 Women face bias and inequality in the workplace
Northern Iowan 110:11, p.1
Though women attained suffrage in 1920, many women still face the issue of inequality in the workplace. Men, on average, receive higher wages than women.
32 Debt ceiling looms over Congress
Northern Iowan 110:10, p.1
Professor Hoffman says the federal debt ceiling needs to be raised. A possible government shutdown will occur on Tuesday, October 1, 2013. The debt ceiling deadline is slated for October 17; photo.
33 Performance should affect college athlete pay
Northern Iowan 110:9, p.8
Says college athletes should get paid more money by their universities because they bring in so much money for the university. Athletes receive scholarships, but they should receive more.
34 UNI Financial Literacy Club Event
Northern Iowan 110:5, p.12
Mike Finley will present workship on making informed decisions about money.
35 UNI Financial Literacy Club discusses tools for fiscal success at event on Sept. 16
Public Relations News Release 2012:38, p.1
The Financial Literacy Club will be having their first meeting in the Maucker Union Ballroom. There will be pizza and drinks provided as well as a cash prize give away. The club hopes to enhance financial literacy for students.
36 9. Get squared away at the Office of Student Financial Aid
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.
Encourages new students and their parents to go to the Office of Student Financial Aid to ask any questions they may have about financial aid. It is better to ask early on than to wait; photo.
37 Don't raise the minimum wage: an economic perspective
Northern Iowan 109:44, p.6
Senator Tom Harkin recently suggested the minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 per hour. This guest columnist says that this would severely hurt the United States economy.
38 'There's no such thing as a free lunch'
Northern Iowan 109:19, p.7
Student expresses thoughts on economics and politic. Information presented on the inner-workings of capitalism and socialism.
39 Students need another campus ATM option
Northern Iowan 109:12, p.4
First ATM appeared on campus in 1982; believes that there should be additional ATMs located on campus; Gilchrist Hall would be a convenient place for students.
40 To be or not to be: financial literacy is vitally important
Northern Iowan 109:5, p.6
Finances influence your family, friends, and job. Financial literacy is not about getting rich. The concept starts with the willingness to change, learn, and grow; photo.
41 Mat's Sports Minute: Saturday's game is about more than just winning
Northern Iowan 109:3, p.8
Playing two Big Ten teams in the first three games of a football season may seem foolish. UNI will receive $450,000 for playing Wisconsin. The television exposure will highlight the university. How many students or athletes we will attract; photo?
42 Stop the waste, ditch the bottled water
Northern Iowan 109:2, p.5
Bottled water is very expensive and the claim that it is more healthy can be easily disputed. Sale of bottled water costs over $8 billion per year. Save some cash. Fill up your water bottle at the tap; photo.
43 An alumnus' thoughts on UNI budget cuts
Northern Iowan 108:41, p.4
The thought that his university would have to cut costs brought a harsh reality to Jonathan Hinton. Many statistics are shared, including the doubling of tuition between 1997 and 2007 to make up for lack of funding from Des Moines.
44 Price Lab in perspective
Northern Iowan 108:40, p.4
Support is needed, even with the changing of higher education. The public is urged to look at political candidates' stand on support for education.
45 Schnoell says EU will overcome debt crisis
Northern Iowan 108:33, p.1
Consul General of Austria in Chicago feels European debt problems need to be understood worldwide. Schnoell expects the Eurozone to come out of the debt crisis stronger than ever; photo.
46 Education that builds engaged citizenship
Northern Iowan 108:21, p.6
Believes that higher education is about learning, discussing, and sharing ideas that will build a better city, state, and nation. Here is a teachable moment. Believes that the protesters remind us of deep societal problems; photo.
47 More support for Occupy Wall Street
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
The right of free speech and freedom to protest admired. The actions of the group are a bit scary. A clear idea of what the group is protesting would be helpful. Perhaps the group is blaming the wrong party; photo.
48 The price is ripe
Northern Iowan 108:20, p.4
Increasing food costs at Maucker Union outlets have caused grumbling among some students. The solution is packing one's own lunch from food purchased at a grocery store. Costs will continue to increase; photo.
49 A crucial benefit from Occupy Wall Street
Northern Iowan 108:18, p.4
Occupy Wall Street movement has brought to center stage the gross overpayment of CEOs in our capitalist society. The average CEO salary in 2010 was $9 million. The money gap in our society is widening.
50 The damage of capitalism
Northern Iowan 108:13, p.4
The ills of a capitalist society are discussed. It would appear that we are all driven by the search for the almighty dollar; photo.