Moore--Charles E. (Class of 1889)

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 C. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 14:28, p.443
Secretary of mining company after serving as Black Hawk County superintendent.
2 At the Republican convention
Normal Eyte 13:35, p.556
H. B. Lizer nominated to succeed C. E. Moore as superintendent in Black Hawk County; T. U. McManus nominated as coroner.
3 The School Index
Normal Eyte 13:21, p.334
C. E. Moore is editing a new journal.
4 With but little investigation
Normal Eyte 12:24, p.369
The influence of the Normal School in Iowa is great and expanding; twenty-two of the ninety-nine county superintendents are from ISNS.
5 The names of E. D. Y. Culbertson and C. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 12:22, p.344
Officers in professional association.
6 Supt. C. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 12:7, p.102
Gave paper at teachers association meeting.
7 The Republicans of Black Hawk County
Normal Eyte 12:3, p.39
Nominated Thomas U. McManus for coroner and Charles E. Moore for school superintendent.
8 Commencement exercises
Normal Eyte 11:35, p.856

Description of extensive program of activities.

9 The Normal Eyte takes pleasure
Normal Eyte 10:21, p.511
Three alumni are officers of Central Iowa Teachers Association.
10 Normal's representatives in the state teachers convention
Normal Eyte 10:12, p.283
Many faculty and alumni participated in the meeting.
11 Chas. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 9:14, p.330
Elected superintendent for Black Hawk County.
12 Chas. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 9:13, p.305
Is farming in Eagle Center.
13 The alumni who were called to the county superintendency
Normal Eyte 9:10, p.237
Roster of ISNS alumni who were elected county superintendents.
14 C. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 9:3, p.59
Republican nominee for superintendent of Black Hawk County; Thomas Hudgens is Democrat nominee.
15 Mr. C. E. Moore
Normal Eyte 6:22, p.258
Farming near La Porte City.
16 The S. I. T. A.
Normal Eyte 5:26, p.239
Southwestern Iowa Teachers Association met; many Normalites attend.
17 The November Normal Monthly
Normal Eyte 2:9, p.73
Publishes roster of recent Normal School graduates with their salaries and the number of assistants under their direction.
18 C. E. Moore
Students' Offering 7:30, p.6
Testifies to Normal training.
19 C. E. Moore
Students' Offering 7:27, p.6
Teaching in Tripoli.
20 C. E. Moore
Students' Offering 5:17, p.6
Hope to see him soon.
21 Commencement exercises
Students' Offering 4:13, p.1
Twenty-five students complete two year Elementary course; three complete the three year Didactic course; two complete the four year Scientific course; lengthy excerpts from Commencement orations; ceremony lasts five hours.
22 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 4:12, p.4
Staff roster.
23 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 4:11, p.4
Roster of staff.
24 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 4:10, p.4
Roster of staff.
25 The Philomathean Society
Students' Offering 3:9, p.6
Meets Saturdays at 7PM.
26 The Students' Offering
Students' Offering 3:9, p.4
Roster of staff.