Moore--Milton (Class of 1932)
Displaying 1 - 47 of 47 in reverse chronological order
# | Title | Date | Summary |
1 | Milton Moore Alumnus 18:1, p.29 |
Awarded a fellowship at Juilliard Graduate School of Music in New York City. | |
2 | Fellowship awarded Milton Moore; was T.C. student College Eye 25:15, p.1 |
At Juilliard School of Music. | |
3 | Xanho Old Gold 0:0, p.233 |
Officers, history, members, and pledges; founded in 1899; may be oldest fraternity on campus; photos. | |
4 | Twenty-four will represent college at music convention concert tonight; Rudolph Ganz to present recital immediately after concert College Eye 24:33, p.1 |
Students and faculty will participate in Iowa Music Teachers convention. | |
5 | 110 piece symphony at the Iowa Music Teachers convention Public Relations News Release 1932:313, p.1 |
Composed of music teachers and pupils from across Iowa, the orchestra will perform Friday in the West High School auditorium at 8:15 p.m. | |
6 | Four hundred grads will receive guest tickets Wednesday College Eye 24:32, p.1 |
Brief preview of Commencement. | |
7 | Personals College Eye 24:31, p.2 |
Information on students, alumni, and faculty. | |
8 | Milton Moore to present recital Tuesday evening College Eye 24:26, p.1 |
Profile of Milton Moore. | |
9 | Students entertain for Hadassah tea College Eye 24:26, p.3 |
Will include style show. | |
10 | Mrs. Nellie Law Parrott gives skillful organ presentation in graduate recital; Milton Moore assists with singing of Verde's "Eri Tu" College Eye 24:22, p.1 |
Orchestra concerts, solo and ensemble recitals were held in college auditorium. The program was based on best classic and modern composers for organ. | |
11 | Faculty members join in free-will concert College Eye 24:21, p.3 |
In Waterloo. | |
12 | Mrs. Parrott will present organ recital Public Relations News Release 1932:255, p.1 |
Nellie Law Parrott will present a organ recital on Tuesday February 28, at 8:15 p.m. | |
13 | Milton Moore to be soloist at Waterloo symphony concert College Eye 24:19, p.3 |
14 | 75 students will perform in the 1933 edition of the Tutor Ticklers Public Relations News Release 1932:229, p.1 |
The theme of this years Tutor Ticklers performance is "Driving Old Man Depression Out" of the country. Seventy-five students will sing, dance, and act in the fourth annual all-student revue. | |
15 | Tutor Ticklers, all-campus vaudeville program. Public Relations News Release 1932:207, p.1 |
Five campus organizations chosen from among twelve organizations to perform in Tutor Ticklers, all-vaudeville program, to be staged on February 2 and 3, 1933. | |
16 | Five main acts are chosen for Tutor Ticklers; four entrée acts and Tutor Tickler chorus will be featured College Eye 24:15, p.1 |
Roster of groups that will perform. | |
17 | Milton Moore will represent Iowa in radio audition College Eye 24:11, p.1 |
Will represent Iowa in district contest in Chicago. | |
18 | Four from college will meet tonight in radio audition College Eye 24:7, p.1 |
On WMT. | |
19 | Ruth Samson and Milton Moore win radio auditions College Eye 24:6, p.1 |
Will compete in district contest. | |
20 | Milton Moore Alumnus 16:4, p.21 |
Graduated with a B. M. degree in voice from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. | |
21 | Former student sings on Tuesday program College Eye 23:49, p.3 |
Milton Moore performed on campus. | |
22 | Former student is voice graduate at Ohio conservatory College Eye 23:47, p.4 |
Profile of Milton Moore. | |
23 | Students win in preliminary radio audition College Eye 23:16, p.1 |
Four students move on to next level of competition. | |
24 | Track Old Gold 0:0, p.154 |
Season highlights; photos. | |
25 | Tracksters emerge victorious as season ends Alumnus 14:3, p.19 |
Achievements and records of 1930 track team; photo. | |
26 | Here is the varsity track squad Public Relations News Release 1929:537, p.104 |
Track team wins ninth straight meet; list of team members. | |
27 | Department of Music Old Gold 0:0, p.110 |
Public school music classes; photo. | |
28 | Minnesingers Old Gold 0:0, p.216 |
Personnel; photos. | |
29 | The Band Old Gold 0:0, p.220 |
Personnel; photos. | |
30 | Xanho Old Gold 0:0, p.292 |
Faculty members, active members, and pledges; photo. | |
31 | State Teachers entries for the Iowa college meet at Des Moines Public Relations News Release 1929:533, p.1 |
Eight men participate in last track meet of the season. | |
32 | Students play own pieces College Eye 21:33, p.1 |
Roster of performers. | |
33 | Iowa State Teachers college tracksters will journey to Decorah Public Relations News Release 1929:505, p.1 |
Varsity track squad travels to Decorah to compete with Luther, Upper Iowa, Dubuque Uviverstity, and Columbia. | |
34 | Varsity and Freshman track athletes from three Iowa schools Public Relations News Release 1929:492, p.1 |
ISTC, Coe and Cornell participate in first of three triangular track meets; ISTC runners and their races given. | |
35 | Iowa State Teachers College roster of track entries Public Relations News Release 1929:452, p.1 |
Coach Dickinson announces ISTC's entries in the Drake Relays. | |
36 | Track squad ready for hard season Alumnus 14:2, p.20 |
Season preview; photo. | |
37 | Milton Moore, tenor gives voice recital College Eye 21:23, p.6 |
Performance program. | |
38 | Singing selections by Schumann, Schubert Public Relations News Release 1929:303, p.1 |
Tenor Milton A. Moore will give a recital. | |
39 | Milton Moore was recently Public Relations News Release 1929:9, p.1 |
Milton Moore was recently elected drum major. | |
40 | Violin student gives recital at Clarksville College Eye 21:4, p.5 |
Richard Merrill performed at the First Presbyterian Church; assisted by Milton Moore; accompanied by Mrs. Harry Fields. | |
41 | Director announces membership list for Minnesingers and Troubadours College Eye 21:4, p.1 |
Roster of members. | |
42 | Team and band to tackle Coe; will leave here early Saturday for Cedar Rapids College Eye 21:3, p.1 |
Band numbers sixty; first time for the band to travel to an away game with the team. | |
43 | Twenty-nine freshmen awarded numerals; fourteen men win baseball numerals; fifteen men win track numerals College Eye 20:37, p.6 |
Handicap golf tournament to be held soon; list of those receiving numerals. | |
44 | First Year Public School Music Old Gold 0:0, p.97 |
Officers and class roll; photo. | |
45 | Six men and four women to sing Thursday College Eye 20:34, p.3 |
Performers and their work. | |
46 | Minnesingers are now making tour College Eye 20:25, p.1 |
Itinerary for the group, roster of members. | |
47 | Men's glee club personnel reported unusually good College Eye 20:3, p.1 |
Roster of Minnesingers and Troubadours members. |