Moran--Tyler Hugh (Student--2012)

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in reverse chronological order
# Title Date Summary
1 14. Meet your Northern Iowa Student Government
Northern Iowan 109:54, p.
Description of what NISG does and who is currently involved; photo.
2 NISG senate rejects 2 directors: Madsen and Findley say future plans are unknown
Northern Iowan 109:49, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government rejected both Beth Monnier and Elijah Seay for positions of the executive branch. Beth Monnier was running as the director of governmental relations, and Elijah Seay as the director of diversity and student life.
3 NISG election results announced
Northern Iowan 109:39, p.1

Since none of the candidates for NISG president and vice president received fifty percent of the vote, there will be a runoff election. David Pope and Katie Grassi will not be in the runoff election; photo.

4 NISG votes in support of gradual student teaching fee increase
Northern Iowan 109:26, p.1
Northern Iowa Student Government votes in support of gradually increasing fees starting in fall 2013. Change in state requirements, no income during student teaching, and sudden announcement of increase are reasons for passage of resolution.
5 What is the world is the Northern Iowa Student Government?
Northern Iowan 108:54, p.
Students are elected to positions to represent the students in university and non-university matters. The group promotes activities that are in the best interest of students.